The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

Had similar issues actually here on the WoW forums where someone was impersonating some forum regulars using level 55 classic DK’s.

Honestly though, I’m not going to fall for there click troll bait this time when they don’t understand certain things within the current forums, especially when BattleTags code is unique


So lets say someone impersonated a level 70 retail pally, with a level 55 classic DK. This isn’t immediately obvious to anyone looking that a 55 classic DK is not the level 70 retail pally? If that obvious of a tell is overlooked - how is adding another detail going to stop impersonation?

why would it be?

i have a character on classic which has the same name as a retail character

it’s not the least bit unusual for people to have the same name on different servers, or to stick with a naming theme among their characters.

there is a regular poster here who shares the same name as my priest.
i avoid posting on my priest to avoid any confusion.
if i want to share my priests transmog, i take a screenshot instead of posting with her or linking her armory.


Well, for us not color blind: The level 70 retail pally’s Level, Race, and Class are all in hot pink. The level 55 DK’s Level, Race, and Class are red, with the added bonus of having a school bus orange text next to their achievements that clearly states “WoW Classic”.

i guess i don’t understand what you’re talking about.

neither share a post count.
neither share an achievement count.

how are you establishing that they are or aren’t the same person?

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The person I replied to said that forum regulars were impersonated by level 55 classic DK’s. I am assuming those forum regulars were not level 55 classic DK’s, and that the differences already available makes it painfully obvious that the 55 classic DK’s were imposters immediately.

Agreed. There’s just no justifying it for me. I also think people like to take the position of contrarian just for kicks. Miss me with that lol

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I hate coffee, can’t stand the taste.

This I love. :dracthyr_heart:


clearly that was just an example of ONE time it’s happened.

regardless, i’m sure there are plenty of people who have 55 dks on classic realms, and have the same name on retail realms.

when i had an impersonator, classic didn’t even exist.

you seem to be getting waaaay overly hung-up on a singular reason of why we need btags here.


…Maybe if the Anti taggers hasn’t been saying silly things, do silly things like:…

  • bringing in Ff14,
  • calling it Woke,
  • make light of Sucide,
  • complain about the ignore system and being ignored or justify bypassing ignores,
  • try to reinvent the wheel,
  • or accuse anybody who wants btags of stalkers, harrasser and anything under the sun…

… we would’ve respected them better.

And being honest, i yet to see a single legitimate reason on why we can’t have B-tags that doesn’t boil down to subjective feelings. Even the privacy excuse is more or less a reason for the Pro-tags, not anti tags.


Nah, I am just taking the reasons one by one and asking questions about those reasons.

which Bunyip is the “real” one, and which one is the impersonator?

maybe this one?

or perhaps it’s this one?

We are all Bunyip.


I say it is this one. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


i reckon we just send them all back to their billa… hahaha can’t even use that word here.

“waterhole”. send them back to their waterhole.

Oh ooh! i haz one! We won’t have Taco Tuesday if Btags are implemented. :taco:



fake news :sweat_smile:


Again, it is obvious that each is the same Bunyip and this is one player on the same battletag (so all of them are real). What is this supposed to prove?