The weird case of the monk class

First off, I’m not exactly sure the lore channel is the perfect fit for this, but I will touch in lore, so It certainly isn’t completely off topic.

As you might have noticed, I’m a bit too invested in the monk class, I can’t help it, martial arts are my thing, So I was thinking, and the way this class has been implemented is very unique in terms of storytelling inside the game.

The obvious, Monk is the only class out of the 4 classes added to the game post vanilla that isn’t a hero class, and this had some ramifications. Monks also are probably one of the least popular classes overall, and I think some of that may be connected to this whole deal.

Consequences of not being a hero class:

No unified starting zone expanding upon the class, which means that unlike DKs at the time, or in the near future, DHs and Evokers, Monks would be the only class in the game without an unique experience upon character creation, sharing the same starting experience as every other class, which is the racial starting zone.

This means lore had to be changed, all those starting zones were locked to a point in time, which most of them being locked to Cataclysm, and in the Draenei case, even before that, locked to their intro in TBC, so Monks were retrofitted into past events, but since they didn’t exist prior to that, barely any content was made do suit them, suddenly Alliance and Horde had pandarens in their ranks teaching other faction members how to punch and kick, with exception of the Draeneis that really had to come up with Mojo just being in Azuremyst during the Exodar crash. So the pandaren starting zone, since all Alliance and Horde Monk trainers had to be there during Cataclysm and all of them came from the Wandering Isle, had to have happened also before Cataclysm, and talking about Pandaren starting zone, while you can make pandarens of several classes, seems to be a zone made specifically for monks, which makes me think that maybe what we have with evokers now (single class and race combo with a starting zone specific for both race and class) is what Monk initially was, Pandarens were monks, monks were Pandaren, the starting zone was unified, but this is basic speculation.

Monks were also not given the spotlight that a Hero class starting zone does give to a class, no momment to “hype up” the class. As a death Knight, you did terrible things for the scourge, and the whole thing culminates in the battle with Morgraine giving Tirion the Ashbringer to fend off the Lich King, you join the alliance, before reaching the king, people are throwing food, talking bad stuff. As a Demon hunter, you have epic momments conquering a legion zone, the zone ends with you killing two wardens in a single blow each, before being overpowered by Maiev, only to be released later as she says that she needs your help, and then escaping the Warden prison and helping your faction right after as there are legion members infiltrated in their ranks. Dracthyr evokers are directly tied into the events that lead to the first raid and are hyped to be this super elite group of soldiers made to serve Neltharion. Monks got none of that.

On the positive side, one of the best bits of class fantasy for monks came because monks were not a hero class and had to level up the traditional way, and I’m talking about the training dailies, and I think this is what sold me most on the class, It is a shame nowadays a new monk won’t even get the quest to go to the peak of Serenity, so only if you know you can do that you will do. While the quest itself was simple, It was a very nice way to do class fantasy right, and when I was leveling my first monk in bfa, it made the class special.

Monks are also the first class added since vanilla that isn’t tied to an antagonist, and as such, is not also tied to corrupt members seeking power beyond what they have.

Overall I have more to say, but, this is just some ramblings in how Monks ended up the way they are in lore, and how this could have affected public perception of the class over the years.


Monks are in constant monk mode, so they had to stay out of the spotlight.


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I mained Combo Monk in Ragnarok Online and Monk in FFXIV, so I was very excited when Monk came to WoW. I even cloned my main as a Monk:

But WoW Monks were rather excessively tied to the August Celestials, which definitely hampers the non-Pandaren fantasy a bit.


I think it was a good summation of many of the issues with the Monk Class in lore. You hit a lot of the major points I usually think about.

Not being a Hero Class gave them less hype in general. Not a lot of involvement in the Lore. Being tied so heavily to one race.

I think that is a good point. Maybe we fought some Monks in MoP, but no antagonist Monks on the level of say, Elisande or Guldan or other Mid Expac bosses.

If during MoP, Garrosh had a named evil ninja Panda Mercenary at his side, who only wanted to defeat enemies and pillage for his personal wealth ( maybe as the boss fight right before Garrosh ) that would have been a memorable lore moment. Sort of like Tyrant Velhari sticks out, not as a major Lore character, but as an extreme antagonist that is one of our Playable Classes.


If wow monks had anything like Asura strike, we would probably see a rise in player count.

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(Cursewords on his Monk)

I have no interest in Panda, that’s for sure. I sort of transposed my Kill Bill fantasy into a WoW Character. Monk lore in WoW is kinda meh, from what little I bothered to soak in, as far as the connection to “spirit” and the Celestials. It is the Martial Arts aspect that I play with, when I log onto this Alt.

The Major reason I wanted to try a Monk was because they bring that Raid Wide debuff, and they are not very popular- so maybe that would get me invites in Pugs. I have been in Discords where people say “look for a Monk for the debuff!”

It isn’t because Monks had some fantasy I wanted to experience. Like say, Druids, Mages, or Paladins. Heck, even Warriors have a deep history with popular characters, and they are Plain Janes.

And then if Blizzard does give a Monk the spotlight, if it isn’t a Panda, you know the Forums will erupt. So non-Panda Monks are even worse off.

I am fine with the celestials connection, because is not that monks are summoning their power, but that the celestials taught them those skills, they are basically teachers or masters.

Monk lore is also full of badassery, but you only find that if you look for it.

But I think Blizzard had trouble framing monks in a satisfying manner lore wise, they could have done so much more.

Though it really sucked that the Peak of Serenity was destroyed by the Legion, I would like to say that getting for all practical purposes full access to a giant island turtle as a class hall was pretty awesome.

Locking the class fantasy to Pandaren was odd, but isn’t the alternative odder? Wouldn’t it be even more dissonant to suddenly retcon a monastic martial arts tradition into every race in the game?

Even in DnD, Monks being a core class is really weird. Their cultural roots are so different from the rest of the roster that they’re inevitably presented as mysterious travelers from far away.

Should they have been a Hero Class in WoW? I can certainly see it. I can imagine a start experience where your character shipwrecks on the shores of Pandaria several years before MoP and learns to be a Monk before the Horde/Alliance show up.

I definetly think what we have now for monks is the best compromise that they could have come up with, which also makes sense on how easter martial arts have spread, with basically “masters” moving to other countries and making their schools/dojos there or someone learning from those guys and then opening their dojos/schools.

All other options I can think would have been problematic.

1 - all races had their own monk culture - weird.
2 - Hero class with special zone - Could work, but monk skills can be basically taught and passed on, no need for a special backstory like DKs or DHs, so a special zone had to be specifically fitting.
3 - Monks for pandaren only - It would be a big mistake making one race only available to a class, I hope WoW never does th… wait a minute.

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In a sense, I can see this role played out pretty easily, given the Alliance and Horde shipwrecking on the Wandering Isle in the Pandaren starting experience, and almost makes it easy to feel those quests could be a backdrop to any WoW race’s Monks rather than just the Pandaren ones.

I think the true problem lies in here, unrelated to Hero Classes. The Monk is way too intimately tied with Pandaria and Pandaren themes. The solution is to genericize them a bit and lean into their explanation in lore as basically just Spirit magic users. Shaman that forego all but Spirit, really. Strip away all but that, and there’s nothing weird about any race being one.

So here’s a fun tidbit; MoP didn’t introduce monks to the setting; MoP just made monks playable. Monks existed among the Scarlets as early as Vanilla, I wanna say in Stratholm Live. There may be other examples of martial artists from Vanilla, but the Scarlet ones always stuck in my brain.


I like that the monk is a basic class and not a hero class. I rolled my second monk to start over with some one friends who were coming back to the game, and it’s easier to do that with a class that starts at the same level as them.

And yeah, I love monk so much I made two. Who cares if it’s the least popular? Some class has to be.

This was actually a complaint since they added it, especially with the healer spec iirc. I think blizzard said they werent happy with how Monk turned out at one point.

Brewmaster, despite being a Warcraft III meme, is ironically the spec with the best Monk identity. The idea of a laid back martial artist who drinks and travels the world protecting the common folk is a good class fantasy.

I think the chinese panda stuff like tiger palm etc. should’ve been a single spec called “Spirit” or something. Rather than consume the whole class, it should’ve been like Shadow for priest. They could also do a shaman and give statues different looks for each race.

It fits how martial arts spread, unless you want every race to have their own martial arts faction and all of them learned how to use spirit, teas and brews to attack or heal.

I have 8 monks i think. :S

A handful of races already had implied martial arts traditions. The draenei Auchenari cult had monk NPCs that I believe enter combat with a bo-staff.

The scarlet crusade had monks as well, though they appeared in the MoP rebuild of the monastery.

The unarmed fighter is a pretty bog standard RPG fantasy. It didn’t need to be hard-locked to the pandaren, and doing so probably hurt its popularity more than it helped it.


I mean, I didn’t until you went and had to mention it, but now I really do want that.

Can they have martial arts tournaments in the Dire Maul arena to find out who’s the best… Around!! Nothing’s gonna ever bring them down!!!

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Honestly, I also would be down for multiple martial arts cultures, but the fantasy would probably be changed to be something more physical… which would be a plus to me IMO.

Also extra plus if every race had unique animations to symbolize how they are different, Humans could be boxing, Night Elves be more karate based… the possibilities…

I think the better retcon would’ve been to reveal some Ancient Stormstout ancestor taught some Zandalari/Farraki (before the Zandalari invasion of Pandaria with Lei Shen, making that even a special betrayal for the Pandaren), Kaldorei, Tauren, and Titanforged their monk techniques and from those starting points had always been present among the races.

But that requires worldbuilding and historicity and Blizzard hates that so lol

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