Its always beem that way.
Ill just file this away with the other “this’ll be the death of WoW bogus”
You have casuals that will play anyway (but only for x weeks), and you have people that will quit once they hit arbitrary goals.
And you’re telling me that Blizzard wants less people playing?
Easier content is not always more players.
Easier content can mean more players for content X, if you care only about content x.
And here it is. Called this back in September.
S3 should be easier than S2 too.
The illusion of progression.
Then we’ll dial it back next expansion season 1.
Doesn’t seem to apply to raid.
Yeah. It’s not fun to get loot unless someone else can’t get it.
Raid doesn’t obey this, so it might be even more exclusive.
That would kinda be a bummer because I might get the mount these later seasons (just depends how nerfed the scaling really is) but I don’t believe I could have earned it the current season. I wish they’d just have difficulty always be the same so same effort equals same rewards.
These are all good changes, but why do we have to get to +12s before there is no key depletion? How about time all dungeons at ANY level, and your key can’t deplete past that level? Depletion of a +8 or +10 key is every bit as bad as depletion of a +12 key.
Show some love to the more casual key runners, and don’t reserve it for only the top 5%.
Completed keys don’t mean anything when it’s the same people running them. We’re talking P A R T I C I P A T I O N. Actual individual accounts taking part in content. This has been the argument since day one that you and the rest of the “everything is fine” community have been doing your level best to bury your heads in the sand on.
all gear in the game is currently easy to obtain right now, there is obviously a progression path but this is how season’s work for the game lol. Let’s just let people get myth track and 100 gilded from 5s and see how fast people quit the season since they’ve beaten all the content, it’s not a sustainable way to run things.
If we wanted more m+ participation, delete delves.
And maybe delete raid.
When you remove all alternatives, numbers tend to increase. (Not net players though.)
Well if this next season is going to be too easy for you, you don’t have to partake. You won’t be missed.
They have a new shiny reward at 3k, something they’ve never had before. Effort for max tangible rewards has risen.
Participation involves people doing content on repeat as well. Blizzard doesnt look at one offs as their numbers lol
If i log in every day to go do a single key, i am 30 data points towards the overall participation numbers for that month.
This rings true for all content. I mean gratz on trying to move the goal posts though
That would require the peanut gallery to stop crying and complaining and always wanting WoW to be more of a monty haul game than it already is.
im excited for this. finally a reason to not afk at 2500
Raids don’t follow though, so we might get something harder than the hardest boss at some point. (Or does that still go to Kil’jaedan?)
Yeah and if there had been a 3k mount this season, I’ll be totally honest, I couldn’t have earned it, it’s above my current ceiling. Maybe I will in later seasons, we’ll see how changed the scaling really is. It just will feel bad if I earn it, they keep a mount at 3k in future seasons, and then 3k becomes much harder to get again next expac. Ugh.
Deleting raids would cause M+ numbers to drop, since a huge portion of M+ is just raiders trying to get gear (since you can’t gear via raiding in an effective manner).
And raiders will just quit the game if there’s no raiding, it’s the only reason they play.
It’s a shame Blizzard hasn’t remotely made raid logging viable again yet or even remotely tried.