The WrA FFXIV Thread


they own all of goblet main ward 12 across multiple characters and burner FCs all with the same tagline (FC tags aren’t unique) in service to their ascian fanfiction and with gil that most everyone agrees that they bought off of gil sellers because mateus simply didn’t have that sort of economy back then


also it looks like a really boring HOA took over goblet main ward 12 thanks to it


Is it 30? I thought it was 28 but maybe I am misremembering.

I only brought it up because I was reminded of it due to people on Aether DC talking about it. Imagine being so notorious that people on other data centers who aren’t into RP still talk about you being awful.

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to be fair they might be the most infamous examples of the housing system being absolutely scuffed but they’re probably not the most hated

there’s a dude out there flipping houses just for the hell of it and got an entire ward just to spell out fashy stuff in the search info

I don’t know. This is the first time I’m hearing about that piece of work, but that couple had like… actual gaming website articles written about how much people dislike them.

That said, is that stuff still up? Does reporting do nothing to curb him?

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it’s been a while since i’ve heard of it
also have you read the ascian couple’s retort to everyone because god it is a piece of work

sidenote it is VERY hard for me to type off-the-cuff on the forums because i sprinkle in cusswords like a fine sprinkle of salt on the culinary delight that all my posts are

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no but I want to now

i know they still own up to it like “yea, IM that awful ascian fanfiction writer” but thats about it

have you been introduced to the light of ascianity

(completely different topic/person from the ascianeffers but tangential)





edit: did you know the forum catches you if you reply to the same person in the same thread three posts in a row and goes “hey how bout you invite other people to this discussion also there’s a PM system you know” like nah bro idc


its funnier if you know for a fact you can contact them off the forums too

it is but more awkward b/c you gotta preface anything you say in another medium too so i’m just going to subject everyone to my dumb thoughts here


Oh my god oh my god Stormblood is amazing

It definitely feels slower than Heavensward in some ways but it’s still so good and I don’t think there’s a single NPC in this game that doesn’t make me smile


Except Zenos


I am now a part of this conversation, blizzard go home

just kidding I’m here to cry about running a dozen syrcus towers today because I augmented my law’s order astrometer but hadn’t done my tower runs so I could pick the quest up to augment my RDM poker and now I don’t know which law’s order I’m picking up next

anyways I hope everyone is enjoying their time, or like, at least suffering dilligently

I’m conflicted on [that] cause I can understand a lot of the distaste but at the same time there’s things about [it] I think are loosely interesting but not in a like… enjoyable to experience way.


I’m waiting until the spring quarter ends before I go all out on finishing my “goals” of FF14.

Once June 12th hits I am going to be putting the nose to the grinder.

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Hey I was reading that! Also about to scold you :stuck_out_tongue:

Text formatting is hard alright I never learned syntax and stuff!


oh i like him for reasons that get honestly patently ridiculous


I just find myself frowning so, so deeply whenever he’s on my screen. NGL his voice actor is amazing, but…

syrcus tower is definitely simple and clean but i honestly prefer doing CLL for those ones because it’s honestly a lot more enjoyable

also 5 a pop

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