The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

Which is why I quoted the CoC, which I will quote again, and emphasize the relevant parts you should pay particular attention to if you think you are in any way right:

I got to change my BTag to Bunyip

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Let’s all change our Btag to Bunyip.


It says I am right in every way. Changing chars or replying to someone is not against the rules.

HARASSING someone is. No matter how you do it.

So again, I am trying to re-enforce that “circumventing Ignore” (as in replying on another char) is NOT a rule on the forums.


Nobody said it was. That was your misunderstanding and taking my post out of context. You focused on the one part of my post where I used “reply” and didn’t expand on that. Then when I did expand on that, you started talking about changing characters not being against the rules, which I never said.

But again, what does this have to do with impersonation?

However, circumventing the ignore with the intent to continue to harass another player is (which is my point), correct?

Let’s do an illustration.

Person A: I have this opinion.
Person B: Your opinion is terrible and I’m putting you on ignore!
Person A: (On a new character) But why do you think that my opinion is terrible, though?

Not actionable. The message from the new alt isn’t harassing just because it exists.

Person A: I have this opinion.
Person B: Your opinion is terrible and I’m putting you on ignore!
Person A: (On a new character) Ha ha loser here I am again, you’re a loser!

Actionable. Not because of the alt switch to get around the ignore, but because harassment is happening.

That ONLY applies on the forums, though, having friends or other accounts contact someone in-game after they’ve put you on ignore IS harassment and will catch you a ding against your account regardless of the content of the message.


I will change my gear today so I don’t resemble anybody else on the forum. I don’t want people thinking I’m Orctang.

Let me re-quote the CoC, again, with MORE emphasis so you can understand the rule is written to encompass many different forms of harassment, as both of your illustrations could be considered harassment:

You don’t have to put me down to harass me. You could be harassing me just by going around my ignore to be heard by me or to get a reply out of me.

If I tell someone I put them on ignore and they instantly walk around ignore deliberately, this would be considered harassment?

But them not haveing any knowledge, of being on ignore is not harassment?

This part I believe is true, people can’t be mind readers with this part.

I may not respond til later lunch break is almost over.

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I wouldn’t really call it semantics, more like legalese.

If they don’t know that they’re being ignored, then how would they know that there was a need to circumvent anything? How could they deliberately be doing something to circumvent an ignore that they have no way of knowing is in place?

I think people are missing a key word in the CoC - intent.

Did you switch characters with the intent to circumvent the ignore and harass the other player? There was a post in the Support forums the other day where someone complained that a person they had on ignore changed names and was a part of their raid group and that the player’s chat could be seen. There was likely no intent to circumvent the ignore or harass the other person by changing the name of the character.

You’re darn right I’ll be dismissive and rude to people who have presented no actual arguments, but instead circular bullnyerk, gaslighting, and reasons why they want to be allowed to keep harassing and abusing people because it “lets them take out their frustrations anonymously”.

When people approach the subject and the other side with respect, they earn respect in turn - even if they ultimately disagree with the other side. I have yet to see a single anti-Btagger who has done this. Even just a simple “I don’t want them” with no further explanation would be fine and a respectable stance. Instead, they dig their heels in the sand, present opinions or straight up misinformation as facts, and argue for the right to troll and harass and impersonate people, or violate a person’s consent by getting around Ignores.

So heck yeah I’ll be aggressive towards people like that. Sorry if that hurts your feelings or makes you think ill of me, but frankly, I don’t much care what you think - the fact you’ll defend some of the people in this thread who have been on record stating some truly vile things, is enough reason for me to put you on Ignore, as well.

That said, most of us have been far more polite than we should have been to some posters. Or have simply put them on Ignore and moved on with our days.

Some of us just are losing our patience, when we’re met with active harassment and the same circular arguments and gaslighting that has been going on for way too long now, across nearly 11.4k pages. And some of us are just blunt.

At any rate, I’m not catching up on what all other mess I may have missed while at work - most of it isn’t showing up anyway, outside of quotes. So, afternoon all and here’s my usual support for Btags on the forums!

Yeah, I do sort of agree - DMs would only work out if we had Btags alongside it, I think, and a number of privacy options.

edit: Oh god why is the picture scrolling with the post now aaaaaa do not like that :dracthyr_cry_animated:


It’s very clear who you are.


I’m pretty sure by now Stevie Wonder could see who it is


I knew it from her first post on that toon. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

And I agree, the scrolling icon thing is weird lol


it was so glaringly apparent i thought for a moment naa it can’t be they wouldn’t be so silly lol


I will admit that I haven’t read all 10k+ posts in this thread, and I’m sure people have been rude on both sides of the argument. What I have read has been from mostly the past couple of weeks, and that’s what I saw. It’s funny how I’ve gotten so many angry replies for that post, when I was only echoing the sentiments of the poster to whom I was originally replying:

Nobody even replied to that post besides me. That being said, this is exactly what I was talking about:

I certainly haven’t been “defending” anyone, or condoning any negative behaviors. I haven’t even stated whether or not I’m for or against b-tags on the forums. Simply pointing out the aggression is enough for some of you to immediately file me away as somehow morally deficient, which is ridiculous.

And just to be clear, I wouldn’t mind having b-tags on the forum. It seems like it would be really convenient.

Who am I? Let me know and I will just use that name, so there is no confusion. I don’t want to be in here acting like I’m hiding.

So, what name? Just say it.

Annoying? :expressionless:


That offended me!