The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

Yea i have, i was a part of it long ago when classic was first launched. It’ll be a jolly good time over there.

Some times I wonder at the decisions Blizzard makes


I mean… the game moved on? TBC was pretty successful and Wrath looked immensely successful, even with the WoW token added.

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I quit when the token was added. Tbc was severly crippled by giving players a boost thus making leveling zones empty. wrath just showed their view of the classic servers as a cash cow to be exploited. this is likely the REAL reason they used the legion client.


Look, I agree with you. But looking at the game from the outside, it still looked like it had a super healthy population. The modern gamer just doesn’t really care if you can boost/buy gold even if it devalues the overall experience.

nah what blizzard needs to do but wont is ban players buying gold in classic. permanently. have a gm or 6 looking at logs of money sent. in real time.

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I mean, yeah. But they fired all of the GMs and CS

i see they finally moved it.

Is this the new yacht club? Are we being milked to buy devs now?







Why’s nobody liking the post?


talk about out of season april fools jokes, after the dogpile quality of cata you released you shove this in our face.

blizzard continues to reach new pathetic lows


Are you guys ever going to open up the ability to change names in SOD? I hate the name I picked for one of my characters…

All the collectors edition stuff. Nothing new here or worth rioting over but im sure the forums are on fire.


You release cataclysm prepatch in the most broken state I have ever seen a game. I’m sure the shop works 100% fine tho! If anyone from blizzard reads this, please find a better job. you are worth more than this.


Eh, well they’re also throwing a $25 price tag on a mount that we got for free with our 6 month subscriptions. The real kicker is that the mount was “accidentally” awarded to people on the wotlk realms when it initially released, and they took it away two days later and replaced it with a pet after everyone picked up the 6 month sub lmfao. So, they took a mount we already obtained and are charging us $25 more if we want it back.

I saw this coming a mile away though. If you look at your mount journal in-game, almost all the store mounts and raf mounts are currently in the journal, so I’m sure there will be more to come.


Why are people upset over items from the removed Collectors Editions coming back? Everything except the mount was already buyable in Classic during TBC/Wrath. This is nothing new. The WoW community has some of the dumbest people on earth.


fix the game issues before trying to sell us more crap


You mean… the game no longer exists to play through blizzard.

And just as everyone warned, creating a dead world for the sake of selling boosts guts so much of the experience of the game. And that’s what happened. Just like they do with retail, they want to just thrust everyone into endgame and ignore the open world. That doesn’t make for a good game.

The boosts created a dead world in TBC, and it’s gone.
Tokens blew up the wrath economy and now it’s “moving on.”
How many times do blizzard need to be told to stop injecting retail ideas into classic?