The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open


Again these cosmetics were already on the shop so like

Classic isn’t vanilla and never can or will be

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This I agree with. So few people really saw the writing on the wall when the cash shop was added back in wrath in 2008-2010. I mean, it did exist. But look where retail is now. Also not entirely when the cash shop was added in wrath 2008-2010. I remember the sparkle pony and the pandaren monk being some of the first.

And now, every single promise that they made about classic. Well, all the promises have been broken. It is essentially retail trip, take two.

And, funny enough. I guarantee they will do this classic stick 10 years from now. Then it will be retail take 3. Guaranteed. And we will go through classic wow again. Then bc again and wow tokens and boosts. For a 3rd time.

It just blows my mind.


Every time I see someone on a store mount it breaks the immersion


still zero likes.

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Yep. Who knew reselling a gimme mount for free with 6 months would not win over people.

Lots of people, actually.

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Well that’s nice. Headless Horseman mount is still bugged. The Golden King mount is bugged. But let’s not fix those, let’s try to get more money selling fluff to our Classic customers who are already paying for a game that’s never worked right.


gotta milk as much as possible before it burns down


They’ve gone full Retail now lmao. gg no re blizz.


I mean right now retail is broken as well. but who cares about fixing stuff gotta go full take two with that sweet sweet microtranaction moneys!


AMAZING. Please add that to Season of Discovery also!

People who accept SOD will accept anything and gladly buy your toys!

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The post has been 19hours old and has received ZERO likes so far. This must be a record.

I know someone will put a like now after reading this but we all know its not serious lol :slight_smile:


What coffin?

100 people are really upset and wow is dead now /s

No, WoW was dead the moment TBC released in 2006 and turned the MMORPG into a dead world city/instance simulator.

And people with names like “Rotationn” did their best to make even that worse and more antisocial.

No, I understand. I do recall it “accidently” showed up in classic and if you read the webpage where you could get the mount, it seemed to elude that it would be made available in classic, but they’ve always separated both lines of classic and retail.

I’m not saying it is right or wrong, but it is what they’ve done.

I’m just waiting for the WA that commits a negative action to anyone that it detects having a store bought item.

I think thats how you counter it.


This sucks and everyone involved in this decision should be fired.


Except Wrath servers are gone.

Now my C:\ drive doesn’t have a WoW folder for the 1st time in nearly 20 years.

What it does have are a few new folders for private server clients where I’ll be tossing microtransaction funds instead of into this … sad and rather insulting joke.

Bad move, Blizz. Bye.


so blizz how does it feel to be ratioed on your own forum?


That’s why they barely use their forum and just go on twitter and stuff lol.