If you say so. I’ll keep saying what I want in my posts. Most people who got the atta boys from the community liked them so that part wasn’t even really about me but hey some of us like playing MMOs with more than 2 other people.
Did someone say you couldn’t?
All evidence of your extremely unpopular opinion aside.
I said it that many would miss world buff. Tons of people dont realize they love to hate things
This is the TBC forum so of course my opinion on this is unpopular. If I posted it in the other forum my opinion wouldn’t be.
Something like 75% of the people posting on this forum today just came back for TBC and love to hate on anything not giving massive praise to TBC but will quit in 3 months anyway.
So Huffpost, tell me one way TBC helps the server community outside of the cliques.
I’m sorry? I haven’t talked about tbc a single time in this thread, at least that I can remember.
My comment was on how world buffs were detrimental and ultimately the demise of what could have been one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time.
They ruined classic plain and simple, invalidated gear, invalidated effort… at least effort in the sense of actually playing the game… not effort in scheduling, paying people to drop buffs, or coordinating warlock summons to invalidate another part of the game to the point of making the purchase of an epic mount questionable. Sure it fostered a community… a community of people willing to invalidate much of the game they claim to love in order to expedite and trivialize the small amount of end game content available.
I agree with your previous comment about world bosses, some of the most fun I had in classic was world boss hunts at 3 am and the epic world PvP battles that would take place at them… never in my time playing the game did I anticipate I as a singular gnome mage would be able to nearly kill an entire raid of horde with sappers and nova cone shatter bombs. But in order to experience world bosses I had to level a mage alt on the alliance Thunderfury server because World bosses were killed nearly instantly on skeram and held by a few guilds.
Wish I could say the war effort brought skeram together, but I’m pretty sure it was over by the time I logged in after work the day it came out because Onslaught and others instantly did all the turn ins.
Classic was a sad amalgamation of a truly great game.
Edit - I remember laughing at the blizzard launcher the day the War Effort started because it said something like “log in now to participate in the war effort!” And I logged in the day it came out and literally could not participate in the war effort because it had already been completed. “You think you do but you dont”… this actually turned out to be completely true… except it wasn’t the game that they were talking about.
my rogue still have rend head in is bag i lvled him just for rend i never understood why people could sell hok but not rend. What is this your telling me you are selling something people give you thinking it was an upgrade for you and i cannot sell a buff that that took me 100 +100 hours to get. I never played my rogue after getting him to 60 and it was the only reason for him to exist but i should throw that away. Yea no
Literally a bandwagon effect. World buff could have been much better if they ad more quality of life to them cronoboom is one of them. We got that for 3 week omg ty so much wow genius. I HOPE THEY FEEL good about that one!
I did dmt myself on my hunter to get my druid double elven ring + the mace i did it a bunch and i don’t care about it . DMT selling is stupid. Am a dev am making the ogre head give the the 3 dmt buff and i made it work like rend as a quest. I also really really dont care about people sold tp. They only existed because going all over the map was terrible. hok was so good also for feral such shame i needed it more than any other buf.
I dont like it. Am pretty sure those guys never put me on ignore because i was a buyer. id remove song flower i dont care about the grieffer who enjoy dispeling i dont care about them. They are weak and we wont ear of them in tbc.
Am sure the hillsbrad foothills will come back and switch helfire peninsula. Tons of things were awesome in classic and they really could have made it better. Easy to make nade were awesome game changing. I haven’t seen any one use nade and i been twinking 59 bg none stop.
The dev who though and gave us limited invunaribity potion is a genius. I would put as the most intelligent addition to classic. In a world were people can global you in 1 sec . You make a potion were you are immune to physical for 6 sec . So you get to live 600 % longer than you would"t have without the potion
incidius transfer completely ruined that
Its was trully awersome i tank with a bunch people i knew were good and i got to play basically with a buch of mt and it was great i learn a lot this was awesome . So sad
Ok well, I respect your answer. Thank you for typing that all out.
It is very obvious that most people hated the world buff meta and the tons of consumes meta. I still stand by people not wanting to see any good in it because they hated what it was.
I had a different experience mostly but I was on a different server. Had I been on Skeram my experience may have been the same as yours. Hell in another post you even mentioned Skerams ranking mafia and the account sharing and all that stuff. My server was never anything like that. I also never felt like Classic was ruined even with world buffing so it’s hard to agree with that point.
I just think It’s sad that TBC( C ) seems to foster no sense of server community whereas in Classic at least there was something (the two examples I mentioned that are not world buffing in Vanilla for example). There is also nothing about TBCC that will keep me playing more than about 2 hours a day because there is hardly anything left to do once the attunements and stuff are done. Even relaxing things like farming are excessively easy and it takes about 15 minutes to get everything you need for the week.
I would totally play on a no transfer allowed seerver for classic vanilla. I would probably roll a mmmmmmmmm i dont know dam it .
This might be the worst take of all time on world buffs.
Yeah, I didn’t want to mention that part but it was great while it lasted. I’ll hold onto the Kazzak belt I won as long as possible in memory of that kill. I have good memories in both Classic and Vanilla of the world boss kills. Both involved a lot of PVP. I’ve never had that kind of experience of pure World PVP and the server community just coming together like that replicated in WoW or in any other game.
Sadly when the bosses get taken over by a group of guilds etc it kind of wrecks the fun so that’s the bad part of the world bosses. When they involve the whole community though it’s really fun.
Yes, the consumes and engi stuff made Classic/Vanilla PVP really fun IMO because that was just another thing to think about and something to add to the toolkit.
Hopefully you’re right HFP staying as a PVP hotspot. I’m not a fan of the layers we have right now for World PVP. My concern about that is on my Vanilla server it was widely known that world PVP died about 4 months into TBC and never really came back. So we’ll see what happens this time.
More on topic, I did like the addition of the Chronoboom and wish it was in the game the whole time.
30 seconds is longer than their significant others get.
No it didn’t. It made the game a job especially during naxx.
God, what’s it like to be so jealous?
lol, dork
I’m not the one wanting to rush everything.
lol no
imagine FRESH lol what a clownworld
Jealous of what Glinda? The fly by night players who hate on anyone who liked Classic? Anyway I’m going to stop replying to your trolling.
That’s fine, since I’m not trolling.
The folks having fun in TBC.