The Whitemane Queue is 72 minutes

This is out of control. It’s seriously bots - I have pictures of the abuse. I wish it mattered, but it doesn’t. Layering is the only thing that will help, passively.

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You chime in on nearly every thread about queues with real strong opinions but never any real examples of a serious downside to layers that outweigh the benefits.

The real question is “Why do you care so much?” What do you gain by acting as a self-appointed goalkeeper for Blizzard?


i mean many guilds transferred off servers together right before p2

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I got 60 HKs in under 30 minutes just leveling my Warrior in the Shimmering Flats. I died once, to a real player that saw me ganking the bots.

Over the next few minutes, we’re enabling a second layer for the Herod and Whitemane realms. This is a step we’re taking very carefully to make it so that players can enjoy playing on those realms during peak hours.

It has been a very high priority for us to understand why, after we de-layered ten realms on May 14, these two realms reversed course and experienced this, while the others did not. We will continue to pay very close attention to this situation and make adjustments to the game service as necessary.

As before, Herod and Whitemane remain restricted from the Character Transfer service .

Thank you @Blizzard for listening! Thank you @community for speaking! We did it!!!

Or I can just stay on Whitemane with layering, a great community, and an extremely high pop server. Now go make a post about how you’re mad about this. Cya nerd.

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Does this mean you guys are now gonna go back to complaining about how world buffs aren’t working due to layering?

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