this is one of the funniest things i’ve ever seen
We Are Fine Purveyors Of Only The MOST Distinguished Catboy RP
absolutely stunning
this is one of the funniest things i’ve ever seen
We Are Fine Purveyors Of Only The MOST Distinguished Catboy RP
absolutely stunning
it’s funnier when you consider that it’s just the most toxic alpha male beta male stuff being considered as The Most Distinguished Catboy RP
swirls a glass like a wine sommelier “mmm yes i detect a hint of casual sexism, racial caricatures, and oh is that a note of orientalist fetishism? the jangling chains are never wrong!”
also i just noticed my sword is covering half of milladee again
nature is healing
Give me the details. I am very lonely.
Edit: Goes for ALLA’YA. I’m trying so hard to network :,(
Don’t forget the opposite end of that spectrum, the Moonkeeper Miqo’te.
Males are still rare compared to females, except in Moonkeeper culture, males get shafted big time. They don’t even have their own name. They get their mother’s name with a suffix that indicates if they’re her first, second, third, etc… son. Their second name is the clan’s name.
Except, they’re not even allowed to live with their clan. They get kicked out and are expected to survive on their own.
If you think male Sunseekers with harem fetishes are weird, I’ve got stories to tell you about female Moonkeepers. My character is a Sunseeker, and not tribal in the slightest (a paper he read in Sharlayan more or less convinced him that both cultures in the race were pure garbage meant to control individuals based on their gender). He ended up with a Moonkeeper stalker, who expected him to provide her with fur and flesh from a suitably impressive hunt as a gift that she would accept before taking him to bed.
It was creepy as all hell. Worse, it was in a heavy RP guild and the player was NOT taking the OOC hints (blatant statements) that I wasn’t into it at all. They kept going, “That’s against the lore, you’re playing a male Miqo’te, you’re supposed to want to impregnate my character,” even when I pointed out my character was a Sunseeker. Ended up leaving the FC and changing my character’s name after leaving the server. I tried talking to the officers first, but cronyism is alive and well in any game’s RP community.
tribal miqo’te rpers really are just the top 1% most outlandish personalities of ffxiv huh
sorry you had to go through this, hope you found a more tolerable community to be a part of
Thanks, and I did find another FC I enjoyed. Was a kind of Mage’s Guild FC. Had a lot of fun with them before I took a long break and came back to find the FC had changed into something else, but still a cool group.
But yeah, I’ve heard other horror stories about Moonkeeper Clan FC’s. Crazy stuff. That isn’t to say you can’t find good ones. When I was on Balmung I heard good things about one called the Morbol Clan. Their events focused around specific holidays and interpretations of different events and what not. Each month had a specific ritual-based ceremony for each of the twelve gods. I remember attending one once, for Thaliak, in which they released an owl they’d raised and trained from an egg into the woods, gifting the Knowledge it had gained from the clan back to the wild.
Granted that was back during Heavensward I think. I have no idea if they’re still around or if they’ve changed or not. My point was, there are some genuinely good FCs out there that try to tackle the culture without devolving into some pretty niche dark stuff.
I generally feel like there are two settings to tribal guilds: there’s the one side that does it incredibly well and thinks of really neat things to add, and then there is the polar opposite where it devolves into this weird, kinky interpretation of tribalism that is all about…well, you know…
This has been true for almost all games I played with any sort of tribalism and clans - trolls in WoW, Miqo’te in FFXIV, Mandalorians in SWTOR and so on. It’s weird. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground.
either you have normal people or you have racists/fetishists
there is no middle ground
no. some people roleplay garleans.
most garleans i know are above-board but like
then on the complete other side of the aisle you have those who play them like they’re the scarlet crusade except with more guns
Get ready for the exact same thing to happen again, but with the gender roles reversed. Hrothgar’s last names are literally just A-(meaning in service to or something) and their queen’s name, while lost are their queen’s name plus -sch(meaning lost).
Large half naked catdad harems inbound.
Oddly enough I actually enjoy the odd characteristics that seem extraordinary. Many people can critique that it does give weird people something to target on for the race (It does) but the demographic will trend towards that as any other race involved. I can tell how many times my Male Pandaren/Tauren/Troll has been randomly whispered by others wishing to engage in such.
Granted a good portion of them might just be those who don’t understand or believe in the concept of nuance and realizing the bare-bones writing for the racial lore could be intentional to allow roleplayers to fill in their blanks. I’ve got a Tribal Mi’qote. A Nunh, actually. And I acknowledge that such things are unseemly present but I also make an effort to write something that brings nuance and an interesting facet for the character involved.
The best Garlean RP’ers I’ve met are the ones who never reveal it IC.
The worst are those who walk around with a small troupe of female Au Ra and Viera pleasure slaves.
If only Square had the nerve to add a Hroth Queen as a Reaper with the name, “Sylvinas,” and then just a bunch of Hroth men surrounding her justifying every bad thing she does. Give them their own FC tag. <S.I.M.P.> (Sylvinas’ Infatuated Male Posse>
Something something dragon rp haha
that’s a joke
im rping and writing a Garlean defector like Cid (or more accurately Nero)
like any group, there’s normal people and racists/fetishists
I should probably clarify that the Garlean RP’ers I’ve met are actually loyal to Garlemald and serving as clandestine operations agents. Spying, intelligence gathering, etc… that sort of thing.
It’s weird to say it, but I haven’t run into a lot of Garlean defectors just yet. That would be an interesting thing to RP out for sure.
im surprised it’s not more popular with Cid, Nero, Lucia, Severa, Maxima, Shadowhunter (so no spoilers), and technically two Legati of the Empire defecting.
it’s actually becoming more common than not, lol.
just remember that despite how awful you might think you are
you will never be as hated as the couple who own like 28 houses on mateus