The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

Here is the context.

That reads very heavily as you saying that you can harass someone who declines your friend request.

Elaborate on how you think this is even possible.

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I have already debunked what you said - I don’t need to repeat myself. All you have to do is read what I have already posted.

Yes. And I am not going to explain the concept of “stream sniping” to you Capslock.

You’re not making sense again. You aren’t giving them your keys. You are letting a stranger into your house because you’re not smart enough to close the door instead.

And let’s say you do let the stranger in and they’re a tool, you kick them out and lock the door. You never give the stranger your key.

In what world do you not know who you accepted as a b-tag friend? And in what world are you not looking at their name when they message you with this made up harassment? What makes you think that you can’t then simply remove them as a friend?

You are making it so incredibly clear that the reason you don’t want b-tags is because you have no clue at all how they work.

Let’s try to stick to reality instead of making up ridiculous scenarios.

Edit to add: That’s 2 people on my ignore list. No time to argue with people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.


Which has nothing to do with battletags, and is therefore irrelevant to the current discussion.


Again my question to you. How would you get harass if you can’t contact me via btag? Here try it now. Unsettled#1638


It does if you understand what the word “context” means.

The only context that makes complaining about stream sniping even remotely logical here is you moving the goalposts and using a strawman argument.



Nobody cares about Joe Schmoe with 4 viewers. If hugely popular streamers can deal with snipers, you can too.


They don’t want the Battletag to be used because it shows their forum behavior on multiple Blizzard forums. They don’t want people to know about it. That was already stated by more than one person in this thread I think.

It has nothing to do with privacy. They KNOW the Batletag is a public nickname and reveals no personal information. They just lament that WoW forums might fall into line with the rest of Blizzard forums and they can’t switch identities here. That people can Ignore them entirely with one function.

I would wager a guess is has everything to do with a tiny handful of people who have multiple accounts who enjoy causing drama/concern trolling, without risk of larger consequences such as people knowing who they are and Ignoring them with one click.

Why else would people be upset the ability to mass flag them would be removed, the ability to get around Ignore would be removed, etc. They would have more protections, not less. BUT people would see their patterns of posting and attribute it to that Battletag as a person.


“Its not happening in other games, its impossible”

Posts an example of it happening in other games

“well yeah, but it’s not happening that bad”

Didn’t say it was

“strawman! moving goalposts!”

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Your example has nothing to do with the forums at all, so it’s not relevant to the topic at hand.


Right, a streamer browsing the FORUMS roasting posters of the FORUMS in front of 2k+ viewers leading to harassment of said FORUM posters by the 2k+ viewers has nothing to do with the FORUMS.

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Is that really the best you can do?

That “example” is so forced and artificial it might as well be the script for the phantom menace.


Considering your claim that my example had nothing to do with the FORUMS? I think it is good enough, yeah.

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Fox just seems to me to be contrary (for whatever reason) and not really believing much of what they’re posting. Almost all of it is nonsensical.
The other you mentioned I suspect is sincere but is basing their views on paranoia and bias which prevents them from seeing things rationally.
Anyways that’s my take on them. :woman_shrugging:

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It is bloodypaw after all. If you look up any of his post it’s all about paranoia


Artificial? You mean as in the term “made up” or imagined?

Here, I will link you to the FORUM post that discusses this, that Hwan himself linked since you think it was forced and artificial:

And here I am repeating myself because you couldn’t be bothered to actually read my replies in context…

Maybe it’s the way this thread has been working because it’s so long but I don’t see anything now when I hover over a person’s name.

So you have people who are harassing someone on the forums, using a name that they got from the game that the person was streaming?

That’s not relevant to btags here, since (for wow specifically), btags would reduce the odds of this for players who think it’s going to happen to them (either the actual high profile posters, or just those with a heightened sense of self importance).

As I have said from the start, the most secure and private option is to post as a btag only with no character attached, since (for your scenerio), that info is not prominently displayed on the stream at basically all times in game (like your btag is when you play overwatch).


lol…I mean if you want to think it was because of the guy was INGAME on stream, you really have a listening problem.

The streamer wasn’t INGAME. The streamer was browsing the forums on stream. Calling out forum posters, on stream. Opening the poster’s profiles, on stream. Displaying their battletags, on stream. That info WAS prominently displayed, on stream.

This all stemmed from the streamer browsing the forums, and roasting posters of those forums, on stream. Leading to harassment of the poster whose battletag was prominently displayed, on stream, by the streamer’s viewers.

And, again for context, this one example of battletag harassment that was posted to counter Hwan’s claim that: “If it was happening in other forums that use battletags, we would have heard about it.”

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