The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

I’m pretty sure you know what it is.

You’ve been following me most ardently throughout this post.

Nope I dont. Pretty sure I’ve asked you again and again and you’ve been dodging it


Have a scroll up.

I think it’s there.

Since you already know.

Fixed it for them :slight_smile:

You have to keep in mind that Ard thinks everyone is as dumb as a box of matches. They refuse to accept the fact that when someone tries to reach out to you via b-tags, you just don’t accept them.

You can leave them hanging in limbo or decline/ignore them. But Ard thinks people are too stupid to use that properly and will accidentally accept that one invite from someone trying to harass you.

It’s the most ridiculous reason not to add b-tags and, in my opinion, one of the best pieces of proof that we need to add b-tags.


the argument seems to be


wanna quote them then? Since you seem to know where there are


I normally try to follow hanlon’s razor when interacting on the forums, but Ard and Tai have been really pushing the limit of that.

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Until you accept their request under a different account alias, or they find you through your friends on your list.

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Good morning Moondoggie-faerlina! No I don’t agree. The number may not show as default, just like they don’t on the other forums, but when you hover of them they do display the full information. That is just like the forums do now here. Your name-server will show to differentiate you from other Moondoggie characters.

Unfortunately the way the WoW in-game chat works, someone can contact you using that information without your permission, add you to their friends list, track you even with a name change, etc.

Battletags are much more secure. It does not let anyone talk to you without your permission and you can decline & block with one click. Much more secure.

People can still say what they want on the forums (subject to reporting and moderation), but with Btags you can Ignore the whole account and they can’t bother you in any other way without your permission.


See! You still think people add each other all willy-nilly! Not only that, let’s say someone does add someone by mistake or they come to find out they’re a bad actor…a couple of clicks and they’re off your friends list and perma-blocked!

It’s a million times better than the current forum ignore and literally helps to prevent harassment.


we going in circles again Ard? Didnt we just have this conversation?


Harassment is happening whether you accept a request or not.

No? Blizzard just makes changes to the battletag system rather than the forums, because the problem lies in the system, and not the forums.

Reality is, we have had btag enabled forums on games with low populations for years, and there are widespread harassment cases that you choose to ignore and say “well, if it was happening, we would have heard about it.” I linked you ONE example of THOUSANDS and you again make assumptions.

You can’t report and block when people are constantly following you in-game and stream sniping you just to grief you. You can’t report and block streamers and their viewers from viewing your public posts and profiles on stream, then following you ingame and harassing you. That is the reality. And again, this is just one example of it in one game.

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Unless they do it through your guild, without you knowing who it is.

And how do they harass you if they can’t msg you directly ingame? And if btag was a thing you can also block them in the forums and they can’t just jump on another toon to try and harass you like what Lilithia likes to do

How? If you decline and block the bnet friend request, how can the person harass you?

If you’re going to make that claim, I expect you to have proof that it is in fact possible.


You still have to choose either to accept the b-tag request or not. This system puts you in control.

And get this, if you don’t know who it is that’s asking to be added, you just leave them hanging and they still can’t contact you via b-tags! They literally can’t, until you let them.


That choice becomes redundant if you’ve already given them the keys to the house that is through accepting their friend request.

And you can’t remove them since you wouldn’t know who it is.

What do you think Btags are, exactly?


Oh dear sweet Adilith, and Capslock, please read the post in context and pay attention before you reply. This is about Hwan’s claim that harassment doesn’t happen in other games because, “if it did we’d have heard about it,” that have battletag forums.

My sweet Yzer, Have you consider reading and actually try and debunk what I said?