The Warden Transmog Debacle : Trading Post Shenanigans

So, in a move that could basically be described as a dog biting itself in the man-bag, Blizzard has decided to join in the congo line of self inflicted critical failure by making the Warden Set we get from the achievement for maxing out the Trading Post’s little bar for a whole year … by making it change color, depending upon the time of day.

6am-6pm, you’re a green and gold Warden, champion of the ancient Kaldorei Empire and upholder of the strictest interpretation of Kaldorei laws.

6pm-6am, YOU ARE THE BATMAN NIGHT WARRIOR, silver and … more silver, I guess? Silver and duller, darker silver.

I’m just shaking my head here. Why? We were so close! We were this close to the Kaldorei players getting some nice damn rewards for sticking it out after the colossal mess that the B4A and Shadowblands expansions poured all over them and called Lore, and Blizzard has, for an entire year, refused to listen to player feedback that they love the mog, but despise the color shifting gimmick and would prefer just the basic gold-and-green Warden mog, or separate the set into two different sets.

i’m just sitting here, shaking my head, wondering whose baby this idea was, and why we didn’t throw said baby out with the bathwater when community bagged this idea so hard. We don’t want this stupid gimmick, its just as bad as the dumb concept behind the Spectral Warden Tiger mount.

I just …

Just this once, as a treat, can we have the Nice Thing :tm: without it being a monkey’s paw kind of deal?

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I think I knew this back when but forgot about it, because I would never wear the set anyway.

Seems really pathetic though. Same with the mount. People like what they like. Why not just offer two mounts and two sets? I mean it’s a whole year that people waited to get it. Give them a big reward.

I am not a fan in any way, shape or form of the green and gold anything personally.

The green/gold also doesn’t seem very Night Elfy to me, but I certainly don’t speak for them.


In their defense, the general idea of armor changing color is fairly unique; even potentially impressive. It’s just a terribly misplaced feature here; arguably not unlike many other Nelf related things in recent years.


I’d rather have something we didn’t have before than not have it. Doesn’t seem that big of a deal to me.


A transmog that changes between night and day is an amazing idea, I just wish it wasn’t tied to one of the most anticipated rp outfits in the game.


I’ve already heard other people complaining about it. I think it probably would have been fine if you could turn off the feature. But I feel like it’s going to be jarring if the server clock strikes 9 PM (or whenever) and the transmog suddenly goes from green to gray while you’re in the middle of an RP.

What WoW REALLLLLLLLLY needs is the ability to set color changes on armor for ourselves. Rift had that. ESO has a version of that.


Aww, there goes my hopes for using the silver version to mix-and-match with the heritage recolor for my warrior/paladin-to-be.

…Maybe if I only log in at night…

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What would be cooler would be if the new cloaks / hoods put the hood on or off when it was raining or cold out. That’s the kind of transmog change I could get behind. Color shifting outfits, not so much.


Love the armor, love the idea of color-changing things because they’re cool, but player choice is powerful and I think having the ability to “lock in” what color you want regardless of time of day would be the best way to make players happy.

Want the traditional Warden look? Good.

Want to go Night Warrior? Done.

Want both? Perfect.

WoW has finally learned giving more customization to players is key to happiness yet missed that mark on this one. Hopefully they’ll sort through the feedback and land on that common thread.


Would have made more sense to make a suite of warden sets as a Nelf heritage thing, maybe a bonus heritage quest tied to the new world tree.

And for doing 12 months of the trading post… something much broader??

I don’t really care about the color changing (obviously it should be 3 sets: both color versions and a shifting versions) – the bigger thing for me is, why is something you grinded a YEAR for not more universal?

Should have been a mount, mog + weapon set and 500 tenders or something IMO


The concept of color change is neat, but in terms of a person’s day not good.

I prefer the green set more, but I’ll never see it cause I have a job and friends. I’ll only ever see the silver set.

Unless my life goes to poo and I lose my job, then yes I would get to see the green set…


Color changing aside I hope NE female eyebrows don’t clip like this in-game

(really I’d be happy to let all long-eyebrowed races have a “shaved eyebrow” option like male NE because of stuff like this)

Anyway its a very cool set though I think I only got the trading post reward twice lol


The nelves are getting a lot of backhanded compliments this expansion.

Unique questline kills a major night elf character off to temporarily bring back a dragon, who then proceeds to do very little.

New capital!.. on the wrong side of the world.

Warden set… that moves weirdly and arbitrarily changes colour.

I feel for people passionate about playing night elves, this whole expansion has been a clustertruck for them. Hell, the last 3 really.


Crazy thing about this is that the top three races overall, are generally humans/blood elves/night elves and when it comes to roleplaying? hoo boy. Night Elves are their own universe, they always have been. The fan base is large and loyal. It really is a mind twist what Blizz is doing.


I think Blizz means well. But they don’t think about the end user.

Overall, it doesn’t affect me because I really don’t want the set on any character I have. I don’t have anyone who would wear that armor. I feel like it’s too niche. I like it, but I’ll never, ever use it. But if I wanted to use it, I’d hate the color change.


The old “we know what you want better than you…”

What people want, is three sets. 1 green/gold. 1 blue/silver. 1 color shifting.

I remember when they announced it thinking it seemed too specific to be a “thanks for 12 months of trading” gift, but I guess I was wrong.





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Nice. The jaded part of me wonders if that was planned that the entire time … give them static versions as well? That’s a good idea but let them complain first so it looks like we’re listening…


Oh come on, give them props. Blizzard doesn’t play 3D mind chess