The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

It seems that you’re happy with me having accountability but none of your own.

That accountability would be even across the board if Blizzard chose to take a more firm step on de-toxifying this platform.

That’s rather scary that your dog is heavier than I am -_-;

Also, morning B-Tags support post!

Happy Friday eve or BattleTag Thursday everyone!

@Evilmuffin, I hope you feel better soon!


Feel free to elaborate on what exactly is the problem with this conversation. Don’t just use the same vague, broad statements. Use your words. What exactly is wrong with anything you quoted?


Why chose between love and sleep when you can do both :purple_heart: :zzz:

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I really don’t think btags would solve much. As an occasional RPer, i like the idea of commenting on a hunter forum with my hunter and commenting on a waggle thread with my draenei.

What i think would be helpful is a better use of the off-topic forum, or the forum meant to discuss other games. Maybe we could have a thread dedicated the forum trolls.

True that someone can contact a person they see on the forum through the mail box, but btag would be much easier to contact, like counting to ten.

I do get tired of classic toons posting in retail, but it is the currently the easiest method to remain fairly anonymous. I wouldn’t mind having a check box to block all poster from the wrong game version.

Hey, sorry to disappoint you, but trying to contact someone via BTags is actually harder than trying to contact someone via char-server. In order to message someone via BTag, you first, have to be friends with them, and in order to do that first, you got to send a friends request, and it is up to the other person to chose whether they approve of that friends request or decline it.

And there is this thread which also helps incase recieving unexpected BNet Friends request, which honestly, don’t think will likely ever happen too.

I’ve posted in the Opening Post about keeping the Role-Playing within the forums.


Yeah but Labs are adorable

Ok I’m just going to lay it out there.

Why are any of us responding to Ard or Lilithia?
Neither brings anything of substance to the table.
They both have made it clear that they want the trolling , the sock puppeting etc. to continue .

Only reason some have commented back to them after ignoring them is because we have seen some response to them from other.

Put them on ignore and let them just talk to themselves or to eachother .

Contrary to what they may say us putting them on ignore is not censoring (ok it is but as individuals we have the right to censor waht we want to see or here) as long as Blizz lets them post then they got their freedom to say what they want.


You still harping on about that, it wasn’t something I said to just anyone, it was an elitist jerk insulting me over bad dps, so I was provoked, it wasn’t a patient dying in hospital to my knowledge, obviously not saying I was right to lose my temper at the time, but that was years ago,

But I bet you everyone has said or done something they regret, imagine if everything you did back in school or college that was mean was plastered all over the internet,

None of us are purely innocent in this life so there’s no moral high ground here.

Does it matter? Someone provoking over bad DPS does not warrant for you to tell someone to do self harm or suicide.

You’re right. Everyone has made mistakes in there lives. Although I can’t speak for anyone else, you know one thing I am glad I have never done? Wished upon self harm towards another person, no matter what the other person is doing.

I disagree. Cats > Any Dog Breed.


You are correct.

I want Btags so I can ignore a forum troll and all of their sock puppet alts with one click. Will Btags solve all forum problems? Of course not, we never said they would.

We have always had both dogs and cats at the same time. Both are great.
So you are a stupid face for thinking Cats > dogs.


Just because someone is insulting your dps doesn’t mean you should resort to self harm or death threats.

Self harm and Death threats is bad, there is no justification as to why you need to resort to self harm and death threats, what I would’ve done is just ignore that person and not reply back.

I’m not defending the person who is insulting your dps, I do think hes cringe but I’m not justifying or defending you either for death threats.


How dare you, I need to go cry to my mommy… :slight_smile: :purple_heart: :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this is a great idea. All characters need to be tied to the master account, with that account being shown. In game it should be the same. This would allow multiple people to have the same name, but show the battle tag when you click on them, or their name in chat. So in chat I would be Greysmith@Battlenettag01, and some other person would be Greysmith@Battlenettag02. Similar to how server names are used now.


So hope we get battle tags soon will really help cleaning up the troll problem GD has. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Mm didn’t think of what those applied directly in game could do. That’s not a bad idea.

I’d still like surnames in game… But this would really alleviate a lot of name bloat.

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I’d be for them allowing people to change their avatars to their RP character. This is something they let people do on other game forums.

well I’m pretty sure the account your on now is actually attached to your Battlenet tag…

Haha I’m signed in through My Wow Account in this form whats the difference?

I never made death threats to people on wow, nowhere did I say that I ever did that,

But on both accounts, saying such things these days is against my code of conduct, in fact I had a tiff with a friend the other day and they made the statement ‘killing myself would make your life so much better wouldn’t it??’ and I didn’t respond at all to that, because I formed the view over the years that encouraging self-harm of any kind is wrong and I refuse to risk getting on the wrong side of the law,

Of course it’s unfortunate that in online banter people making statements telling people to kys and so on in most cases aren’t being literal, of course I’ve formed the view there’s nothing casual about that anymore, some people have got in serious trouble for that, one woman got done in for involuntary manslaughter for that,

So yeah pretty much the reason I don’t engage in that behavior these days, even if provoked, is if someone acts on it, you could wind up in prison, so that’s I’ve reformed on that, doesn’t matter if I secretly think that the world would be better off without certain types of people in it,

That said I still have the view that we have become a little too soft as a society, see for me if some troll were to say the say mean things to me online it would have zero impact, anyway this conversation is irrelevant.

Then why would anyone want to make the change at all? If it would make 0 difference, then why argue for it?

My argument is be careful what you wish for, as you might actually get it, and you will be just censoring yourselves.

I don’t see any problem, sure some people take the Sunday threads a little too far, but I would sooner have the stupidity and idiocy to read on a Sunday afternoon as it at least makes me laugh, that’s part of the fun of this place,

You don’t get such joy and fun in other places.