The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

Again, I think something is being lost in translation here.

When I said “you literally edited Mirasol’s words into your post” - I didn’t mean that you edited Mirasol’s words. If I did, there would be a comma or a period after “words”. What I mean is, you edited your own post to include Mirasol’s arguments to your own.

What may be offensive to some might not be to others.

People flag based off of their own opinions. Doesn’t mean they are right or wrong . It just means it is their opinion on what is said .

Don’t agree then state your reason for not agreeing or mute the person .

If Blizz thinks it is a false flag then let them handle it and if the person feels they are punished wrongly then they can appeal and give their reasons for why the punishment is wrong.

Thank you for confirming then. It is not my words. I am not using money for an argument.


Then why is it in the original post and listed as


If that’s not your argument, then why are you claiming it?


I’d venture to say that people who don’t report players based on their emotions aren’t the ones having to ignore people. We’re able to deal with seeing people we don’t agree with without it causing issues.

WHo cares if you quoted her. THat was edited in after the initial post so people could see it when they first enter anyways .

Anyone with any common sense can see that .

Oh wait never mind I forgot who we wre dealing with


People who think a space goes before a period shouldn’t make fun of or mock other players, they especially shouldn’t bring up “common sense” remarks to make fun of others.

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For the record Kiper isn’t one of my alts everyone.

That’s probably Ardnncloud or Michael


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Or am I?

Nah, if I were that guy I’d have quit since all they do is complain about the game.

I’ve never seen this person.

Oh so sorry man i forgot…im against callouts and respect peoples right to privacy.

Sorry i stuffed up

Anyway, I think bringing the WoW forums more in line with the other Blizzard forums would be a good step towards dealing with the shenanigans that we only see here.

+1 for btags


Guys…I’m so sad guys. My priestess alterna-Nili finally detransformed from her Moon Prism Power: Make Up :dracthyr_cry_animated:

In the meantime, weekend support for Btags!

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I know who Kiper is. They’re a level 10 Gnome Hunter. Still too short to hold a bow.

I should suggest you to read the support article on Battle tags and Real ID, learn the difference between the two, one is a username that is used when playing Blizzard games and other Blizzard related sites, the other is basically your full legal first name and last name that shouldn’t really be shared.

Hear me out Lilithia, those people don’t want to talk with you, its simple as that, personal reason may vary like me, I only ignore people if they are just annoying, rude, has a habit of starting a bad faith argument with me or just trolling.

If you don’t like being ignored than you maybe should reflect on your past posts and maybe see reasons why people just ignored you on one of those posts.


Anyways, it is 6.50am, and that means another BTag support post :smile:


So they‘re still banging that drum, huh? I know that I’m thankful with the way ignore works in this thread. Now it’s time to roll it out to the rest!


I’m just can’t be bothered to place them on ignore anymore. All they’ll do is switch to another alt to continue the trolling.


I haven’t switched to an alt though. That’s your own imagination playing games with you.

Which is why many in this thread have thanked them, and others like them, for their ongoing support. There are so many examples of why a change is needed in this thread alone, thanks to that group of posters.