The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

No, it is not.

Unlike the group of posters erroneously accusing someone of switching to alts because they can’t argue their points?

I think it’s hilarious too.

So much salt.


Show no respect and get none in return. The common denominator in all of Your social interactions is You.


here once again in support of btags on the wow forums :+1:
/end the insanity now plz :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


probably because he’s always silenced :rofl:

Bumping for btags


BTag Party


Lets party for BTags.


Prove it’s not their main account. You implied that people were not using their main accounts, not that they didn’t have alts that they’ve also posted on.

Wreckingbull is a regular over in the CS forums too. They have no reason to lie and are very forthcoming when switching from one posting character to another. But since that wasn’t the accusation that you originally made, your comment, “No, it is not.” is entirely wrong, and you even proved yourself wrong, so thanks for that :wink:

Not that I’m surprised. You’re simply trying to derail the thread with made-up “proof”.

Once again, Arf providing more support for b-tags :slight_smile: Much appreciated!


Afternoon support for battletags and worgen tails.


Morning support for BTags, and I’m heading to bed


And is also showing how easy it is to find people’s alts through CheckPVP even without Btags, so having Btags in posts is even less of a big scary deal.

I will say, though, people are getting a little out there with the accusing people of being alts. It’s reaaaallly pretty easy to verify, most of the time. As long as you have two retail characters to compare, pet collections will out retail alts in all cases except in the rare instances when someone has multiple Bnets, and you lose out on so much by not having the same one that it’s not common.

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so you tie people up in the real world if they have had enough of you? Thats basically what you are saying. If people want to get away you will actively detain them and refuse to “let them go”? Basically you are advocating for the electronic version of false inprisonment. It doesnt matter in the slightest what you feel. If someone doesnt want to deal with you they have absolutely every single right to make that so.

Its a bit hard to take what you type on these forums any other way. Its not something that one can “read between the lines on” as others have said in this thread. Its text on a screen and what you typed there reads exactly as - you feel that you should be entitled to force others to have you in their presence all the time without pause and without any escape or relief and its an affront to you personally if others want anything otherwise.

I dont really do those things, but last year when there was half a dozen or more daily “T squad” threads up (or even a month or so ago when a person posting from an alt they willingly declared was “just for forums” just after 5pm knowing that the moderation team had signed off for the night) It was evident that the moderation itself was not up to the task. It doesnt matter how many people were “feeding” because the trolls and garbage posters werent content just making a thread, they were making tons of them.

They were dominating the top of the forums with junk and there was no stopping them because they’d bin the alts and create new ones for the next day. Moderation was swamped and the rest of us just had to deal with waves of rubbish sitting at the top of the forums and it went on for months.

basically see what i just said, and what others have said countless times over the past months. How does one ignore a user who deletes the allied race alt they used for that last spam thread only to create a new one and put up another spam thread 5 minutes later? Without a means to stop THE WHOLE ACCOUNT from being visible it just means the rest of us have to block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block untill whatever limit is hit, meanwhile theres NO limit on create/delete of allied race alts. So they have the power, the rest of us just have to spend our lives “dealing” with them? Thats not a good system.

Besides once i report a post, who is going to come in and “moderate” it once the forum team has gone home for the day?

your dude arf called me a forum alt, yet i havent called you anything. You going to get all in on his case or its fine for “your side” to name call but anything from the other is end of the world stuff?


So now instead of making throw away characters for the forums people will just make throw away bnet accounts lol.

i ain’t reading all that.

i’m happy for you though.

or sorry that happened.

Which cost $15, instead of being free.


Considering that you need to have an active subscription to post to the WoW forums and at least one character at level 10 (aside from the Customer Support forum) that’s a pricey and time-consuming need to troll.


Oh noez… he found some of my old toonz. What should I do?


Not when you consider people make new wow accounts and pay for two for the recruit a friend rewards, id say the vast majority do that via actually bringing new people to the game. So to be fair that’s already happening

Win-win for blizzard. Said account need to subscribe to post in the forum. So how many people can actually afford making more than 1 account just to troll. That’s $15 each time out of pocket