First part of patch has begun with the new launcher. More to come as the night goes on. Will be 10.5GB total on PC.

If you have problems with a version check error, there is a Boot.cfg file in your documents → My games → FFXIV folder. Change the BootVersionCheck or whatever to 1 instead of 0 and you’ll download the new launcher.


Gunbreaker because it’s basically a dummy easy DPS with enough survivability that I can eat the occasional mechanic and still be okay. I can take it into any unknown situation and feel like I can make it out okay. Insta-queues are nice too.

All my retainers are Gunbreakers as well, so it’ll be all that much easier to get them to max level so I can sell loot from their quick ventures on the market board.

After that, it’s a toss up between Astrologian, Ninja, and Monk. I love the gambling element of Astro and I really want to enjoy a more streamlined Monk, but I also really want to spam Forked/Fleeting Raiju Chidori over and over again.

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Hey all.

Thavnair is so f----- pretty.

That is all.

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YoshiP personally came to us and said “Holy crap you guys” so I will patiently sit in this queue as long as I have to.

Loved what I played last night so far, and I know it’s only the tip of the iceberg

I haven’t tried to log in since I snuck inbetween one of the lobby server crashes last night, I read an update that the queues are now relatively stable?

I’m not gonna complain either way, but I’m perfectly content sitting in an 11k player queue as long as I don’t get randomly booted somewhere in the 3k range.

They are relatively stable but you can still get popped out while in queue. However, they have a placeholder safeguard so if you can log back in within I think 30 seconds or so, you’ll go back to your position where you were booted.

Once you get in the game, it runs super well. Even with a billion people in the new zones, I’ve had no hiccups

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That’s about as well as I would have figured, I’m not going to bemoan the otherwise very standard launch of a product very suddenly and very woefully unprepared for such an unprecedented spike in activity.

I am, in fact, quite shocked at how otherwise the game actually managed to run despite being thoroughly burdened. To whit, while I was experiencing the msq I was chatting up a pal who was jumping in and out of queues, picking up the new jobs, teleporting all over the place. Saw nor heard hide nor hair of any server struggles.

I’m sure some people haven’t been so lucky but overall given how bad it easily could have been I am quite surprised.

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haven’t seen the game stutter or struggle despite the sheer server load

it’s quite remarkable, really

“Shadowbringers is one of the best Final Fantasies ever made.”

Endwalker has entered the chat.

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hearing all of the people dying of queue makes me happy that i’ve been able to avoid any of the major issues. game’s smooth as butter in terms of actually playing it

this expansion is very good and i’m mad i have to work. i have ends to walk.

enter special code endwalker at checkout to get your special eat pizza emote

On the one hand, I’m trying to lose weight.

On the other, emotes.

Such decisions.

I’m kinda tired of Zenos tbh. He was terrifying back in Stormblood but now his routine is getting a bit old.

He did find a new way to scare the heck out of me in the third zone of this expansion though, props to the writers there! And hey, at least we know exactly what his goal and motivations are so I’ll take him as an antagonist over certain 4D chess players anyday.

great expansion can’t wait for its release in 2022

I have an appreciation for campy/vampy villains, so I’m more fond of Zenos than most.

Now as for Fandaniel...

I hate how they introduced the Ascians as stereotypical villains, then subverted it by showing us that they were actually quite secretive and had complex motivations/characterizations in some of the best story they’ve done yet- only to have the final Ascian be a stereotypical villain who just wants to destroy everything. I mean he even flat out tells you that any attempt to reason with him is pointless because all he wants to do is die and take everything with him. Plus his whole flamboyant thing is just a pale rehash of Emet-Selch. And he has the dumb face of that smug little @%$# Asahi, so he’s basically a pale imitation of Stormblood characters like Zenos returning in that as well.

I’ll admit I’m not particularly far in the MSQ though, so I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

Also, Thavnair is awesome and I really wished I’d gotten Chemists instead of Sages. It’s even worse considering how much I’m actually enjoying Sage’s gameplay.

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Well, I finished the MSQ. What an incredible ride.

As a singular package, I think SHB is still the best expansion they’ve done, but EW is a wonderful ending to the current story arc. I definitely felt all of those seven years of playing this game.


How did you finish so quickly?!! This expansion’s story is quite long and winding!

Endwalker spoiler below:


I can’t believe they’re making the alternate universe world we went to last expansion relevant again, and letting us go back and see how things have changed since we left! One of the reasons I didn’t like Shadowbringers very much is because it felt so disconnected from the main world, and I thought it’d be mostly forgotten when we moved on from it… but no!

I love this, it makes the entire setting feel more connected and real, even making me like Shadowbringers more in retropspect!

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That was never going to happen, there’s a strip club there :stuck_out_tongue:

ya goofed on your spoiler

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