The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

That just gives people an avenue to keep fricking up, because they lack real consequences.

“I just cheated on my spouse. Oh lord, forgive me!” - Does a few hail mary’s.
Next week
“I cheated again. Oh lord forgive me!” - Does a few more hail mary’s.
Next week
“I did it again! Oh I am such a sinner. Oh lord forgive me!”

Etc etc etc. Whereas if this person had gotten a verbal smackdown initially and a divorce to top it off, mmaayybbeeee they would have thought about their actions and how it affects others.

People need to stop hiding behind things, and face the fact that they either need to act right, or deal with the fact that people don’t want to be around other people who are deliberate, repeating donkeys.


You can’t beg for forgiveness over something quite serious. It is up to others whether they chose to forgive you over your own actions, not you.


See, even that, the reason why people cheat is complex, it’s easy to condemn someone for what we see as ‘immoral’ actions but hear me out here…

Have you considered that maybe the person that’s cheating is doing it for all kinds of reasons, one study of 495 people revealed 8 key reasons; sure one might be because some people can’t control their sexual desires, but others are that they are angry, they lack self-esteem, lack of love, low commitment, need for variety, neglect, and circumstance.

How can we judge the individual person’s marriage without actually seeing it and experiencing it for ourselves, keep in mind due to the internet it’s much easier to have an emotional affair these days then in the past, also say someone has a partner that works in the military, it’s quite common for those relationships to not work out, I mean consider you stuck in a marriage where you left at home for 6 months twiddling your thumbs waiting for your partner to come back, as brutal as this is, that’s a lot to ask anyone to commit to,

So I would consider a wife cheating in that kind of circumstance much more understandable, even if it’s still not right, then in a different kind of circumstances,

The point is we shouldn’t be so quick to condemn people without knowing the full situation and full story.

You must of never been in a relationship, or let alone, married.


It is a choice that has been made. Period. People can choose to do things, or not. Even people with severe intellectual disabilities can do so, after enough work has been put in to dissuade the person from the unwanted behavior. I have legit seen this myself and have been involved in that work, for many patients (ie upwards of 100).

This is a very small number. Also, pubmed source on this?

And… you Are aware of the fact that this was a random example I pulled out of thin air, the whole cheating example, yes?

If you are trying to make excuses for your behavior, I am most definitely not the tree you want to climb.


I think that’s all to confuse the topic. The forum rules have nothing to do with that and are fairly easy to follow.


Let me share you a story. I am used to getting into a lot of arguments here on the forums, though for me, most of the arguments I have been in has been over High Elves. Last year, there was an incident, where one person said that another person should jump off a cliff, all over a disagreement. The person that they said it too, was in hospital also, battling with Covid-19.

Now, you think of “forgiveness” and tell me that forgiveness should be given on ones behaviour, especially when it comes to telling people to do self harm or commit suicide?

Because I’ll tell you, friends or not, I won’t forgive anyone if they told someone to do something which involved of self harm, or suicide.


Yeah, Lilithia is just trying to muddy the waters here. Most of the conduct we want battletags to stop isn’t some shade of grey thing, it’s unambiguously against the rules.


Anyways, here is my support for BTags for the WoW Forums.



Yet posters try to find ways outside the rules to silence posters.

As I mentioned before hand with my alt character that didn’t violate the CoC.

Which is why slapping Btags over the forums won’t do much at all to stop these kinds of behaviors.

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Except, it would. Not unless you’re willing to pay the money to keep switching BNet accounts to keep the exact same repeat of the same behaviour, Ard.



Not with how WoW works as a game.

The Game and the Forums are about as close to the same thing as Apples are to Oranges.


Uhh how many topics have popped up saying people don’t like the latest patch now?

Well, why don’t you report those for spam then, instead of hanging out here in this thread trying to get it shut down because you disagree with it.


It works that way when you’re a gold-medal-winning mental gymnast.

Why are we even responding to them anymore.


They’re more based on the game experience, than people masquerading for forum improvement for the sake of petty vengeance and shutting down people who disagree with them.

No to Btags.


Pot, meet kettle.


I don’t think he’s reached introspection on the tech tree yet.


I hear narcissists are incapable of introspection.