Quest: It’s Rough to Be a Bug!
Location: The Royal Livery, Rak-ush, Azj-Kahet
During the dialogue between Vix’aron and Kish’nal after the quest is accepted, Vix’aron says: “I refuse to particpate.” Should be “participate.”
Quest: Of Pacts and Patrons
NPC: Widow Arak’nai
Location: The Weaver’s Lair, Azj-Kahet
Main quest text, double space between “of” and “aiding” in the sentence: “And different benefits of aiding our accomplices.”
Quest: Worldsoul: World Quests
NPC: Faerin Lothar
Location: Dornogal
Pick the World Quests option and she’ll say:
"There so much to be done and so little time to do it.
Should be:
“There’s so much…” or “There is so much…”
NPC: Roldira
Quest: Crafting Orders: Tailoring
error: “Kotag has their very own Jeweler’s bench”
should be tailor’s table as specified in the quest goals section.
Quest: Slay the Saboteurs
NPC: Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Location: Tranquil Strand, Isle of Dorn, Khaz Algar
Grammatical Error: (Paragraph 3) “This Queensguard Zirix was laying in wait here to overwhelm us.”
Correction: “This Queensguard Zirix was lying in wait here to overwhelm us.”
(“Laying” should be “lying” because “laying” requires a direct object, while “lying” does not. E.g., “Jaina lays a cup on the table before lying on the ground.”)
Object: Notes on the Machine Speakers: Fragment II (455274)
Location: The Ringing Deeps (just outside Gundargaz)
Grammatical Errors: (second paragraph) “The Awakening Machine reaffirms that a Machine Speakers parameters confirm to the titan’s original specifications…By design, Machine Speaker returns…”
- Speakers should have an apostrophe.
- Confirm should be conform. (Conform is fitting a set of rules; confirm is a more active verb indicating checking the truth of something - it could be used instead of reaffirm in this sentence, but not where it is).
- titan’s is singular, and generally we hear about “the titans” as a group - titans’ is the plural possessive.
- “Machine Speaker returns” doesn’t match plurality - it should be either “a Machine Speaker returns” or “Machine Speakers return”.
Corrected version: “The Awakening Machine reaffirms that a Machine Speaker’s parameters conform to the titans’ original specifications…By design, a Machine Speaker returns…”
Quest: They Come from Below (Before turn-in; BTW, “from” probably should be capitalized here)
Location: The Coreway, Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
NPC: Dagran Thaurissan II
Errors 1 & 2: (second paragraph, fourth sentence) “I wish I had seen if before the attack”
Correction: “I wish I had seen it before the attack.”
(#1: “if” should be “it”; #2: there should be a period at the end of the sentence.)
Error 3: (Same NPC – last paragraph) “I don’t know what we’re doin’’ next, but […]”
Correction: “I don’t know what we’re doin’ next, but […]”
(There are two apostrophes at the end of “doin’”; the extra should be removed.)
NPC: Moira Thaurissan
Error: (second paragraph) “[…] it seems tae me some cracks were already there–some old enough for ivy […]”
Correction: “[…] it seems tae me some cracks were already there – some old enough for ivy […]”
(The double hyphen should have a single space before and after it, rather than hyphenating the words together with no spaces.)
Error: (third paragraph) “This isle may have a military–an’ a general in that man Baelgrim.”
Correction: “This isle may have a military – an’ a general in that man Baelgrim.”
(Same reason as above.)
NPC: Magni Bronzebeard
Error: (first paragraph, second sentence) “An’ here I am already sidelined by me injuries–for now.”
Correction: “An’ here I am already sidelined by me injuries – for now.”
(The double hyphen should have a single space before and after it, rather than hyphenating the words together with no spaces.)
NPC: Baelgrim (upon turning in the quest)
Error 1: (third sentence) “For now I must focus on assessing the damage to the Coreway.”
Correction: “For now, I must focus on assessing the damage to the Coreway.”
(I’m pretty sure there should be a comma after “for now”, as it seems more like a “discourse marker” than denoting a time.)
Error 2: (fourth sentence) “Our brethren the Machine Speakers may need our aid […]”
Correction: “Our brethren, the Machine Speakers, may need our aid […]”
(There should be a comma before and after “the Machine Speakers”.)
I came across this one just a few minutes ago.
“Osidion at The Foregrounds in Dornogal would be interested in trading for this.”
I thought I remembered seeing a post about it here and here it was!
NPC: Ronesh (Innkeeper)
Location: Stonelight Rest, Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
This guy is a mess.
Error #1: (second paragraph, second sentence) “I welcome you and your allies, and will help you as best I can.”
Correction: “I welcome you and your allies and will help you as best I can.”
(There should not be a comma between “allies” and “and”.)
Errors #2 and #3: (third paragraph, second sentence) “What we consume is upalatable to you–gems, ore, and cinderbrew.”
Correction: “What we consume is unpalatable to you – gems, ore, and cinderbrew.”
(“Unpalatable” is misspelled and there should be a space before and after any double hyphen.)
Error #4: (last sentence) “But, I can see what I have.”
Correction: “But I can see what I have.”
(There should not be a comma after the “but”. If the writer wants to put a pause here, they should swap the comma for an ellipsis (“But…”).)
Error #5: This is not a typo or a grammatical error. It’s a “this makes no sense / doesn’t flow” correction. Here’s what I’m talking about:
(last four paragraphs, above corrections included, for clarity)
"News of your aid to us has traveled through the city. I welcome you and your allies and will help you as best I can.
Although… if you share the same food requirement as your compatriots, your choices are limited. What we consume is unpalatable to you – gems, ore, and cinderbrew.
This inn was created because we did have travelers like you once come from below.
But I can see what I have."
He goes from talking about our food requirement and that earthen eat rocks (italicized) to randomly telling us why the inn was created (bolded), and then suddenly switches back to talking about the food (italicized). That’s bizarre.
Here is my correction for this:
"News of your aid to us has traveled through the city. I welcome you and your allies and will help you as best I can.
This inn was created because we did have travelers like you once come from below.
Although… if you share the same food requirement as your compatriots, your choices are limited. What we consume is unpalatable to you – gems, ore, and cinderbrew.
But I can see what I have."
I swapped a couple paragraphs around and now it actually flows coherently: he starts by talking about the outlanders from the beach (our allies) > then talks about our aid to the city > then mentions why this inn was built > then brings up the food issue > and finally says he will look around for food anyway.
NPC: Explorers’ League Supplies
Location: Delver’s Headquarters, Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
Companion: Brann Bronzebeard (Healer)
Ability: Dwarven Medicine
Error: “Brann throws healing potions near injured players that restores a moderate amount of health upon walking through them.”
Correction: “Brann throws healing potions near injured players that restore a moderate amount of health upon walking through them.”
(Change of number between singular and plural. Most of the sentence refers to plural “potions”, so “restores” should reflect that and be corrected to “restore”.)
Companion: Brann Bronzebeard (Ranged Damage)
Ability: Steel Traps
Error: “Brann hurls steel traps that snaps shut on the first enemy that approaches […]”
Correction: “Brann hurls steel traps that snap shut on the first enemy that approaches […]”
(Same reason as above: mismatch in verb/noun number – plural noun with singular verb.)
NPC: Abohba
Location: Right outside the Delver’s Headquarters (in the grass with two wolves) in Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
Error: (last paragraph) “< Abohba shakes her head as she trails off as her eyes settle on the wolves in front of her. >”
Correction: “< Abohba shakes her head as she trails off and her eyes settle on the wolves in front of her. >”
Alternate Correction: “< Abohba shakes her head as she trails off, her eyes settling on the wolves in front of her. >”
(This one is not technically inaccurate in any way. It just sounds strange to say “as she ___ as her ___”. Use a different word. Either of my offered corrections will work but repeating “as [pronoun]” twice in a row sounds like poor writing.)
Battle Pet: Bouncer (drop from Nerubian Delve’s Heavy Trunk)
Typo: (in the pet’s flavor text) “Awww, aren’t it’s fuzzy little pedipalps cute?”
Correction: “Awww, aren’t its fuzzy little pedipalps cute?”
(“It’s” should be corrected to “its”; “it’s” is a contraction of “it is”, while “its” is the possessive form. e.g., “It’s going to be ok as long as its leg heals properly.”)
Item: Vile Vial of Kaheti Bile
Typo: (in the effect description) “…healing them for335,002”
Not a big typo. Just missed the space between the word “for” and the amount of healing.
NPC: Brann Bronzebeard
Location: entrance to Earthcrawl Mines delve
Occurrence: when interacting with him
Typo #1: (second paragraph, first sentence) “[…] I went explorin’ an’ found Freywold village.”
Correction: “[…] I went explorin’ an’ found Freywold Village.”
(The “v” in “village” should be capitalized because it is part of a proper noun: Freywold Village.)
Typo #2: (third paragraph, second sentence) “Tha smacks o’ a coordinated effort.”
Correction: “Tha’ smacks o’ a coordinated effort.”
(“Tha” should have an apostrophe at the end, since it is a stylized contraction of “that”.)
Speaking of Brann’s stylized contractions…
Typo #3: (third paragraph, first sentence) “I think the attack happened around the same time as the Coreway and Dalaran attacks.”
Correction: “I think the attack happened around the same time as the Coreway an’ Dalaran attacks.”
(This isn’t technically incorrect. However, it is stylistically inconsistent compared to the way Brann speaks here and elsewhere: his “and” is always contracted.)
Typo #4: (sixth paragraph, second sentence) “We might find other things of interest.”
Correction: “We might find other things o’ interest.”
(Same as above: stylistic inconsistency. His “of” is always contracted.)
Quest Items: Log Entry 652-12-3 [and] Log Entry 893-03-9 (the text when read)
Quest: Concerning Fungarians
Typos: (first line of each Log Entry) “Log Entry 652-12-3:” and “Log Entry 893-03-9:”
Corrections: “Log Entry: 652-12-3” [and] “Log Entry: 893-03-9”
(The colon should go after the word “Entry”, rather than appearing after the numerical code. This is how it is shown in the first item of these quest items’ series, Log Entry 467-21-5.)
Quest: A Shot At The Top
NPC: Gut’usul
Typo: In the quest section describing the target, Abductor Arzda. In the line “A non-native to Azj-Kahet who’s purpose…” “who’s” should be “whose”.
[NPC: 207471] Widow Arak’nai
[Quest: 83276] Saving Private Spindle
Typo: " While I have much trust in my dera Spindle’s abilities,"
I trust she means “my dear”
Whelp, it was mentioned before (and I used the forum search before posting)
NPC: Dagran Thaurissan II
Quest: Back to Where it Began
This isn’t a printed typo as much as it is a voiceover mistake.
When you complete the phase of the quest in the cave, Dagran says, “Well done, Outlander. We’re back up and running. Now it’s time for a little creative problem solving…”
Outlander in the printed part of this quest is replaced with your character’s name. I found it interesting for Dagran to refer to the player as an Outlander when Dagran and the NPC are both Outlanders.
Battle Pet: Ghostcap Menace (flavor text)
Typo: “The alluring twin mushroom cap colors of these fungal creatures attracts sentient and beastial victims alike.”
Correction: “The alluring twin mushroom cap colors of these fungal creatures attracts sentient and bestial victims alike.”
(English is weird and the word “beastial” is actually spelled without the “a”, as “bestial” – despite originating from the word “beast”.)
NPC: Woldtender Igris
Location: Boskroot Basin, Isle of Dorn
Quest: Mycomayhem
Error: (upon turning in the quest; last sentence) “We must be prevent their spread.”
Correction: “We must prevent their spread.”
(There is an erroneous word that should be omitted: “be” does not belong here.)
Quest: Wold Memories
Error: (upon being offered the quest; second paragraph, first two sentences) “Although there are few left in the countryside who still follow the Edicts. Freydrin was long a true believer.”
Correction: “Although there are few left in the countryside who still follow the Edicts, Freydrin was long a true believer.”
(The period separating these two sentences should be a comma instead.)
Quest: Delver’s Call: Earthcrawl Mines
Location: Crossroads Plaza, Isle of Dorn
Error: (upon being offered the quest) “Troubles continue within Earthcrawl Mines. Fine pay to whoever can handle it.”
Correction: “Troubles continue within Earthcrawl Mines. Fine pay to whomever can handle it.”
(It is “to whom”, not “to who”, so it’s “to whomever” rather than “to whoever”.)
NPC: Urtago
Location: Mourning Rise, Fallside Outpost, Isle of Dorn
Error: (third paragraph) “Caretaker Korgran have been doing this for a long time, and soon it will be my turn to take over.”
Correction #1: “Caretaker Korgran has been doing this for a long time, and soon it will be my turn to take over.”
Correction #2: “Caretaker Korgran and I have been doing this for a long time, and soon it will be my turn to take over.”
(Depending on the original intention, either correction option will do.)
NPC: Merrix
Location: Foundation Hall, Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
Error: (when speaking to him right before turning in the campaign quest called “Convergence”; last paragraph) " Our next act is to clear the Coreway to assist the Machine Speakers, and our new allies as they pursue the nerubians and this “Xal’atath”. "
Correction: “Our next act is to clear the Coreway to assist the Machine Speakers and our new allies […]”
(There should not be a comma here; omit the comma.)
Instance: The Rookery
When: After defeating the final boss, Voidstone Monstrosity
NPC: Baelgrim
Error: “It is done. The corruption was been eliminated, but we were too late.”
Correction: “It is done. The corruption has been eliminated, but we were too late.”
(The “was been” should instead be “has been”. Also, despite most of the lines in this dungeon being voiced, I don’t believe this one was – I didn’t hear him speak this particular line. However, I don’t know if that’s due to a bug, or if this line wasn’t meant to be voiced. I presume voiced lines don’t have errors like this, but… you never know, I suppose.)
Quest: To Wake a Giant
NPC: Harmot
Location: Ironwold, Isle of Dorn
Error: (upon being offered the quest; last couple lines) “It should be enough to wake him up and alleviate any soreness. Hopefully, any ways.”
Correction: “[…] Hopefully, anyways.”
(There should not be a space between “any” and “ways”, as “anyways” is one word.)
A sincere question:
Why doesn’t Blizzard run all text bound for the game through any word processor or any tool that can run an instant spelling/grammar/punctuation check prior to adding that text to the game?
All it takes is a quick copy/paste into the word processor, glance at it to see if it flagged anything, and then copy/paste into the game if it doesn’t (and correct it, then copy/paste into the game if there was an error). Based on my own submissions alone, doing this would catch probably around half (or more!) of the kinds of obvious errors that are submitted here. It’s abundantly clear that this is not already being done, for some reason. It would certainly go a long way in preventing a good portion of the errors that we, the players, end up finding and submitting here – which would make the game look quite a bit more polished and professional.
Object: Observational Notes: Cinderbees
Location: on a shelf at the back of Harvester Farnee’s house at Durgaz Cabin flightpoint, Isle of Dorn
The following 13 errors all occur in this one, single journal. (I did not miscount; some are doubled-up in the same entry.)
Error: (page 4, paragraph 2) “Thermalseer Wenbrandt and Overseer Kriegval have shared their plans for a new thermal-powered refinery terminal, complete with an built-in transit system […]”
Correction: “[…] complete with a built-in transit system […]”
(The “an” should be an “a”, since the following word begins with a consonant rather than a vowel.)
Error: (page 4, paragraph 3) “Their plan is to build overtop the Cindercreg and tap into the magma vents through imbedded thermal towers but the region must be cooled in order to begin initial operations.”
Correction: “[…] through imbedded thermal towers, but the region must be cooled […]”
(There should be a comma preceding the “but”.)
Error: (page 4, paragraph 4) “I have raised concerns about the suggestions to flood and destroy the cinderbees subterranean hives.”
Correction: “I have raised concerns about the suggestions to flood and destroy the cinderbees’ subterranean hives.”
(There should be an apostrophe after “cinderbees” to denote it being possessive.)
Error: (page 5, paragraph 1) “[…] I am pleased to report that the ironwood experiment have proven succesful!”
Correction #1: “[…] I am pleased to report that the ironwood experiment has proven succesful!”
Correction #2: “[…] I am pleased to report that the ironwood experiments have proven succesful!”
(Depending on the original intention, either correction option will work. But currently, the sentence mixes number: singular noun (“experiment”) with plural verb (“have”) and thus must be fixed.)
Error: (page 5, paragraph 3) “[…] until we can further observe the effects these trees have on the Cindergreg.”
Correction: “[…] until we can further observe the effects these trees have on the Cindercreg.”
(“Cindercreg” is misspelled here as “Cindergreg”.)
Error: (page 6, paragraph 3) “[…] this structure will serve as the connective distribution channel to Wenbrandt’s refinery terminal, which is set to built further east far beyond the Cinderwold.”
Correction: “[…] which is set to be built further east, far beyond the Cinderwold.”
(The word “be” is missing between “to” and “built”. There should also probably be a comma between “east” and “far”.)
Error: (page 6, last paragraph) “What this means for the newly bloomed forest and the cinderbees below remains to be seen but Wenbrandt seems keen to not disturb the occupants.”
Correction: “What this means for the newly bloomed forest and the cinderbees below remains to be seen, but Wenbrandt seems keen to not disturb the occupants.”
(There should be a comma preceding the “but”.)
Error: (page 7, paragraph 2) “According to her, most of them were singed beyond eligibility though perhaps that is for the better.”
Correction: “According to her, most of them were singed beyond legibility, though perhaps that is for the better.”
(The word “eligibility” makes no sense here and should instead be “legibility”. There should also probably be a comma after it, before “though”.)
Error: (page 7, paragraph 4) “The mystery of the cinderbees prosperity is something I hope to rediscover though perhaps at a distance.”
Correction: “The mystery of the cinderbees’ prosperity is something I hope to rediscover, though perhaps at a distance.”
(Again, there should be an apostrophe denoting possession by the “cinderbees”. Again, there should be a comma preceding “though”.)
Error: (page 7, last line) “<The next several hundred pages has been stained by soot and char marks.>”
Correction: “<The next several hundred pages have been stained by soot and char marks.>”
(Again, there is a mismatch in number between noun and verb: a plural noun (“several hundred pages”) with a singular verb (“has been”). The number should always match between a noun and its verb.)
Quest: Honor Their Memories
Location: Mourning Rise, Isle of Dorn
Object: Mourning Rise Epitaph (the one in front of which the player is instructed to lay the quest item “Deck of Cards”)
Error: (second paragraph) “Even so, the cracks on his head and belt seem recent as do a missing parts of his leg and gems.>”
Correction: “Even so, the cracks on his head and belt seem recent, as do a missing part of his leg and gems.>”
(There should be a comma after “recent”. Also, “a missing parts” should be “a missing part”.)
Quest: The Forging of Memories
NPC: Korgran
Location: inside Korgran’s house in Fallside Outpost, Isle of Dorn
Error: (upon turning in the quest) “Is it… hm, It looks like… I can’t remember.”
Correction: “Is it… hm, it looks like… I can’t remember.”
(The “i” in “it” should be lowercase, not capitalized.)
Quest: The Lost Earthen
NPC: Urtago
Location: outside Korgran’s house in Fallside Outpost, Isle of Dorn
Error: (after accepting the quest, in an unvoiced speech bubble dialogue line) “I hope we can get to Korgran on time.”
Correction: “I hope we can get to Korgran in time.”
(The “on time” should be “in time”. “On time” connotes a prior appointment or a set time by which something should happen, while “in time” connotes a more general sense of “I hope it happens by then” – in this case, Urtago hopes we find Korgran “in time” before his shutdown, rather than “on time” for his shutdown, since we will be somewhere apart from his desired resting place.)
Object: Observational Notes: Ramoliths
Location: on a shelf in the back room of a house in Rambleshire, Isle of Dorn
The following errors are all found in the Observational Notes: Ramoliths:
Error: (page 2, paragraph 2) “While elementals usually take on a shapeless, randomized structure […]”
(This error is not egregious, but there are one or two too many spaces between “elementals” and “usually”, which I cannot show here as the extra spaces are automatically removed by the formatting editor.)
Error: (page 4, paragraph 3) “From hauling ore and stone, to a clearing out our quarries and cregs, […]”
Correction: “From hauling ore and stone, to clearing out our quarries and cregs, […]”
(There is an erroneous “a” between “to” and “clearing” that should be removed.)
Error: (page 6, paragraph 1) “Our continued expansion around the sector and below the surface has led to a wider spread use of ramoliths in our everyday work.”
Correction #1: “Our continued expansion around the sector and below the surface has led to a widespread use of ramoliths in our everyday work.”
Correction #2: “Our continued expansion around the sector and below the surface has led to a wider use of ramoliths in our everyday work.”
(I don’t think you can say “a wider spread use”; I think it’s either “a widespread use” or “a wider use”. Thus, depending on the original intention, either correction option will work.)
Error: (page 6, paragraph 3) “They are capable of slow regeneration by entering a state of torpor which can last an upwards of over forty-thousand recorded solar cycles.”
Correction: “They are capable of slow regeneration by entering a state of torpor which can last upwards of over forty-thousand recorded solar cycles.”
(The phrase “upwards of” should not be preceded by an article, in this case “an”; the “an” should be omitted.)
Error: (page 7, paragraph 3) “Every tool, weapon or armor piece produced by the Ordained were intricately crafted and surged with the power they forged into it.”
Correction: “Every tool, weapon or armor piece produced by the Ordained was intricately crafted and surged with the power they forged into it.”
(Issue of change in number of the subject between noun and verb: “every tool” is singular, “it” (referring back to “every tool”) is singular, but its verb, “were”, is plural. It should be “was”, since the subject is singular. To make it easier: shorten the sentence to “Every tool were crafted and surged with the power they forged into it”. It’s clear this isn’t correct and that “were” should be “was”.)
Error: (page 7, paragraph 5) “Part of me wondered if the armor inflicted any sort of discomfort on it, but the ramolith did not appear to affect it.”
Correction: “Part of me wondered if the armor inflicted any sort of discomfort on it, but the ramolith did not appear to be affected.”
(The ramolith did not appear to affect the armor? That doesn’t make sense when Harmot is wondering if the armor affects the ramolith. Instead of “to affect it”, it is likely supposed to read “to be affected”.)
Error: (page 7, paragraph 6) “In fact, the ramolith appears to be far more collected and composed. A fascinating change in behavior.”
Correction: “In fact, the ramolith appears to be far more collected and composed: a fascinating change in behavior.”
(This one is far less egregious of a mistake and could be ignored since this is someone’s personal journal – though they are observational notes, which implies some scientific bent. As such, I think Harmot would be careful not to write in fragments, which the second sentence is. As a fragment, it would be fixed nicely by converting the preceding period into a colon instead.)
NPC: Violet Warden
Location: in one of the houses in Rambleshire, Isle of Dorn
Quest: The Mage Slayer
Error: (upon turning in the quest) “Dalaran may be in ruins, but the Kirin Tor does not grant you release Mage Slayer!”
Correction: “Dalaran may be in ruins, but the Kirin Tor does not grant you release, Mage Slayer!”
(This is a fantastic example of how important commas are. The way it reads currently, without the comma, it makes it seem like she is suddenly and inexplicably chastising us, yelling that “the Kirin Tor does not grant us permission to release the Mage Slayer [from its punishment]”. With the comma that should be there, however, the sentence clearly conveys that she is instead speaking to the Mage Slayer, telling it “the Kirin Tor does not grant you release [from your punishment]”. All the difference a comma can make!)
NPC: Tharessa Sunstrand
Location: The Three Shields, Isle of Dorn
Quest: Because It’s Shiny
Error: (upon being offered the quest; last paragraph) “Larger-than-average gorlocs are above my Dragonscale pay grade.”
Correction: “Larger-than-average gorlocs are above my Algari pay grade.”
(This is a big error! It’s not an English mistake, but a continuity mistake. They are not the Dragonscale Expedition anymore, but the Algari Expedition, as mentioned several times, but first in the quest “Meet the Team” in Dalaran (Meet the Team - Quest - World of Warcraft ( As such, it should certainly be changed from “Dragonscale” to “Algari”.)
Battle Pet: Soot-Stained Shalewing (sold by Trading Post)
Error: (in flavor text) “These pests are known for their cantankerous attitude and affinity for nesting in the smokestacks of Undermine, much to the locals dismay.”
Correction: “These pests are known for their cantankerous attitude and affinity for nesting in the smokestacks of Undermine, much to the locals’ dismay.”
(“Locals” should have an apostrophe to denote it being possessive.)
Quest Item: Pure Crawler Extract
Quest: Rust and Redemption
Location: Pillarstone Spire, The Ringing Deeps
Error: (item’s flavor text) “A luminescent green liquid greatly prized by the Machine Speakers for it’s ability to remove rust.”
Correction: “A luminescent green liquid greatly prized by the Machine Speakers for its ability to remove rust.”
(it’s = a contraction of “it is” // its = possessive form of “it”)
Quest: Security Through Trade
Location: Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
NPC: Merrix
When: after accepting the quest > when speaking to Merrix > after selecting the first dialogue option, “Why do you support Steelvein’s operations if they defy your Edicts?”
Error: (third paragraph) “Steelvein’s methods may bend the Edicts in ways my councillors disapprove of, but given the turmoil between the Unbound and the workers in the Deeps, sometimes one must… look the other way.”
Correction: “Steelvein’s methods may bend the Edicts in ways my councilors disapprove of, but […]”
(The word “councilors” is misspelled with an extra “L”.)
NPC: Clixi Fastfare
Location: Opportunity Point, Ringing Deeps
Error: (when interacting with her) “Lookin’ for a lift? Best deal right here, pal. actually, it’s the only deal! […]”
Correction: “Lookin’ for a lift? Best deal right here, pal. Actually, it’s the only deal! […]”
(The “a” at the beginning of “actually” should be capitalized but is not.)
NPC: Noli Marlen
Location: outside Taelloch, Ringing Deeps
Quest: Unnatural Predators
Error: (upon turning in the quest; second paragraph) “I can’t risk losing them to a bored, murderous deepflayer. No other reasons certainty. Hehe!”
Correction: “[…] No other reasons, certainly. Hehe!”
(The “certainty” with a “T” should be “certainly” with an “L”. Also, there should be a comma before “certainly”.)
Quest: The Truth in Chalk
Location: Taelloch Mine, Ringing Deeps
NPC: Earthen Slate (Fourth Slate)
The text on the fourth Earthen Slate reads as follows (last line): “Don’t… Speaker… RINGING. Don’t let destroy.”
The matching talking head text (with voiced lines!) reads and is heard as follows: “Don’t… Speaker. Ringing! Don’t… let… him destroy!”
(The voiced lines with subtitles in the Talking Head box have an extra word, “him”, in between “let” and “destroy”. The Talking Head lines are also punctuated differently compared to the text that is shown on the matching Earthen Slate.)
Object: Is Your Morale Declining? (readable book on ground in front of Foreman Uzjax)
Location: The Earthenworks, The Ringing Deeps
Error: (page 4, 6th paragraph) “If you proceed, accept that witnessing and processing the information on the next page my merit punitive action.”
Correction: “If you proceed, accept that witnessing and processing the information on the next page may merit punitive action.”
(The “my” is missing an “a” and should read as “may”.)
Object: A Weathered Tome
Location: The Hallowfall Gate (Hallowfall side)
Error: (fourth paragraph) “[…] The Flames light guides us wherever we stride, […]”
Correction: “[…] The Flame’s light guides us wherever we stride, […]” (or) “[…] The Flames’ light guides us wherever we stride, […]”
(There should be an apostrophe in “Flames” to indicate possession. Which correction you use will depend on whether the original intention was to make “Flame” singular or “Flames” plural: if singular, the correction would be Flame’s and if plural, it would be Flames’.)
Item: The Unusual Bug (starts a quest)
Error: (flavor text of item) “An usual spider that is not native to Hallowfall.”
Correction: “An unusual spider that is not native to Hallowfall.”
(The “usual” is missing the negating prefix “un-” and should read “unusual”, considering the name of the item.)
Found today in Azj-Kahet: NPC Krivit, Proveyor of History. Is this meant to be “Purveyor” ?