The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

only… there are no battletags.

the forum doesn’t treat them as being the same person.

ignore one, and you still see the others.


Alright, everyday is Taco tuesday. :slight_smile:

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And if I report them because they are circumventing the ignore feature and replying to me, they lose their posting privileges period.

But again, what does that have to do with impersonation?

I say the town of Bunyip in Victoria, Australia is the real one


people have no way of knowing if someone puts one of their characters on ignore.

so how is it possible for someone to circumvent ignore on the forum?


if there are three Bunyips which are all actually one Bunyip, how are people meant to know if a fourth Bunyip who appears on the scene is also the same person, or an imposter?


Same way I did? By checking the identifying features that are already displayed?

They do. For instance - there are a few people here who have me on ignore. I know they have me on ignore because 1.) they outright said it, 2.) they don’t reply to my posts. If I were to try and circumvent their choice to ignore me, and directly engage them in conversation using one of my other alts, I would absolutely be breaking the forum CoC.

the classic character has no features to check.
you simply made an assumption, based on the fact that i was trying to prove a point.
…and i DID prove the point.

the classic character could have been anyone, and you assumed it was the same person as the other two.

that doesn’t mean much.
there are people in this thread who claim to have put people on ignore, then continued to reply to them.

nobody is obliged to respond to your posts…
sometimes i just have enough of peoples rubbish, and stop responding.
it doesn’t mean i’ve put them on ignore.

which part?

it’s super late. i have to get some sleep.


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No - the classic character posted the same thing the others did, and only had 1 post count, just like the others did. That is not assumption, that is just an obvious tell.

Well obviously if someone tells you they have you on ignore, and continue to reply to you, that indicates they didn’t actually ignore you. Battletags wont solve that issue.

It doesn’t mean you didn’t put them on ignore either.

Harassment or Defamatory would be my best guess. That would be up to the Blizzard mods to be honest.

Anyway - what does any of this have to do with impersonation again?

i say we put you all in a battle dome the one that comes out is the real one


Will the real Bunyip please stand up


I honestly can’t remember each person class and race. I do frequently remember names and was fooled by the impersonations.

Replying to you, even if you have another char of theirs on ignore, is not against the rules on the forums.

Circumvention of Ignore only applies in game where you can actually ignore an account, and when they go around that to target you intentionally, it can be viewed as Ongoing Harassment.

Forums don’t tell you when someone else ignores you. They don’t have rules against switching posting chars. They don’t have rules against posting in threads by anyone in particular, liking a post by someone in particular, or replying to someone in particular.

The ONLY thing that constitutes harassment would be actually saying things to that person that fall under the category of harassment. Those would be reportable.

This has come up on the CS forums a few times. Feel free to check.

You can ignore me on Mirasol. I can switch to any other char I want, reply to you - even if you ask me not to - and it is not against the rules. Ignore, which you have to do for each and every one of my chars, is the ONLY functionality you have to stop seeing someone’s posts as long as they are not breaking the rules. You don’t get to say who can reply to whom, or where they can reply.

This is a common misconception I see and it is not specific to one “group” or another.

TL;DR There is no rule on the forums about circumventing Ignore.

EDIT: I was googling for blue posts on the forum harassment topics and ended up finding one with me advocating for Bnet level Ignore, flags, etc like the other forums. Heh. It was 2021.

Edit edit! Found an example of what I was looking for. That anyone can respond even if you tell them no.


To be honest, if the anti btaggers were to say they don’t want it and leave it as that or have an actual argument and actually back that argument with some actual facts, I would have some respect for the anti side but instead its weak arguments. flawed logic and feelings.

The privacy argument for battle tags that can be destroyed by this support article. Your battle tag name is nothing more than a Steam Username, Xbox gamertag etc.

The harassment argument is weak and the logic from the anti’s are flawed in alot of ways on this. For someone to start harassing you, all they need to do is send you a friend request first and hope that you approve and which it can be turned down and harassment is dead in its tracks already before it can even start, even if were to happen, the repercussions is serious and no one would risk their entire account to be thrown in the fire and no hiding behind throwaways is not going to save you. Honestly anti-btaggers with their logic on this, they should be for battle tags is just simply better then the Char-Server format where someone can make 60 characters on Ysera/durotan and send me mail or whispers without my consent because someone took a disagreement way too seriously, with battle tags I can block all of that.

Third party services advertisements fall under the same thing for harassment, you need to send a friend request first and hope that you would approve their request so after that they can send you a message to talk to you about their service. For both harassment and advertising, you can’t even talk to the individual in question till they approve your request.

Having battle tags in the forums is not going to restrict or censor on what you post, if btags were to be implemented today, you are still allowed to post what you want as long as it stays on topic of the thread or the category of the forum as you can do right now. Censorship is like me telling you that you are not allowed to say anything negative about WoW or otherwise I would perma ban you.

At the end of the day, Pro btaggers have brought facts to the table to support their arguments, Anti’s have not and when asked to bring facts to the table, all they do is “Just trust me bro”, have some sort of feelings or deep down they just want to troll without any sort consequence.


I can only guess the reason for this rule is because we don’t have an account wide ignore atm. It seems like it would be difficult for them to enforce it otherwise.


I have not asked why, to be honest. I also feel that it is not a rule due to two things:

  • The forums don’t tell anyone that you put them on Ignore
  • The forums have no account wide Ignore function

Actual harassment of course is against the rules no matter which char they do it from.


This is completely different than putting them on ignore, then circumventing that ignore.

Saying something along the lines of: “Mirasol I don’t want to talk to you anymore, stop responding to me”, and you continue to do so without breaking forum rules does not constitute harassment, nor does the OP’s original complaint, which was not circumventing the ignore feature on the forums, as Vrakthris made clear in this post. He was not speaking of ignore being circumvented, he was speaking to Thearchitect and what Thearchitect said, which was:

“Banewulf you’ve been asked several times to stop talking in this post and you’re now considered harassing me.”

That is what Vrakthris was addressing.

However, if I ignore you on Mirasol, and you decide to switch to Mirasol666 and continue to try and bait me, that would constitute harassment, and that is actionable.

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

There is no rule on the forums against circumventing Ignore. I repeat. There is none.

There is a rule against harassment - yes. Solely that though. Talking you after you put me on Ignore is not, in any way, a rules violation.

That is the point I am trying to make. There are several people who seem to think that “Circumventing Ignore” applies to the forums. It does not. It only applies in-game where the Ignore system is different.

This is one of the reasons some people want Btag level forum accounts. So that Ignore actually ignores the person. Not just a single alt. Ignore is the only tool people have on the forums to avoid someone.


Ok, we are going to play semantics. Fine, let me rephrase.

Harassing me by circumventing my ignore and trolling me on another character is against the rules. I repeat. Is against the rules.

This part is what is against the rules. You can’t target and harass/troll someone. Not on any char or it can be reported. We can agree on that. The rest of it about switching chars is not relevant to the decisions because it is not against the rules.