The WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Character Clone Service is Retiring Soon

On the flipside of that point but we’re both suffering from the same decision. All of my characters got pushed into the further expansions with no option to clone or revert. Losing my sub because of it

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your clones are gone
get over it

Are we getting the cloning service back? Sucks to try and comeback on my character to find out all those hours sunk into him are gone.

If the cloning service is truly gone, possible to get a fresh? No point in mixing the new characters and clones, it’s why ERA is the way it is.

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such is life

now you’re speaking my language

If any of you didn’t read the link in the original message, part of it says the following:


If you haven’t made a choice for any of your characters since the last time you logged in to either WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic, those characters will be moved to Burning Crusade Classic. The Classic Era version of the character will be permanently deleted and unavailable for cloning.

Read the last sentence… a few times if necessary… and then stop asking about clones since the data was purged.

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I think people keep asking because throwing away customer data that has potential monetary value is so stupid that it’s difficult to believe it.

Many of us see what they wrote and straight up do not believe that what they are saying is true. It sounds more like they are saying whatever they think will make people drop the issue and stop bugging them. Many of us work in tech ourselves and the idea that the data isn’t recoverable, even if deleted, reeks of bulls**t.

Even if the data is gone, making a transfer service from wotlk to era would be trivial, especially if they included limitations like all gold/tradeable items would be removed. If they wanted to be really lazy, they could even limit it to characters that are still level 60.

I honestly don’t think I can be convinced that bringing back character transfers is not doable. So when blizzard says it’s not possible, all I hear is “I don’t wanna >.<“.


The crazy part is you can still see the characters if you log into your original realm on Era. My lvl 60 pally in T3 is just chilling on the login screen.

Edit: Nevermind, my pally has been lost since the last time I checked. But the characters were present after the official delete date.

I work in tech and data gets permanently deleted all the time :expressionless:. Ending the character clone service was a good decision. They only wanted a temporary window for cloning characters because otherwise, you would have lvl 60s with amazing epics constantly getting cloned into classic era. This was fine for awhile when every classic era server was dead, but those days are over. There’s a thriving community here now and new people showing up need to pay their dues and level new characters. At this point, cloning your end game geared lvl 60 is akin to buying a boost.

I will preface my response to you by saying that I am leveling several characters on Era and very much enjoying it. I would be doing this even if I had access to my level 60, as I enjoy the leveling stage more than I like the endgame. That said,

I honestly can’t tell if you are arguing in good faith that me regaining the ability to play a character I leveled, geared, and spent time on completing as much of the game as I could is like getting a character boost. “Pay their dues”? The dues were paid. Don’t bother trying to change my mind on that. An argument could be made about the impact returning 60’s (even if stripped of all gold and tradeables) could have on Era servers. But comparing being able to play your own character to getting a boost just makes me suspect that the person is trolling.

“Data gets deleted all the time”. Sure, data with little significance or value does. But a valuable, leverage-able dataset? With no backups? On modern data storage platforms/architecture? With the cost of backup storage nearing zero? Some incredibly wrong decisions would need to be made by people that would know better for that to happen in a way that is unrecoverable. I’m at a loss to explain how unthinkable that is. It would be like intentionally doing a bellyflop onto a landmine; just pointlessly self-destructive.

Even if that is the case, which would be very worrying, migrating characters from WotLK to era would not be hard. I don’t know what part of tech you’re an expert in, but I’m sure you can see that it just isn’t a hard problem. All the parts and pieces are already there.