The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

The Arborwyrm was actually a mount that was already awarded to us when it initally came out. People with 6 month subscriptions got it on the wotlk realms as well as the retail realms. Blizzard took it away though a day or two later, said it was an accident that wotlk side got it, and said that they would look into giving it to us in the future…I guess their idea was to charge people twice for it lmfao


im just gonna sit here and watch the fireworks. dont mind me.


How much for a prepatch event?


fifty dollars. you want to be able to repair thatll cost extra.

Wait where are the WotLK servers?


Wrath is gone, or do you mean there’s still wrath realms we apparently don’t see anywhere?

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I am curious to. Maybe a sliver of hope for permanent wrath classic realms. Hmmm…

If i already own the mount in retail and its available for cata classic, i better get it in cata classic without having to buy it again, that includes subscription rewards like the 12 / 6 month rewards.

If not you are denying me access to something i bought which is a BIG issue.


this right here

Wait until the ‘classic classic’ ‘non-progression classic’ realms have their own separate shop with the same, yet separate, mounts. I cannot wait!

/ackshully (actually), you know what? If that’s we get a Wrath ever realm, so be it. “Milk me Daddy Blizz” give us one totally separate “non-progression” with a “non-progression-shop” realm.

Is that what it could/would take for a Wrath ever era realm?

No? Oh well. Was worth a shot.


Retail mounts/pets do not cross over to Classic sadly. I wish things did, I’d want all my retail gold pulled over but…it is not a thing and I doubt there is any “BIG issue”.

Would you really expect anything less that pitch forks and torches to storm the Blizzard castle from the community. :smiley:

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If it is a mount you bought for retail, and it is available in cata, you already bought it and should be aloud to use it.

Im not saying let people use the 500 cash shop mounts of retail. If its available in cata and i already bought it (not earned mounts, bought mounts) for retail, the only reason to not let me use a mount i already bought is a dishonest cash grab.

It would be like buying skyrim for pc and installing it on windows 7, then upgrading to windows 10 and being told you need to buy it again to play it. You already bought it, its not running of a different type of system (same game client, using the same account information), trying to make you buy it again is akin to making you pay a second time for something you already bought. It boarders on the legality of it and very well could lead to a class action lawsuit if someone is petty enough to do so.


“Wrath Classic collection”

But there’s no servers to use it with so…


They treat them as separate games, therefore they are not made available across games. This is true for everything. Characters, titles, gold, achievements, etc none are available across games. I am not saying it is right or wrong but it is what it is.

As for the rest well, have fun with that and let me know how it turns out.

You can use it for Cata.
Prepatch =/= Cata.
You can buy it now and it will roll forward when Cata releases.
You can buy it after Cata releases.

Makes perfect sense to me.

it was already in the game for 2 days before they removed it. saying it was a bug/mistake. we are mad they are trying to milk us for more money. when they cant even fix the bugs in the game now.


cmon man. With all the hate CATA is getting and then you go and do this. I am so excited for CATA as its the expansion I first got 2k rating as feral druid and started taking raiding seriously. You guys really need to think about what you want to do with “Classic”. The more expansions you release the more we lose what “classic” truly is, but you can keep that feeling by not adding in all of these purchasable cosmetic items.


Zero player power on the shop. As it should be. Don’t get why y’all are mad, this is a far cry from actual microtransactions.

It also says Wrath, cuz we are still technically in Wrath. Calm down.

Go ahead, bring on the slippery slope arguments.

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Y’all act like this is the end of the world.
Did you all forget about the “blazing upgrade” already? They’re going to get every penny they can out of this.