The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

The tree inspired mount has me go wth !? Really. I got it for “free”.

Dear blizzard. If doing this put in good ones.

That is what baited my money in retail. That tree thingy mount….i got since I was doing 6 month anyway. Cata and maybe I get motivated to make 70 or 2 more in retail.

It be iron sky reaver that I actually whipped out the cc for. On a xmas sale ofc.

Cool looking mounts get more money the tl;dr.

Don’t be eve. They have not worked out their skins have sucked for a good while. Hell I’ve seen better retexture posters in r eve. I’d pay for that work, if I could use in game lol . Store stuff…nope.


I’m going to be posting about it until its addressed, your focus should be solving the issues that thousands of players are facing with archeology. Bad luck protection, put in the missing pet for fossils or both.


So, can we get everything we already paid for the FIRST go round of this? Give me my sparkle pony, yes I eventually bought bought one because I started using alts, a few pets from them.

I paid for it for that expansion, the expansion is back, GIVE

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Let me use my classic gold to buy blizzard balance so i can buy the mounts.

I don’t know that I’d draw that conclusion, given that at some point they at least floated the idea of mashing classic into retail.

I think it’s equally likely they aren’t concerned with whales/addicts being upset that they paid twice two years earlier for purchases that eventually became redundant.

I am hoping that this means permanent wrath classic servers will eventually become a thing.


Nope, still not.

Idk why you think I’m defending boosts/talents when I’m not. The game updated to the next version of the game because by keeping every expansion server’s up, it would divide the community and create even more dead realms. I’m just saying that classic remained extremely healthy despite all of the things that were “going to kill the game”.

Adding store mounts to a version of the game that already had store mounts isn’t going to kill the game.

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Classic in my tin foil mind won’t get that till the squishes come.

Retail let the gold gravy train die bfa to sl. That ilevel squish killed off the money maker that was slamming the crap out of say wod hfc. I ran that several chars a week. The gold was nice.

Ilevel squish came, Rekt its gold value. Vendor price goes off of ilevel.

At now 60, Even mythic dungeon gear if you cared to farm it…is trash. Hell the gear is trash to crafted greens for actual use.

Classic still has 2, soon 3 levels, of raid with decent gear. The ilevel is still good since the gear is good. 85s now running tbcc or wrath raid would be paid well, easier

And exactly how is this Classic anymore?


In fact its pretty “classic” if they reintroduce the shop in the expansion it was available lol

Ah, coming full circle so soon. The fall begins anew.


Yep. Should have seen it coming to. Would have been better doing private servers from 2019. Like I wasted all my time, now just seeing it all go to cataclysm and 2010 again, the reason why we all wanted classic wow in the first place. That just amazes me.


Have told you for 6 months now to leave because of no Wrath servers. You ignored it.


hahahahahahaha it never ceases to amaze me XD

:popcorn: :popcorn:


Remember 14 years ago when Cataclysm came out? It’s 14 years later, and it’s now Classic.


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but classic era is safe. that is most important thing!

I just hope that they make wrath classic era and bc era safe soon.


yeah. the things people already bought for real money in the shop that was already in the game


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Classic and tbc should have never had a cash shop. True classic never did