The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

If you believe it violates the forum Code of Conduct or the rules, REPORT IT!

Gosh the level of trolling from people is going on another level.

They call that ‘concern trolling’.


Will just have to see what the CM thinks.

I still think it’s an over-reaction, particularly given the context of player stances against me in this post over btags.

Nah its not an overreaction man considering you were making a post that is considered off topic in a thread about battle tags, not politics.

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less gold agrees it would be a good investment to swicth to btags :+1:

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Especially with bringing up stuff they know will be controversial, like politics. It’s a tactic.

ignore would have fixed this.

ignore would have fixed this.

btag would have prevented it entirely.

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That’s literally why I’m in agreement with forum btags instead of forum characters? Like… yeah? That’s the whole point I was making. I’m confused as to where your interjection fits here. Did you think I was against the WoW forum running off of btag or something?

I agree that’s a problem with the current system

i sure did.

i thought you were one of the people who wanted to claim btags would lead to in-game drama.

don’t mind me.
i’m running on next to no sleep because i’ve been nursing an unwell cat since September, and i have to jump every time he says MUHRAO!!
…i can sleep when i’m dead… but right now, he needs me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(edit) cat tax as an apology


Morning peeps!

B-Tags for the forums.

Cute kittun Nobully


thanks :slight_smile:

he’s a 9 year old Burmilla rescue.
super sweet, and HUGE.
he’s a massive cat.

he thinks btags are a good idea too.


Good morning GD.

You get a B-Tag
And you get a B-Tag

Everyone gets a B-Tag!!!


Morning support for BTags! :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

The proliferation of people posting on level 10 sockpuppet characters to support their argument/harass people/like their own posts is getting quite silly.

What a sweet little bean :dracthyr_cry_animated: please give them many pets and snuggles!

You mean like how you do in every other post?

There’s an off-topic forum section if you want to discuss stuff other than BTags on the forums, friend. I frequently try to guide people to it when they post random non-WoW-related threads on the GD!


How about this,

We got an off topic thread for movies and games, why not have another off topic thread for dating advice and world events and whatnot, so people don’t feel the need to post things in here that aren’t on-topic.

Unfortunately there isn’t a thread for dating advice.

Uhmmm… no

You can go straight back to reddit with that idea, thank you very much. We’ve all seen what happens when people like you get the power to sniff out players (doxxing, mass harrassment campaigns, cyber-bullying, etc). You dig through a person’s history from years before and use it to against them in unrelated matters.

People feel a lot more free to speak up and risk asking silly questions or propose ideas if they have a bit of anonymity. You want to silence them so only your bad ideas and group-think are ever heard. You and your cronies would then mass report anyone who disagrees with you.

You’re lucky the code of conduct restricts what I can say here. Like I said, go back to reddit with your nonsense.


Which is inevitably the only goal of this entire project. I can actually imagine that they’ll have online lists available of btags for everyone to just go search and report until those users are all perma banned.

Don’t agree with the hive? You’re out.

They probably want to add karma to btags while they’re at it lol.

If they decide not to do the btag idea I’m down with only allowing people to post with current expansion and separating classic characters giving their own forum to post in since base classic and WoLK classic are two separate entities.

This adds to the sockpuppeting alt army of a total of 160 characters per an account to cause dismay and turbulence in the forums. 160 characters to abuse.

This is a T game 13+ this is not an all adult game. You can go to Reddit for that if you want. This is not a place to give minors under 18 adult advice.


What exactly do you mean by ‘people like you’?

B-tags won’t do this. You can already look at a person’s postings here on the forums, even a google search shows up your character’s posts. B-tags won’t make it any different. :woman_shrugging:

No one is going to be silenced.

B-tags actually give people less of a chance to silence others on this forum.

You’re really posting some offensive accusations.