The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

We’ve already had this discussion a few days ago lol. The Mods have all the tools necessary to do exactly what you say Btags will allow them to do. There is no gain for mods. As far as community members - there’s a rule almost as old as the internet: “Don’t feed the trolls!” Y’all claim ignore is ineffective - yet sit here and go back and forth with people supposedly on your ignore list. Or you jump into topics created by a level 55 classic DK spamming them to show their main.

You know what would actually lessen the workload for mods? If you just reported troll posts, ignored them, and moved on. Btags not needed, blizz saves all that money you say they would save by not having to revamp the forums. But that won’t work because you have no self control and are just as bad as the bad actors you claim to be against.

But hey, I’m just a level 40 priest. What do I know?

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How is one online nickname you made up for yourself any more or less anonymous than a different one?


This is my main chuckles.


Battle Net and Real ID are not the same.


What a dumb argument, but it’s Arf, so not surprised lmao.

I think most Btag supporters in here post on their primary account, and many on their main. Mine used to be my main, and I just never swapped to posting on anyone else.

Most Btag supporters also tend to give away their Btag for free, and mention if they move to an alt for anything.

Meanwhile… how many sockpuppets have Lil, Ard, and Arf gone through? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

At any rate, good morning folks. Back to work this morning. :dracthyr_cry_animated: But here’s my usual morning stop to offer Btag support!


I usually post on the character I main. Just been inactive due to real life issues, but still maintaining a sub. I hide my profile, because some noodleheads like to try to shame or troll people. They can still find my profile and post history, but I’m not gonna make things easy for them to troll.

I give mine away only if asked, but my BTag is out there floating in the wild.


Similar here, but in my case it’s more just: if I am given privacy options on any platform I frequent, I am going to use them. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: I don’t have anything to hide, but people have a tendency to try and go back through people’s posting history when they have nothing actually relevant to add to the discussion, and so instead want to resort to attacking people over something unrelated. In my case, it’s usually my blunt manner of conversing and/or my support for LGBTQ+ issues.

To reiterate the whole thread for the benefit of others reading: Btags offer further privacy, especially so if it simply displays our Btags but not our character name - or at least only displays the character name, and not server. Btags will also provide an account-wide ignore option, which is one of the biggest reasons many of us want them, as while it won’t prevent trolls from creating threads… it will definitely cut down on engagement. Will also serve to prevent constant harassment via taking the harasser out of sight entirely.

I usually don’t give mine away, but that’s just a rule for myself on most social platforms - especially for MMOs. I will, however, not care that it’s on display once Btags are implemented on the WoW forums. Especially if it comes with account-wide ignores. It’s a lot easier to just reject a random friend request and move on with my day, than the current setup where people can find you in-game and add you without consent, then spam your mailbox.

We need both.

It would for me. When I ignore a person, I don’t want them moving to a sock puppet to circumvent my ignore. I’m not interested in playing whack-a-mole when reading the forums.


The problem is, on the old forum, people would sometimes ignore me, and if that’s all they would do that would be fine…but the issue with that, is that they would then go calling out my alts to other people.

You can ignore who you like but in my opinion, call-outs shouldn’t be allowed.

I know I’ve been guilty of ignoring people in the past, but there is a difference between ignoring an obvious troll and giving someone the silent treatment. It’s one thing to need some space from someone to process a heated argument or whatever, but going completely silent to the point where you are excluding someone simply because they don’t share your opinion and views or whatever in my opinion is wrong.

That said, I suppose I’d prefer to be ignored on this forum then someone simply reacting/reporting something I said because they didn’t understand the full context of what I was saying.

People have the right to decide who they want to associate with. People don’t just want to Ignore one of your characters. They want to Ignore YOU. All of you. Your entire account. Any other accounts you have. They want nothing to do with you at all. They don’t want to report you. They don’t want to argue with you. They don’t want to insult you. They just want to never see anything you post ever again.

There is an easy way to stop people mentioning all your alts. Stop using them to get around the Ignore feature. Until Blizzard gives us single account IDs, people will continue to mention and block your alts. Because they can’t just block YOU the way they want.

We need Battletags or some form of account wide forum account ID like the rest of the Blizzard forums.


So that you couldn’t gaslight/troll any more? Good. You shouldn’t be doing that anyways.

Or maybe people get fed up with having to deal with multiple gaslighting alts of yours, doublespeak intending to be constant “gotcha” moments and constant back and forth drama?

You said you wanted privacy? You know the answer to that. Let me spell it out for you, so everyone is clear - don’t be on the forums, if you want to be guaranteed privacy. There, done.


Ok, so can you please point out where I have used “money” as an argument?

The main argument is the forums treating the char-server as the account, which allows so many things to be abused, such as mass flagging, or bypassing ignores just to name a couple. One of the biggest things is the trust levels are tied to the char-server, which some want to switch to be your BNet account wide, which is why BTags are better for to be added to the WoW Forums, because then the trust levels and everything along the account can be used with the full account, instead of the char-server.

Yes, my Paladin is totally a throw away character, considering I haven’t deleted it since I created it back in WoD.

Want to say the same about people against BTags? It doesn’t matter if the person wants or doesn’t want, it is by the persons choice to choose to whether post from a low level toon or to hide there profiles from the public.

Why is it the people who are against BTags against people who make choices on what they do with there accounts.

So, where is the evidence to say the forums doesn’t need BTags. You haven’t provided one source or one fact to why the forums doesn’t need BTags, so please, if you have an actual source, please, provide it.

I do agree that the moderation does need improving within the forums, but just remember, the same moderation that moderates the World of Warcraft forums also moderates every other Blizzard owned forum.

ReadID =/= BattleTags

Time to learn the difference.

Call-Outs aren’t allowed within the forums, but it depends on the type of call out that is determind. If switching between alts within the forums, and doing the same thing on the forums, then people will call you out for your own behaviour, something which isn’t against the forum rules. But if people are going to just post your alts for the sake of trolling, then yes, it is against the forum rules.

People understand the context completely when you turn the topic into a political topic when you bring in arguments such as “woke”.

Lets just stick with BTags and not add another type of forum ID. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel when there was nothing wrong with the original wheel.


Yeah look i take that very personally and have zero respect for people that want to ignore me and shut me up.

You’ve made it clear you have zero respect for people, period.


I just wish Blizzard would make up their minds on what changes they are going to make…

A bit hard to make any decisions until i know what I’m dealing with,

Im getting sick of having to level classic alts to level 10,

I want Blizzard to make up their mind on whether to listen to you people or not with this btag thing

Instead of worrying about that, and this thread: Seek professional help outside the forums.


I mean I was very clear (I think). Maybe something got lost in translation? In the OP itself. OP = Original Post. Original Post = Very first post of the thread.

People accuse me of gaslighting but isn’t questioning a strangers mental health a form of gaslighting in itself, not that that’s relevant.

Make no mistake: No one is questioning it.


Yeah, and the original post in the thread is me.