Desert [town + merchant + pirate + merchant + social] Located in ULDUM!

  1. Located in Uldum & Tanaris!
  2. Taverns & Shops
  3. Player Housing!

THE ULDUM BAZAAR (Cross-faction/neutral Uldum Bazaar event and the details to join!): [A/N-RP - Crossfaction RP] THE ULDUM BAZAAR
Discord: Scarletgrandcrusader
My BTag: Kormedism#2645



The Wastewander Bandits descend from a small band of human pirates who arrived in Kalimdor shortly after its discovery by the peoples of the Eastern Kingdoms. When the Southsea Pirates arrived and entered into competition with them, they were essentially marooned in Tanaris after their few ships were stolen. They took to a new life as bandits and started raiding rich goblin settlements and capturing their life-giving water wells. After the failure of Uldum’s cloaking device a few bandits split off from the Wastewanders to pilfer the treasures of the titans. - Ask CDev Round 3

WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting!
The Gadgetzan Water Company of Gadgetzan, Tanaris will pay a high bounty for the head of Caliph Scorpidsting, leader of the Wastewander outlaws. His crimes include: Murdering Gadgetzan Water Co. employees!
Stealing Gadgetzan Water Co. resources!
Seizing Gadgetzan Water Co. property!
Bring proof of Caliph Scorpidsting’s demise to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle for an immediate reward!
COMPLETION: Finally - justice is served! You have struck a mighty blow against those vile nomads! With Scorpidsting’s demise, this might be just the thing to finally push those squatters off of Gadgetzan’s water wells! By the authority of the Gadgetzan Water Company, I gladly award you with this bounty. You’ve done a great service for us all.

“You want a power source. I can help you with that. Know what I want? I want something to drink! Bring me five Wastewander Water Pouches, and I’ll give you the 4711-FTZ.
Now… guess where you can find Wastewander Water Pouches! Why don’t you walk up to one of the Wastewander nomads to the east of here and ask them for one. Let me know how that works out for you.” - (Quest: Slake That Thirst)

"Wastewander Bandits, they’re called. You have to watch out for them, or they kill you, steal your water, and then — if the rumors I heard were true — they “distill” your body, draining all the liquid out for their own use.” (Lands of Mystery pg 57)


“I’m sure you’ve had run-ins with the Wastewanders in the past, but I assure you that we are changed people.” - Arik Scorpidsting


Deep within the heartland of Southern Kalimdor, Tanaris itself lies; in the dunes of the Great Desert of Kalimdor, the gaudy, thieving zealots of the Wastewander ranks who have been marooned in Tanaris for a generation now claim the sands as their rightful homeland. These wanderers of the wastes of the desert trace their ancestry to a fleet of vicious and ruthless pirates and smugglers. They, in order to adapt and survive, formed the Wastewander Bandits; and now, for the same measurement of survival, consolidated into the notorious Caliphate under Caliph Scorpidsting which was his title of leadership like a Bandit Lord.

With his subsequent death, Arik Scorpidsting now leads his nomadic people to greatness.


“The Wastewanders used the pelts of the local hyenas to construct our armor. (Blisterpaw Hyenas) Unfortunately since the Amathet arrived, their hunters have overrun our normal hunting grounds.” - Arianna Swiftsand (Quest: Enroaching Poachers)

“Every Wastewander carries with them a unique coin, signifying their status as a member of our group.” - Outrider Lashan

Items: Tough Scorpid collection (only dropped from Wastewanders, thus, Tough Scorpid armor or hyena hides might be where they get the leather for their armor.

CLASSES: Laborers, Darkcasters, Survivalists, Trackers, Outriders, Menders, Trackers, Warriors, Exterminators, Foremen, Dervishes (a member of a Muslim (specifically Sufi) religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity. Dervishes first appeared in the 12th century; they were noted for their wild or ecstatic rituals and were known as dancing, whirling, or howling dervishes according to the practice of their order = Wikipedia definition), Assassins, Bandits, Rogues, Scofflaws, Shadow Mages, Thieves Settlers, Nomads, Former Neferset Slaves

  1. Host the Uldum Bazaar. (SUCCESS!)
  2. Protect a caravan expedition to the Obelisk of the Moon. (SUCCESS!)
  3. Begin an expedition to find Titan artifacts in Uldum. (WORK IN PROGRESS!)

I will be on the lookout for your guild! I have wanted to RP a Wastewander for a while, and I appreciate your care to it being done in a lore-friendly way unlike past iterations. :desert_island:

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OMG i love this! You are tempting me to make a character for this !! are there any specific roles you are looking for ? or Races ? Im def interested in joining !

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Since we’re neutral anybody and and anything is welcome so please come join. <3 Now ICly in lore Tanaris Humans and Kalimdor born humans would be about 17, 18, up to maybe 20 stretching it at most finally because in Year 21 = Battle for Mount Hyjal and the year in WoW’s lore is 40 as of this xpac. So please feel free to hit me up or any of our members we’re actively seeking more. =)


awesome ill work on a character and hit you guys up in game ! Ill probably make a human if not an elf of some kind!

Love the concept!

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<3 Thank you! If you have any alts you wanna roll just let me know. Also hosting a server wide Bazaar on the 11th that will at least be for the Alliance but hopefully cross faction so hopefully you can be there and I’d be happy to throw an invite!


I got myself a Tanaris character that I will reach out with as well - love the guild concept :heart:

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Just posted one on the forum! =) For everyone else talking about rolling a Wastewander/Tanaris born Human, we’d love to have y’all join! =) Hopefully y’all join before the Uldum Bazaar because that’s going to be an awesome event.


I’d like to join on my alt. I also tried to find the discord link you posted but can’t find it… maybe my investigation skills aren’t all that good :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Please let me know when y’all want to bring alts! So excited. Posted my Discord/BTag so add either or. We also got a cross faction Uldum Bazaar going on Saturday the 11th and we would love to have you!

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Bump. Delicious Wastewander water pouches everywhere. First event tonight.

This is a great little guild and we have had heaps of fun running small events as well as large community events along with random RP sprinkled in. We’d love to have you aboard! :slight_smile: