And now we got Zandalari Trolls, Dark Iron Dwarves, Man’ari Eredar, Void Elves and Forsaken as playable races everything is possible.
Hey I didn’t say it was impossible. I mean yeah, like the Zandalari, they could come up with some story, but as they are right now, the Mogu are not the joining type.
I think the Rajani mogu should join the Alliance so they can finally do something with that charged staff.
Not all factions and races need to join one of the big factions. Especially if people become increasingly disillusioned with faction content or conflict ( ) a push for theses 20, 30+ faction rosters swallows up more of the known world between the two.
Instead we should push for these independent factions and peoples to remain so and strengthen themselves so we have 3rd parties to continuously engage with.
That said, still a damn shame Horde doesn’t have Taunka or Yaungol in their playable ranks, especially the former, but when we start looking to collect every little group like Pokemon cards we really need to step back and ask “why?” and come to an answer other than “they look cool” or “I want to play one.”
allied races were sort of a dumb concept from the first, really. most of them could have just been added skins to already-extant player races. this is to say nothing of the lightforged, who make no sense as an allied race anyhow…
This is why I suggested several times that maybe instead of having new races join the factions like, yeah, pokemon cards, we could instead use this model swapping to make variations of existing races. So maybe I want to play a smaller tauren that uses the worgen model, or I want to play a skinny human that uses the forsaken model (it’s already in game), or a beefy nelf that uses the orc model.
Yaungol could be a great ally for the Horde if the Horde could convince them to join it. Maybe some Taurens with some Orcs could do it. Orcs, Taurens and Yaungol have many things in common.
Well, funny you should ask
The Taunka had a close kin-ship with the Tauren and the Tauren were currently having … differences of opinion, with Garrosh at the time – which could have complicated things with their close allies the Taunka.
- I’d wager it was probably a strategic move not to approach the Taunka more heavily as Garrosh wouldn’t want to add more to potential dissenters of his reign & ultimate goals.
As for the Yaungol – They’re isolationists & extremely xenophobic. So it’s not all too surprising to why they either weren’t approached or didn’t join the Horde upon an approach.
Forest Trolls (Revantusk)
Simply put – Garrosh wasn’t exactly a big fan of trolls.
- However they did stand by the Horde in Cataclysm to combat the Wildhammer Dwarf threat, along fighting off other hostile troll-tribes.
Dragonmaw Orcs
He actually DID get the Dragonmaw Orcs. That was in fact at the start of his rule as Warchief back in Cataclysm.
- His accomplice we faced during the Siege of Orgrimmar ‘Warlord Zaela’ was a Dragonmaw Orc – naturally, there are also Dragonmaw orcs who didn’t side with her & Garrosh too (whom we can meet in the Dragon Isles)
Stonemaul Ogres
As for the Stonemaul Ogres, during Cataclysm they’re seen helping the Horde in dealing with the local population of hostile ogres, the Gordunni and their Gordok class, in the region under the command of Orhan Ogreblade.
- The Stonemaul clan from Brackenwall also joined Warchief Garrosh Hellscream’s forces in the Attack on Theramore Isle.
- During the Pandaria’s Campaign, the Stonemaul within Brackenwall Village sent Or’Dac as an emissary to support the Horde’s influence in Pandaria.
Personally I think most, if not ALL new races should just be neutral moving forward
The only exception I would have said, would’ve been off-shoots of current races to go to their respective factions (eg. Night Elf Worgen, Felblood Elves, Titanforged gnomes / dwarves) … However given we’re getting neutral Dwarves for both sides I guess that concept is out the window and I’m not really too bothered anymore.
- Honestly I think we should just disolve the factions of ‘Alliance & Horde’ then make new political factions in the story later on & have the factions of old (Alliance & Horde) + their grudges held & whatnot brought up time to time, so they’re not just simply forgotten
I could see a lot more story possibilities that way too.
However, I suppose we’ll see …
Back to Garrosh & his strength campaign — The Mogu would’ve fit well into his power regime, hence why it’s surprising he didn’t approach an accord with them … That being said, I don’t see the Mogu fitting in well with the Alliance But I’m sure there’d be a way to make it happen if Blizzard truly wanted to.
Yea it was always off seeing as why didn’t garrosh and horde expanded more on gaining more allies than the Alliance besides Hozen and Pandaren. Saurak and Yaungol would be great allies for the Horde.
Something to keep in mind is that one of Garrosh’s biggest issues that fed into his eventual “True Horde/orcs first” platform stemmed from the non-orcish Horde races ultimately prioritizing their own peoples’ safety and well-being first, and the collective might and security of the Horde second. Ever since the Horde arose on Draenor, the orcs had largely come to see the overriding Horde “concept” as interchangeable with their identity and obligations as a people, while the other Horde races all still had their respective pre-Horde cultural identities and internal sovereignty that they brought into the Horde with them and which, ultimately, came first.
Which is something any new prospective allies would also do, and is frankly what should be expected of anyone who’s responsible for leading their own people. By the time of MoP, Garrosh’s frame of mind concerning what it meant to be in the Horde didn’t really offer grounds for any new races to formally join, as even the Horde pandaren are all contextualized as individuals choosing to do so, and one of the first things he tells them when they get to Orgrimmar is basically that joining the Horde means they’ll be expected to kill any other pandaren who didn’t make that same choice if the Horde calls upon them to do so.
The MoP-era Horde in particular really wasn’t in a position to be seeking new “member-states” because the Warchief at the time was basically demanding that anyone who wants to join must completely cede their own sovereignty and start treating their own people as just one more part of the Horde instead of, well, their own people. Even Sylvanas’ Horde was more open to recruiting new races than late-stage Garrosh’s because she wasn’t the sort to just openly lay out those sorts of expectations, even if she would still ultimately manipulate and railroad everyone into the having to observe them anyway.
I remember we have a friendly Yaungol on the Timeless Isles. Maybe we could get other friendly Yaungol in the future.
I am not sure we can make their model work since all of them we saw so far are male.
Blizzard made female Nathrezim, they could make female Yaungol.
Yes but they all look the same so far. Playable models would give a variety of styles for us to chose from. And that was always a difficult thing for characters.
I have a suspicion if they add ARs for the future they will all be neutral. BFA taught them a tough lesson about trying to make multiple of those at once, I suspect. I am not sure how “Alliance Tauren” would go down.
While I can see other races going the neutral allied race route, like Ethereals, I do think that they will still have races that are just Horde or Alliance. For example, I see Ogres as a playable Horde race. We already have the Stonemaul (MU + AU) and the Dunemaul, and I’m unsure of what circumstances would bring about a working relationship between the Alliance and an Ogre clan.
There’s also the matter of Forest Trolls. Most of them hate elves, with the only known exception being the Revantusk who have no qualms working with their Blood Elven allies.
If they were willing to make Earthen neutral, I kinda consider all bets off on the future. Plus the list of Alliance exclusives that make sense is way smaller than the horde one.
There are two ways that I can see image neutral Frost Trolls.
1.) One of the tribes from the RPG (Treeblight and Blackleaf) become the Alliance faction.
2.) Zul’rogg, the Forest Troll warlord who caught between the Civil War in the Plaguelands, returns and his distaste for the Forsaken (he could either be controlled or killed by Sylvanas’s forces) sees him end up with the Alliance.
As for Ogres… I really can’t see it. I guess if Blizzard pulls the circumstances see unexpected alliances thing… but Alliance Ogres just feel really bizarre.
Earthen were always neutral and were never aligned with any factions. Them joining both factions does not suggest theyre suddenly making any and all races neutral.
Especially races that are currently a member state of either faction like the Ogres, Taunka, Jinyu, Forest Trolls, Furbolg and so on. Itd make no sense for a race currently a member of a faction to suddenly go neutral.
I agree, it just makes no sense for races that are already involved with a particular faction to change that and go neutral.
I feel like Frost trolls being neutral would be a giant asspull unless there was a tribe who hated the Frostmane more than they hated the Dwarves and gnomes for walking into their homeland and declaring it theirs.