I implore every single new player to do the Stormblood raids when you’re able to.
I beg of you, please do them. You won’t be disappointed.
I implore every single new player to do the Stormblood raids when you’re able to.
I beg of you, please do them. You won’t be disappointed.
insert that clown laugh
also even just the otherwise small character stuff going on with the stormblood raid series hits hard
also also, thrilled that reaper and sage are debuted as ffxiv originals, I dont know if they hearken back to older influences at all but I look forward to seeing original 14 content influencing and being called back to in later games
I really love the callbacks and remixes of older games’ lore while making it something different.
Same! I used to play FFT on the gameboy as a kid, it’s so cool to see elements of my childhood favs come up again.
now you too can be captain basch fon ronsenburg of dalmasca
The fact that a multiverse is canon in FF14 I love the idea of all the franchises being in some connected universe and 14 often being the nexus were other universes meld or influence.
I mean I’m sure it’s more nuanced than that, but it makes me grin a lil bit.
Two things:
1.) Superbolide on cooldown, always.
2.) Give your commendation to quality players, not just default to tanks / healers. Can’t tell you the number of times a RDM saved us with rezzing the healers or a dps used limit break at a great opportunity.
Or hell, give it to someone who is extra nice.
I always give it to the DPS who performs super well (thanks ACT). Otherwise, it usually goes to whoever made me laugh if they made a joke at any point.
I give it to sprouts sometimes if everyone’s having a good time.
Or nobody because sometimes no one deserves it.
I get it everyone has a bad day but when you’re on your fifth attempt and everyone keeps greeding the same mechanic instead of just getting in the god damn pad, no one gets a comm. None of you are free of sin.
one time i tanked that ruin with the killer bees and and I wiped the group and needed all the mechanics explained to me but i still got all the commendations
Because you listened to the advice provided to you and improved, which is exactly what a sprout should do! They were trying to support your learning experience and welcome you to the game. Qarn actually has a lot of mechanics to it (Final Sting in particular is something that even veteran players forget) and it can be very daunting to tank it for the first time. Providing a new player with commendations even if they mess up is a silent way of saying thank you for trying your best.
I don’t think people would give me a virtual thumbs up if i died to a bee in WoW is all I’m sayin
If this is because of ACT, then honestly the unspoken rule of meters is “we cannot stop you from using them, and we accept that they exist, so use them but also know if you harass people with them you’re going to get banned”.
It’s basically like any other mod people use in this game. Don’t speak about it in-game.
I just like seeing who does well, and if a DPS is going above and beyond they deserve a com. Otherwise, make with the funnies.
I once thanked people for positioning well for Light of Dawn when I was playing my hpal and they cussed me out thinking I was being sarcastic, lol. I was so depressed.
i give it to people with the best glams
The true endgame right here.
can’t save the star if you ain’t cute
i give the comms to healers most of the time cuz theyre keeping me alive
if im raiding i give it to the other tank
if im not tanking, i give it to the person with the funniest/coolest/best name
I keep meaning to get ACT but I am lazy. So I haven’t.
Also I don’t wanna know how embarrassingly bad my dps is vs others.