The Writing on the Wall

Last time I checked almost everything is locked behind the campaign quest line.

So, for someone who works 60hrs a week can barely complete 1 chapter in their spare time. Don’t you think completing 5 is out of the question?

How about providing an alternative to the campaign quest that takes less time and less gating but requires more attention. Award those who complete the campaign instead.

What’s the metric used to judge “talent/skill” ?

And doing that would make it so people can cheat it.

Please. We all (most of us anyway) work. It’s not something special.

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Can’t spare 30 minutes a day? I work 60-80 hours a week and still able to get a few hours a week in and keep up with everyone else

Edit: your statement contradicts itself. Less time but more attention. So less time but more time? Yeah okay that makes sense

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The campaign doesn’t take that long. You might be playing the wrong game if you can’t slowly grind that thing up. That’s just how MMO’s work. You’d never get through the MSQ in FF14 lol.

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What I see is replacing static requirements with fluid ones.

Instead of completing 5 chapters in a long 5 week grind, instead, allow for an instanced grind that is much more intense and harder work but is achievable in less time. This can be put on a curve according to ilvl and other different expectations.

Outside of instanced material. Go over that.

… I’m sorry, how is 5 chapters that are roughly 15 minutes long somehow “out of the question”??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you serious right now? I worked 70 hours a week as a 911 dispatcher during the beginning of this expansion and had zero issues running through the chapters.

This doesn’t make any sense. Whatsoever.



Less time but more intense playstyle.

All of that just to say you want to keep paying to get carried through content?

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You can’t handle 15 minutes a day…I don’t think “more intense” is what you’re looking for


Look outside the box. Remove yourself from your own perspective and view it from a community standpoint.


I’ve never paid to boost. I have always carried my own in guild runs. What I am saying is that the game is turning towards a more elitist model.

15 mins for you perhaps is 3 hours to someone else who is juggling dinner, kids, and other things.

Blatantly false. The game has gotten more and more “casual” friendly as expansions go on.

There is considerably less “daily chores” required in SL as compared to BfA in order to keep up with everyone else

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As both a progression raider and then a casual in this community since Vanilla with a very wide perspective… your complaint on five chapters is utterly ridiculous.


Gf, 2 kids, 3 dogs, and a job

15 minutes is 15 minutes


Is it elitist to expect players to earn rewards? That’s kinda cringe, bro.


I took a break right after Shadowlands came out. When I came back, I started a new Druid on a new Server and leveled 1 to 60, chose a covenant, did all of the Covenant Campaign Quests, Chains of Dominion Campaign within a couple of months. All while working a full time job, competing in Equestrian Drill, and still having a social life. I don’t play every day and I don’t play for hours on end unless I happen to have a “knocking around” day. I did of course have more holidays December and January so that helped.

Now since it was all released already, nothing was gated. However, due to my time constraints I didn’t BANG it all out at once.

I don’t forsee ANY problem doing the stuff when it first comes out “gated”. It will give me a nice pace and goals. Goals are VERY important in keeping you happy and interested in a game. Accomplishing goals and achievements are a big part of the Fun and Reward factor.


Chores = casual friendly is a misdemeanor.

Chores take less time grinding out chorghast, or running the campaign quest line, or trying to clear m+ for ksm.