The Writing on the Wall

There has been quite a few changes to the game in recent days and while I have been noticing it for some time, it’s abundantly clear today.

Blizz’s philosophy for wow has changed and I can’t say it’s for the better. To oversimplify, it’s really an attack on the casual community.

Now, before all “those” players come attack this post, listen. I am not trying to persuade blizz away from your chosen way of playing, I am merely attempting to gain identification and validity by blizz and the community council. The goal is to preserve our, as in casuals, way of playing.

  1. Identification. Blizz and cc need to identify that there are two unique communities in wow: the top 5% and the bottom 95% (percentages subject to vary.) What works for one dies not work for the other. Prime example: MT.
  2. Validation: blizz and the cc needs to validate each community by pushing for different ways of promoting each community. An excellent template for this is the proving grounds from MOP.
  3. Implementation: providing both communities with a reasonable difficulty level of content that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time would create a healthy environment for all players in the game. What is not healthy is a months long grind for an .001% increase in player power. Another unhealthy method is hours of work, 100k’s of gold spent only to come out of it with nothing. By providing both communities with opportunities to rewards according to their talent instead of by how long they can grind and preventing progress through gating would be much more pleasant.

Conclusion: preventing players from experiencing content, limiting their power, and prolonging their progression through grinds, gating, and the removal of progression methods widely used by the 95% community for the sake of propping up the 5% community just alienates a large portion of the playerbase.

We come to play the game bc it is a game. We don’t log into the game to go back to work for our “second job.” Now I know blizz gets much more visibility through streamers, etc, but its been the casual community who has diligently been paying their subs for the last 17years. However, we are only getting older, and our availability to play the game continues to diminish. There isn’t enough next-gen players to keep wow afloat. It is just something to keep a eye on.

Promote both communities, don’t alienate one for the other.


The game is definitely designed with the “bottom 95%” in mind. The most casual player will have full epics and two legendary items soon.


So will the 5%.

Except it takes the 5% level of time and grind to get them

That’s false. Everyone unlocks the double legendaries at the same time, because it’s campaign gated.

Well yeah…they’re doing the hardest stuff in the least amount of time. There’s just not going to be a situation where you get top ilvl gear for world quests. If we were still on the classic model of the game, most max level toons would be in quest greens. There are no epics to just get for free.


Unless you work for a living and miss a week bc your out of town.

This just sounds like another “I want the best of everything but I don’t want to pay for it or grind for it.”

Playing the game isn’t “Grind”. If you have to run Torghast to gain Ashes, it’s no different than running dungeons to gain Gold. Earning currency has always been part of the game.

If you didn’t do this… what WOULD you be doing? If you could magically earn everything the best in the game with minimal effort, what would be left to do?

I recall Spock once saying …

“After a time, you may find that ‘having’ is not so pleasing a thing after all as ‘wanting.’ It is not logical, but it is often true.”

We got fast leveling, and it’s GREAT. We still have to work for gear, gear upgrades, currencies (for gear, upgrades, mounts, ect)…

I don’t think you really want EVERYTHING handed to you… or do you?


Who said I wanted free epics?

I clearly stated that I wanted a challenge according to talent level. Obviously that means working for the gear, but not taking 6 months to get.

This game has been going uphill since Microsoft bought out activision. Bobby Kotick’s reign of terror is over and the devs have had enough of his shenanigans.


Still wrong. Takes the same amount of time. 28 days is 28 days. Doing it consecutively is the same as playing 28 days over 60 days.

It’s still 28 days played.

False. New chapters are the only ones that are locked. If you miss two weeks and come into the third week in chapter 5, you can do all 5 chapters that week.


By MT you mean mage tower? It’s meant to be challenging solo content. Maybe Grandma will have to miss out on right clicking through it if they can’t put in the effort.

A casual can complete challenging things too, sometimes it’s not a skill issue, it’s just they didn’t gear because of X Real life reason…so…Mage Tower is a great example of something that meets that? Scaled down iLvL and it cycles back so they can prep for a bit if they want to

Tl;dr: Your idea sucks

Your conclusion on my post is misinterpreted.

Your immediate r3sponse that “we just want top level everything handed to us” is wrong. I never stated anywhere in my post that I wanted that. You missed the point entirely.

The argument was to reward on a curve according to talent level. This should not take a static time requirement to complete.

Great… now THAT song is stuck in my head… :stuck_out_tongue:


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Microsoft hasn’t really taken over yet. Things like this have been happening since 9.1.5. They’re finally listening some what. The last few weeks have shown just that. When they released a statement on something, we would react to it and right away they got a change going which was in the favor for the community. All it takes is communication.


That’s the one thing that retail does right. There is a challenge for every skill level. For some people +5’s and normal raid will be the break point and for others it will be +25’s and mythic raids. Everyone else will be in between those 2 points.

Ok. That’s fair. Perhaps I misunderstood. What does “Reward on a curve according to talent level” look like.

(Serious question, I’d like to comprehend what you want to see)

How do we not have that now?
4 levels of Raid difficulty
Normal and heroic dungeons
M+ from no key to what 25?
12 difficulty levels of Torghast

That should cover every player’s talent level.

And for those that despise instances
Pet battles
PVP in many forms…