The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

I want btags because it will make it much easier to see who is jerking me around, have a combined post count, combined tl3 for everyone who has it, the ability to tend to my threads from any toon and just for the general ease of remembering who is who.

The absolute fact that it will reduce astroturfing, keep trolls from just popping to another toon or generally help with things like mass liking and mass reporting is also nice but more of a happy addition to why I want it.


It’s an argument in bad faith. They know their whole motivations are shown in this thread and they are nervous.


They sound as though if btags did come about we’d learn some very amusing things about their actions.


Oh, they are nervous alright… When caught out too.


If you really think so, report it.

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Anyways, time for me to take a short nap.

Naptime Support for BTags for the Forums.

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Why fall in love, when you can fall asleep? :zzz:

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That’s a big dog. :eyes:

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Yep. You feel it when all 80-85 pounds of him crashes into you.


My baby cousin who lives with me got a black lab puppy about a year old, he is already the size of a baby horse. Every time I come home I have to brace for impact. I’ve only ever had small dogs before. Large dogs are no joke.



He’s a good dog and a sweet dog, but he is not a smart dog. Sometimes he isn’t quite sure exactly where he is in relation to the rest of the room, and he still doesn’t have the best grasp on the concept of needing to drop the ball in order for it to be thrown again after playing fetch for 6 years.


He’s smart enough to be in favor of Battletags for the forums, though.

That’s why he gets an extra treat.

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So how are Btags going to fix comments like these:

They technically have nothing to do with Btags and bring the legitimacy for forum improvement into question.

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simple we dont have to deal w/ you BS anymore

Alright, time to try and lay part of this to rest, AGAIN. I doubt any of us for Btags think that just them alone will fix the forums, anyone that is trying to make us pro-btaggers sound like that is what we think is:

  1. arguing in bad faith
  2. making a strawman
  3. could be making ad homonim attacks with insinuations

Btags would likely be part and parcel of forum improvement. like easier to enforce the rules in place, new or old, if loopholes are closed and workarounds made harder. If one really thinks that all that is needed is better moderation, maybe they need to look at Btags and moderation as things that can be put in close together, if not at the exact same time. People need to really stop looking at things in a vacuum and instead look at the form things can take.


A change to Btags doesn’t have to be to improve moderation…

It would end up mostly being a QoL concept…

Combining our total posts, giving all our toons the same tag allowing us to edit our threads and posts from any character, our TL3 actually being for the account rather than just the character. Thats a few of the QoL changes that alone can bring…

That it would make some aspects of moderation or lessen the effects of trolls and such is something that will simply come along with it.

True, but this was more along the line of what I was talking about, like what could come with Btags, but just as btags =/=improved moderation, improved moderation does not have to = btags, but what is better for discussion? keeping them separate or seeing how one can lead to the other or how they can be combined ?


I figure more is better in that regard. Btags are very much I think a QoL thing but they will help moderation most likely and I am never going to argue against overhauling moderation on the forums as they are…

We really need better moderation. lol