The WrA FFXIV Thread

just go and smack things and if you got your rotation down then you gucci
failing that learn some extremes, run some extremes, and someone’ll probably be logging anyways so you can check your logs that way

a note on fflogs compared to warcraft logs, though:
fflogs brackets their stuff differently, in that they don’t have “ilvl” brackets like warcraftlogs does, so you don’t get your DPS comparisons to people geared similarly to you - instead it’s partitioned via patch release (idk if it’s an API restriction or something like that) so if you DO get logged and you’re not, like, geared up in savage or augmented tome stuff, expect blue parses at best

but just as long as you know your stuff and do it well, then most everyone save for that wide gulf of “casual elitists” will think you good

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The last one makes me tear up every time from nostalgia.

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I have an intense need to run extreme memoria misera for that sweet, sweet glam

but i’ve seen some of those high end dances and just… ugh

edit; not marinum oh god why do words gotta sound similar

oh memoria misera EX has a pretty nice learning curve for a bit
it’s p. much two different systems layered on top of each other plus phase-specific stuff

and then there’s fortius which’ll probably trip you up the first time

I looked up a video once and within a few minutes kinda just closed it and never checked again. Maybe I’ll reconsider now that my internet is marginally more stable but.

I think my favourite so far was looking at an image guide for E12S and seeing a dozen lines and points arranged like some kinda atomic model and just going “yeah I bet”

oh yeah you probably saw guides for e12s’s shiva junction, titan junction, or any one of the relativity mechanics spams save for the final one which is just a healing/mitigation check

but yeah memoria misera’s honestly pretty fun and also relatively accessible, the first phase is straight-up priming you for the second phase and once you have those two down you’re gucci

you can honestly break it up into 2 segments that make a whole + occasional terminus est shenanigans:

  • gunshield cast
  • ignis or ventus

the text guide on gamerescape can explain more

you ever play for a bit and then start missing the ability to do cleave attacks because sometimes that hits so hard

i can count the number of meaningful multi-target fights in the game on one hand and two of them are ultimates

im playing but my body is melting through the floor

the doctors say its fine but like, its getting a little weird down here!

looking forward to playing guitar bards

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i really need to get back on transposing that one song i had in mind for all of like two weeks
i got the intro down but took a break due to fanfest and now i’m a week off, but i want it done by patch

i need to get bard

let me hook up my real guitars to play the in-game guitar

Soken please I’m begging


SE has managed to make me start leveling a BRD just to become an Eorzean rockstar.


I hear that Dancer* has a lot of AOE capability, can someone confirm?

*by which I mean the “dancer” class, not the backup dancers at Vaelryn’s inevitable rock music tour


So when are we putting together a WRA idol group?

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it’s got a pretty big aoe kit, big bursts and such
also the benefit of buffing one person you really like to get a pretty substantial damage buff

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no need

i am the only idol necessary

get 99 of them and you qualify for a dragon from the splendors vendors

I used to always give it to tanks and healers until I on a different character boosted an Astro and started healing myself. They are flooded with commendations, even when their performance is mediocre. I can’t tell you how many times I got 3 coms and I didn’t dps or rez till after the fight.

Now it’s always DPS. I know I should give it to people who are exceptional and if there’s a notable moment, I will. But otherwise, my fellow DPS buddies are getting the hearts.

the funniest comms i’ve gotten were always when i had my temporary frogsuit glam with the coeurlprint bikini on
just this tiny creature with a frog head and their cheeks out for a laugh, and i got a LOT of comms just doing that

I get a fair few amount of comms as RDM, so I think the breakdown of always comming your T/H is going a bit by the wayside. I usually comm another DPS, especially if a DNC chooses me, if I’m playing RDM. As a Tank, I always comm my healer though, as is proper.