The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well



At least I got a shirt. :grin:

Maybe people are right. Maybe BattleTags are not necessary here.

Stalkers seem to have other tools at their disposal.

This is so creepy.

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and that was kind of meant to be the point.
you assumed they were all the same people.
so… if someone had made a 55 classic toon with the same name, you’d assume they were the same person too.

and someone telling you that they’ve put you on ignore, also doesn’t mean that they’ve put you on ignore.

again, a user has NO WAY to know if someone has put them on ignore.

there is no way to circumvent an ignore which nobody knows exists.

(back to my example from earlier in the thread)… a while back, someone lost the plot at me and accused me of following them around and quoting/replying to all of their posts.
i checked their post history, and we’d had zero previous interaction.

with btags, if they were having issues with a poster, and they’d put that poster on ignore, they’d have known I wasn’t their “stalker” if my posts were still appearing.

so… nobody should attempt to respond to anyone, because there’s a chance that the person may have them on ignore?

quoting a post isn’t harassment.
defamation has nothing to do with the ignore function.
there is no way for a use to know if someone has put one of their characters on ignore.

you were the one who was concerned about the ignore issue?
i just responded.

it’s literally not.
you’re trying to invent rules which don’t exist.

you were mistaken.
it’s ok.
at this point, you’re just running the goalposts all over the field.
it is not possible to circumvent an ignore, when there is no way to know if a poster is ignoring you.
as such, there is no rule about circumventing ignore on the forum.

harassment is harassment, and has nothing to do with the ignore function.


i’m going to build a Bunyip army!!


and while I’m here, is anyone else seeing something a little different about the way the forum is behaving?

on big posts, the avatar isn’t scrolling up with the page.
it stays visible to the side of the post, until the post has scrolled off the page.

(should be able to test with the post above this one)

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Yes, hopefully they are working on the forums for the better.

They wouldn’t because you aren’t cool.


i can’t view profiles either

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I’m offended.


I did not notice that until you pointed it out.

Notification color text is white to me is to anyone else?

I do like the bell though.

I really like the blue better.

But I also said this.

I have T on ignore, but if he posts on a different alt doesn’t meant it’s harassment. I don’t announce my ignore to other players I just do it.


yep same here


i think we are still in the transition of whatever is happening
would be cool if it was btags :smiley_cat:


honestly, to announce that you’re putting someone on ignore, SHOULD be harassment.

nobody needs to know if someone is ignoring someone.

making a public proclamation of “I’M PUTTING YOU ON IGNORE” is petty, and it’s saying “I INSIST ON HAVING THE LAST WORD! NEENER NEENER!!”



Or " You aren’t bringing anything substantial to the debate so I am no longer going to deal with you"

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There is one person I see who does this with literally every single person they interact with. They are incredibly volatile and combative, and they constantly end their responses with “Ignore” or “Another one to add to the ignore list” or “I’m ignoring you” You know, some variation of that.

And then they proceed to respond to the people they apparently ignored anyway. It got so bad that they were address groups of people at once. “In response to everyone I have ignored that is replying to me _____”

Main character syndrome personified.

(I also think it’s funny that whats-her-face swapped toons with a “new personality” but it’s only been a day and that personality is quickly reverting to her normal shenanigans.)

I only put people on ignore if I want to stop getting notifications from them. Everyone else, I don’t really need a button to ignore them.


The last thread I read has a blue bar on the left side when I go searching on other topics. That’s new.