The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

You absolutely can if you want to though. Tell me who plays ONE character in wow and no other characters? Probably not many. I didn’t say click either, just hover over.

Just put them on ignore . I’m sorry if they have personal issues but they don’t belong here.

None of us are trained phsychologist and if that is the kind of help they need then their are plenty of sites to fit their needs.

If not then they are just doing all they can to get this thread removed and the topic dropped so they can continue with their toxic behavior with no consequences.

We so need btags in here.


Doubly so on Sundays.

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Every day since covid has been Sunday

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So why are you asking me where you have used money as an argument? Shouldn’t you know what your argument is by now? I mean it’s been nearly 2 months.

That made me laugh because it’s true. :laughing:

You’re the one accusing me of using “money” as an argument, and now you’re asking me to look through my own post to back you up?

Let me fix that for you.


All these people during lockdown thought they could become quality tier trolls but in reality they would be what quality a dollar store would provide if it had a bargain basement


You asked me where you used money as an argument. I told you exactly where to find it. I mean if looking at your own post is too much work I don’t know what more you want from me.

Your Op quoted Mirisol. She had that in her post.

But still, btags would be nice about now.


Ah, Mirasol’s post then, not mine. So I wonder why they are claiming I’m the one making the argument then?

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Angry person is trying to rile everyone up.


Because he’s trying to drag anyone he can into an argument for the sake of being a contrarian. No other reason.


Your words, not Mirasol’s. Your post, not Mirasol’s. You literally edited Mirasol’s words into your post and used them as “Full details on what is wrong and what BTags will solve” - I mean…

THat’s what most of the antis are doing .

If they had any real arguements they would back them up instead of repeating the same debunked misinformation like a badly scratched record


Have I?

There is the post I quoted to the Opening Post…

Oh look, same words being said by her that I’ve quoted.

Ive made many points that have been ignored

You’re right, I forgot about the clause where you can report things that are offensive and nearly everything is offensive now. I tend to forget things like this since I grew up in a different time and place, I guess.

Also lol.


Yeah, I find it offensive that you think everything is offensive. REPORTED!

Jokes :purple_heart:

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