Seeing what used to be decent people embrace conspiracy theories, lack of empathy, etc.
Context, examples, reason for posting this in the first place? And relation to WoW is?
I think M+ happened
Please don’t get political about this, dude.
Hard cringe. You should probably see a therapist.
My friend used to love WoW. Now I can’t even motivate him to do Torghast to get his legendary. I’ve been telling him for weeks that he needs to do Torghast if he wants to get the legendary but he always brushes it off.
He thinks he’s woke
You haven’t aged enough. The older you get, the more funerals you go to. Aging sucks.
Please, tell us more on what the correct narrative is.
Does it involve Bill Gates or Soros?
DAMN, that’s depressing :*(
Is he doing the content where a Legendary is relevant? I didn’t even have a Legiondary while they were current, and probably won’t get this one until some time in 9.3 or after. Now, if they are raiding Mythic CN, doing high M+, or rated PvP, a Legendary might be more useful.
I might age but Elywnn forest hasn’t changed. This is why I love the game.
It involves getting as far away from all that as possible.
Not what woke means boomer
I was born in 92 and im pretty sure I know what woke means xD
CAn you stop trolling the thread dude? Enough already.
8 posts, low level
Totally not a troll posting
Ignore him and move on
Level 60
Death Knight
Totally murdering people for food.
Run and move on.
He’s always talking about being great at PvP which is where he spends most his time. We do arena together(our rating is garbage). We are also getting into M+ now since we started like a month or so ago. It’s not very high content yet but we want to get there yet hes not really putting in the work despite having plenty of time. I don’t even have my legendary yet. 1 more week and I’ll be going straight to the 235. Me and two other people have been doing Torghast together, but now we are on the two layer 8’s a week and he hasn’t done a single layer. I’ve even offered to do it with him. So yeah friends change.
How am I trolling when I’m literally just replying to every attempt you guys are making at invalidating me. /shrug