The WrA FFXIV Thread

this hurts me in the soul because I happened to load into bozja and saw CLL up and got in to find that it was approximately eighteen or less people who took nearly ten minutes just to split groups and we collapsed on the first boss

classic CLL pug

oh also syrcus gets me light for my Zeta’s so it’s all part of the needlessly complex multi step process for weapon skins I barely use

if you manage to get a group that’s at least good at communicating you can do CLL with as few as 6 people because of the buffs

(but no less since you need one person on each button)

He should be making you smile every time he faces away from the camera. Like GOD DAMN SON.

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its not real

he took that suit of armor off and he was flat as a pancake

that is why i will never forgive zenos


No Housing system will ever compare to Wildstar. It’s still hands down the best implementation of player housing in any game/mmo past/present/foreseeable future. And I will die on this hill.

But on another note. Just found out you can dye augmented weapons in XIV and I freaking love it!


I actually put my apartment in w12 on purpose because there’s a bunch of public, themed housing that we can just use without feeling like we’re intruding, like the clinics, restaurant, the mansion and shop.

I’m glad there’s at least one ward in the game without awful exteriors and clearly 3rd partied lawns with tons of effects.

The entire cities people have built on City of Heroes, complete with skylines, is something that is not replicated in any other game and probably never will be. Now that is housing. You can build a full custom map there.

Also RIP Neverwinter foundry system, you were amazing.

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I sometimes forget about CoH because I was (un)fortunate (depending on how you look at it) enough to not have played it while it was alive. Towards the end of WS’s lifespan they implemented neighborhoods that linked several player lots together. There were one or two city size projects in progress before it shut its doors. I myself had a small back-ally themed lot that was built inside a cityscape for one of my characters. I deeply miss the freedom of creativity that game offered.

The Homecoming CoH server is still up! You can puddle around with housing on it by just making a character, making a supergroup (guild) with only you in it, then just going into the instance and building: there are no currency, level or other requirements. You can change furniture size and place it anywhere (even upside down on the ceiling for a spooky haunted house) and most of the items in the game are available as props with 0 cost.

I may look into that. There’s also a Wildstar restoration project in the works. Housing is available in a limited capacity but that’s about all that runs currently. The guys working on it are a small but dedicated team, but it’s still gonna take along time to get a “full” game going.

So I joined them about two years ago as I main a Drake Tribe Miqo’te and I can say while I -personally- have had no issues with them or problems at the events, there is a thick air of politics between players that I see in the discord that I make a note to avoid.

But in light of that they have been a solid resource into lore and I’ve made a few decent friends in it.

the level of disappointment i felt when i realized he was using butt pads this entire time…

I have two Keeper catbois I have been playing since I started. To my disappointment I have yet to receive any spicy whispers, or requests. Maybe I am not playing provocatively enough? :thinking:

I’ve had some encounters where my character’s were flirted -with- but nothing too alarming or that I would call cringe worthy. But also most of the time when I’m RPing it’s my character “doing stuff” like hunting, fighting, stuff that isn’t really conducive to smexy times.


I know this is (my) FFXIV thread, but I gotta cape (lol) for CoH anytime it’s mentioned.

If any of you are fans of MMORPGs, old school video games, or even just RP, y’all absolutely have to give Homecoming and CoH a try. There is nothing on the market like it.

Anyway, I just hit 70 on paladin and it should be a quick shot to 80 from there, which means all I’ll have left is SAM, MNK, and the three other tanks and I’ll have maxed everything.

That amaro mount will be mine.


I commend people who can level all the classes on one character and aren’t a gluten for punishment like myself, who insists on doing 3 characters and sticking to classes that fit their “concept”.

And I get it’s easier/intended to do it all on one but I’m still institutionalized by my own quirks and other games. :sweat_smile:

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There’s also a bright spot with Homecoming and NCSoft’s negotiations since Homecoming team has announced the okay to start streaming Homecoming. I doubt they’d do that if NCSoft hadn’t given at least token permission for something like that.

NGL, it’s swayed me back to Homecoming. CoH was my first MMO and love, but I stayed away from Homecoming because I was terrified at any moment NCSoft would bring the hammer down.

I’ve been playing a catboy as my main this whole time and after reading this thread detailing their lore I am horrified lol

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I read up on all the catboy stuff. After the Rabbitpeople stuff all my reaction is:

“Goddammit Japan.”


I encourage anyone getting into ff14 lore to check out this catalog. It’s no WoW wiki but it does have some significant world building that’s just really sparse or taken from in-game dialogue.