The weird case of the monk class

A bunch of Immortals Fighting? Who would ever want that… :scorpion:


Oh, oh!! And these different monk styles?? They could get be Fighting. On the Streets of Stormwind. Engaging in Mortal Kombat in some kinda Final Fight to determine who will master the Ten Rings!!!


Looks at the One Ring and shrugs Gonna keep it longer I suppose :bear:

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It really is so, so bizarre that Monks are the most prominent Spirit users in the lore, and a huge chunk of the main WoW plotline (Azeroth feeds on Spirit, and the elementals go a bit stir crazy with the drought) is based on Spirit. Yet…

We don’t really have any idea what Spirit is, and is only alluded to vaguely. We know more about Decay than we do Spirit, at this point. I wouldn’t rely much on pre-WoW “Wilds” lore at this point, to be honest. Can’t be trusted.

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Spirit is literally just a living creature’s life force.