The wrong side of 30

Hello all you warcrafters out there!
Today is my 35th birthday, came here to socialize a bit seeing how friends are few and far in-between in the real world.
Woke up this morning probably sickest ive been in a LONG LONG time. Strep throaght, headache, fever, body pains, mucus, dry cough, nightsweats.
Anyways its been a LOVELY day :stuck_out_tongue:
I got to see a doctor relatively quick and got my anti-biotics and some throaght spray so I should be on the mend soon.
Ill be drinking copious amounts of orange juice on ice while play some WoW and listening to my favorite music this evening as I have called into work sick preemptively for tomorrow.
Heres to the wrong side of 30

holds up his glass in cheers and painfully sips some orange juice


As someone further on the wrong side of 30, just thinking about the idea of copious amounts of orange juice gave me heartburn.

Speedy recovery!


i also have a stash of tums ready to-go at all times. hahahahha. funny enough orange juice doesnt really give me heart burn i dont think? find out tomorrow morning I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Someone once told me when I turned 30 that its all downhill from here

I immediately became concerned cuz that means the other years were supposed to be the good ones


Happy Birthday!

Now change the attitude. You are not on the “wrong” side of 30. If anything, now is when wisdom starts to finally kick in and you actually can feel like an adult.

I’m close to 39, and the last 2 years have been the most successful years of my life so far.

Age ain’t nothing but a thang! Get well soon!


happy birthday. i too have few if any friends. i came down with a serious back pain two or three days ago that i haven’t seen a doctor for yet but i have a hard time walking all of the sudden since then due to the pain which sucks. Hope and pray you feel better sir!

thanks for the wishes so far guys. cant wait for this wisdom to kick in, last year was not one of my finest…

I’m on the wrong side of fifty and I’m still waiting.



hahahha dont say that man, wisdom gotta happen sometime right??? RIGHT???

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Forgot i’m already 31, now life is going to hit me all at once soon. :robot::sweat_drops:

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Two birthdays for my forum fam today, nice! Happy happy birthday!!!

i’m not too far off behind ya in age! :scream:

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I didn’t read your post but i get the feeling your are lamenting about being on the wrong side of thirty. Not to worry, I am on the right side of thirty and I can report that it gets better then it was on the wrong side of thirty. You get wiser, have more experience and make better choices. GL.

Happy Birthday and feel better soon.

I’m a bit further along in years and will be hitting a new level in a month, ughhhh…

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35 is the new 25 btw

So far I have more energy than I did when I was younger at 32. /shrug

I think it’s a person by person basis tbh.


I turned 31 late last year.

Honestly, I feel more stable now than I did in my 20’s, was unstable as hell in just about every category.

Was emotionally a mess, still figuring out what I wanted to do in life, felt purposeless, etc.

Now, I feel like I’m finally ‘adulting’ enough to where it makes me feel good about myself. Had to start with small steps at first.

Never really had a male role model growing up (absentee father) but I’ve got the best mother in the whole world.

Learning to ‘be a man’ and to be self-sufficient was basically self-taught and learned though my various jobs I’ve worked over the years.

And good friends, never underestimate their ability to lift you up when you’re at your lowest.

Happy b-day bro!

Let’s not make this political though.

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hahahhahah thats a wicked post Myzrym, thanks for the laugh, thanks for the wishes, hahhahaha

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Hey if a funny lands for a person I’m glad for it. You know I wish ya nothing but the best I hope.

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My 30s have been some of the best years of my life. I think my 40s will be even better. Life’s short, enjoy it. My dad died at 35, every year since I turned 35 has been a blessing to me. I’m happy to still be here with my kids.