The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

And while they are at it, add those permanent wrath classic servers also.

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Everyone here crying about spending money all I have to say to you is this.

“If your broke just say that”

I am just crying because the store states that you can buy mounts for wrath classic to. Like where. I don’t see the wrath classic tooltip on the launcher anywhere lol.

There’s a problem with games making the cash shop a priority. If blizzard were committed to also producing a stellar game, I don’t think anyone would have much to say about it. As it stands now, blizzard seems unable or unwilling to solve many of the issues that plague classic. Some bugs have remained unfixed for entire expansions. Holiday events are never released without a bunch of problems. Like, ever. And now they’re SELLING a mount when they still haven’t fixed the HH mount bug.

It’s not okay.

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Love that the shop works completely fine, but the game is so buggy it’s borderline unplayable, they’re ignoring the community when it comes to the nerfed raids, and think we “enjoy” digging all day.


I get you want your era servers and as I stated before, I am neither for nor against but you do seem to be obsessed at this point. You are now finding reasons to pick.

Thats cool you want to make sure that anyone who didn’t buy these already has a chance to have their wallet raided one last time, but where the frig are MY WARGLAIVE XMOGS

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I bought the dragon and completely regret it. The mount has no audio at all. No flying wing flap sound or mounting roar. You’d think the cash shop would have better quality control. Guess the fool’s cap is on me.


I mean, the title is misleading. Why does it say wrath classic if wrath classic is gone. No one proofreads at blizzard apparently.


I like this one better,
“a fool and his money are easily parted”


Are they seriously trying to sell “ * Auspicious Arborwyrm mount”??? :rage::rage::rage:


Luckily you don’t have to buy it. Just like I am not buying anything blizzard related, including my sub being cancelled, because they won’t provide permanent wrath classic servers. Which is super stupid.

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You guys should put the to-do bug list in the classic shop (for as many pages as you can fit), this way we who actually love this game can all volunteer the wage for the intern to do an hour of work before you send him on a donut run to go with the new milk in the break room

Where’s the gumbo pot and imp in a ball?

Why are you charging people twice for arborwyrm

Yes. I don’t even use it when I dabble in retail for an hour.

Only store mount I’d see rebuying is iron sky reaver from wod. Solid top 5 mount for me. If wod classic is reached, I hope it’s there.

It does seem interesting. Having the text state wrath classic included to. Like what lol.

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Can we get a fix in RDF :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Man and in rdf it still won’t let me que for certain dungeons.

Yah I got the same issues. I also love how permanent wrath classic is listed as being playable in the discription. You know, in case you want to buy pets and mounts for a version of the game that doesn’t even exist as of now. LOLZ