It was moved out of WrA forums to a generic gaming one.
Friend, I hope you’re ready to jump in five dimensions.
You could replace “Lancer/Dragoon” with FF14, and “class” with game and it’d still work.
Jokes aside, I’d like it more if I wasn’t already terrible at assassinating myself with Assassinate due to greed.
To be honest, DRG is probably the worst offender of making the early game seem slow. It’s probably the least representative of what you’ll be doing at 80 of any class in the game, and I’m guessing more than a good share of people that bounced off FFXIV for its pacing started as Lancers.
But, it also has a good reason for that. DRG is, by far, the most rotation-reliant class I’ve played yet. The game introduces your rotation to you slowly so it’s burned in your mind and you do not deviate from it. It might be better now, but when I was playing mine, it was the class that would be punished the most for missing a button or timing something wrong and having to restart your rotation.
At 80, though, man it’s wild. Definitely the loudest class in the game and there’s a ton to press at all times. It definitely fulfills the class fantasy all the way.
I love midare setsugekka but as far as melee abilities go, at least maybe until Reaper, you will not beat Stardiver.
Play any other job you want and you’ll have a blast, but you’ll never be DRG who manages to not die long enough to Stardiver happy.
I was so confused wondering why I suddenly couldn’t post in the only topic I’m engaged in. Why the hell did they even move the thread? Lol.
I took a gander in that forum I can’t post in, just to see what happened with it, and that forum is just littered with FFXIV threads. My favorite is the one where people couldn’t figure out how to install or log in to the game, and sometimes couldn’t even figure out how to make an account.
Anyways all this talk about dragoons and whatever is Greek to me, I just started playing.
stardiver might be the single coolest melee ability
but the samurai opener beats me up and calls me a baby man each day
hakkaze, ikishoten, shifu, kasha, hakkaze, jinpu, kaiten buffed higanbana, senei, then meikyo shisui, kasha, shinten, yukikaze, kaiten buffed midare setsugekka, tsubame-gaeshi setsugekka, and shoha
it is. obscene. this damn opener feels so good to land.
Not opening with the ranged attack for free kenki? Disappointed.
Listen I’m used to pulls happening before im paying attention okay.
you dont need to! that buffers your ability to use your gcds.
and your opening + rotation gives you more than enough kenki.
I know the last thread mentioned how much RP there is, but I just strolled through the Adventurer’s Guild in Ul’dah for my next dungeon quest and saw Wyvern’s Tail levels of RP (in a good way, no trolling). It’ll probably take me quite some time before I feel comfortable enough to try RPing, but it’s definitely exciting to see!
I just HAD to see this for myself and oh my goodness, these people sound like boomers who’ve never touched a computer before.
then there’s the alley behind the quicksand where more “serious” rpers hang out
the drowning wench in limsa lominsa and the forgotten knight in ishgard see pretty decent activity as well. + kugane later on
and all the rp done in the housing wards is probably the bulk of actual RP done in ffxiv
edit: and xaela do a bunch of RP in the steppe. like, theyre out there near daily in pretty decent numbers, i find.
Laughs in starting the fight five seconds late cause I wasnt paying attention.
Look sometimes there’s just a whole three seconds between me and the boss and by god im gonna use it.
okay so like
whenever people post guides to stuff it’s always in the format of simply icons on a timeline and without the game in front of me i can’t parse it whatsoever
but putting it this way as well i also cannot parse it for the love of god
that said this is probably also what people hear when i tell them my little memory trick to remembering ninja jutsus
its ok i even havent memorized the names
the icons ive seared into my brain, but the names i have to peek at in game lol
when it comes to the standard 1-2-3 combos i simply just remember them as 1-2-3 or 1-a2-a3 in the case for branching combos like dragoon
granted at higher levels dragoon’s combo extends to 1-2-3-4-5
I also briefly started a tiny marauder dragon girl and noped out of that about ten minutes in trying to get around that town, my tiny dyslexic brain cannot handle navigation there.
i wouldnt even know how to parse making that opener work with numbers. there’s a lot of steps! and im bad at math!
My current “main” is MCH after playing BLM to 50. And my god… the difference is Night/Day. MCH is so much fun! I picked BLM for theme with the intent of swapping to MCH when I got to 50, but I did not enjoy it. I do not like long cast times and turret gameplay and that’s all BLM is. It was hell, but I’d already gotten to 30 so I just kept on. It was worth it! MCH is one of the most fun ranged classes I’ve ever played and I love the different cannons/guns/missile launchers you just pull out of your pocket to blow shiz up!
My only slight irritation is purely cosmetic. That huge bulky toolkit you wear on your hip would have looked so much cooler as a backpack you hang your rifle from, like a proton pack from Ghostbusters!