The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

so you claim.
now…prove to me that they are ‘needed’ in here for the system to carry out account wide ignores as it already does suspensions and bans.
I can wait

pot meet kettle.

It’s difficult to stay polite when faced with arrogant, self important, patronizing and false accusation postings. :roll_eyes:


False flagging from YOUR side will be the cause of that.
I just had yet ANOTHER falsely flagged post restored here in the last couple days.
stop abusing the flag and we’ll be fine

disagreeing with you isnt trolling and its NOT a forum violation.
If you wanted to YOU all could ignore me anyway.
Im interested in the discussion.

Every time I see the same thumbnail portraits pop up; :slightly_frowning_face: I sigh a little inside.


Then this gets shut down.

The system already exists and has worked in every other Blizzard forum. It literally does not make sense to create a whole new identifier or method that will once again make WoW Forums work differently from the rest.

BTags are designed to be used in the forums and have been for years. It was the original intentionality for this forums until people complained about posting on characters.

Since then we can see that D3 uses BattleTags and allows people to still pick their Characters/Avatars.


sorry…no ‘need’ presented therein.
We have account wide actions taken here already.
PUBLIC btags seen by all ARENT required for any of this to work.

The system already exists and has worked in every other Blizzard forum. It literally does not make sense to create a whole new identifier or method that will once again make WoW Forums work differently from the rest.

It’s called not reinventing the wheel.

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Why not? It’s just an account name… It’s not sensitive information or anything…

Like if it were the RealID you might have a point but it’s not and you don’t.


He legit tries to compare it to sharing phone numbers.

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you mean by adding something we dont need? lol.
The account wide actions here prove that PUBICLY SEEN btags are NOT required to for the system to do its job

You mean adding something we do need and you refusing to answer why you don’t want people to see your BTag? Other than saying “because I said so”?


over YOUR abuse of the word “public” lol
If my Btag were ‘public’ like my business # then you should be able to get it by now.
Evidently its not public HERE…and THAT is the point

I over use the word public because you can’t seem to grasp that Blizzard determined when designing BattleTags that it is for Public Use.

Still refusing to answer.


ahhh…HEY CAPS…we have a ‘need’ here…lol

No…its not needed for publicly seen Btags for the system to do its job behind the scenes.
i own forums like this guy…i know how the software works.

You own forums that get hacked and takes you forever to figure it out. Just something you shared with us. You “owning” a forums doesn’t mean anything.


I’m trying to stay polite. Just thought I’d mention that sometimes it can be tough. :hugs:


like my business # that is easily found by anyone the second the have a name to look for.
now…you have my name here…show me my public Btag.
just curious to be honest

Again, you illogically comparing BattleTags with Phone numbers.

Your BattleTag is not linked to your phone number, name, address, email, or credit cards.

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lol, desperation or just irrelevance for its own sake?
The US government gets hacked son…so does amazon and google…
Try harder to deflect