Ah, thank you for telling me! I’d forgotten how spoilers worked on these forums!

Alright I think I’ve finally recovered emotionally from that MSQ. How’re we feeling everyone?


Watching other people clear the MSQ and devastating myself repeatedly


I’ve settled on deciding to make a new character and go through ALL the MSQ all over again to ease my suffering, hoping being forewarned of the end shall prepare me for it a second time.

Can’t make a new character at all because of server congestion. Feels bad.

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So you both went through the same emotional rollercoaster I did and your reaction was “yeah let me go back and get more of that right now”

Not even gonna take a break to let your emotions recover, hm? You’re braver people than me haha!

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Watching people go through the big MSQ moments is like half of FFXIV viewership lol

The transition in the final trial never fails to please, either. Best ending raid they’ve ever done.

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smacking, whackin, choppin that wood
send materia

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I got Reaper to 80 and FINALLY finished 5.5. Pagl’than was dope. I’m excited to finally start Endwalker and go to the Moon. I am terrified of spoilers. I only JUST watched the Endwalker trailer the other day, and I’m so hyped.

I really love Reaper, though. The storyline was so good. The job trainer is one of my favourites in the entire game, she’s amazing. I mean, the job quests all follow a pretty standard story, I find, but the Reaper one was just really well written. I’ve also head-canoned that my WoL is half Garlean for a while now, so it’s just so fitting. It’s also really fitting, IMO, that the champion of the Lemures plays a part in bringing down Zenos and Fandaniel’s schemes. My play-time has been limited, and I spent what little bit I had on getting Reaper to 80, but I’m really happy I did and excited to take this job into Endwalker. I will always have a Dragoon’s heart, but I figured I had stolen Estinien’s spotlight for long enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

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snape kills dumbledore.

Haha no but seriously I’m kinda jealous that you have the self-discipline and everything needed to avoid spoilers for so long! That plus the thematically resonant reaper class is gonna make this such a fun experience for you! Enjoy!!

Reaper is great, easily overtook Sam as my main melee job. Whether it overtakes RDM is yet to be seen.

And as long as you know how avoiding spoilers is easy enough. I started the game around ShB and have just recently got up to and finished the main part of it, without seeing any big spoilers.

fate trains are kind of incredible

like is this what ARR was like? just chillin doing a fate and then suddenly a cloud of mounts darkens the sky and the entire population of a small country drops down and completes the fate in ten seconds

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Very out of context but if you know, you know

comparison for the older crowd that’s not playing:

it’s like the legion pre-patch event except instead of giant demons and hellspawn voidgates and such, it’s some dude’s cow who got loose and ate a lalafell once

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pandaemonium tier 1 just dropped!

boss 4 spoilers

everyone say hi to denathrius in glasses