The worst part of the new social contract

I wish people would realize this “social contract” has been WoW’s ToS this whole time. Nothing has changed. Blizzard is just looking for a pat on the head, by throwing it in your face.

Stop being petrified of it.


Except the half of it that wasn’t in the ToS or EULA. Which amounts to “suggestions”, but still are new “Requirements” you have to “agree to” in order to log in.

There’s telling people they are bad and need to pick it up and then there’s placing f bombs and bad language…they are not the same thing.

Criticism is ok. Going off on a person like a sailor who stubbed his toe is clearly the way not to talk to people. Use common sense and you’ll be fine.

“Hey, [player name], your dps is a lot lower than it should be given your ilvl, and it’s really hurting this run.”

You could even follow it up with, “Can you please try to bump up the numbers a bit so we can time this?” or the like.

Even if they do report you (lol), it won’t be taken seriously.

Just… interact with people without being a jerk.

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Problem is, some cultures find passive-aggression more irritating than bluntness.

Blacklist them after the M+…you’ll never see them again. Not like you can replace them.

That’s just outright rude and horrible. No wonder your so worried…that is infact toxic because of the wording.

You can’t enter the middle of a key?

No, you can’t.