The War Within Season 2 Mythic+ Updates Ahead

If easier is always better, can nerf m+ 10 down to heroic dungeon difficulty. (And heroic dungeons will be even easier, somehow.)

Then I guess title can end at maybe +60 or something.

Would you enjoy that?

So they made the content that was already too easy for how rewarding it is even easier, without nerfing the rewards.

This is like DPS shaman getting no changes other than a 20% aura buff going into S2.

This is objectively wrong, based on Blizzard’s nerf cannon response. Like, you’re not even in this universe with that take lmao

M+ is not the only content in the game. Frequently compared to raid because they both similar gear.

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They should do the same thing to raid. Its participation is also in the dumpster.

I love all the people losing their minds lol.

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Why not? Put the entire dungeon system on a key track and let the best players push as high as possible. Why would that be wrong?

Well, at least, you’re honest.

Let’s see if we can expand upon this further.

Best gear will be obtainable at level 1.

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They should make some big gearing changes for raids. Add gilded crests and mythic vault to the last 4 heroic bosses. Add double crests to mythic bosses. Let players farm crests from bosses they’ve already killed. Watch people start to pug raids like crazy.

Tbh it sounds like many people would enjoy a game without gear.

Some people do want it as easy as possible that is true. You can’t make every skill level happy but for me I like it to be hard enough that I have to learn it but not so hard that it feels frustrating. And for me df s3 was closer to that than tww s1.

Because you keep deflecting.

Incentivizing players for participation, practically forcing players into content theyd rather not do all for participation numbers isnt always a positive thing.

M+ for raiders
Delves for everyone

They actually jncreased the difficulty of approachability to m+ by increasing m0 base and putting it back on a weekly lockout.

Changing reward levels doesnt change any of that

Would they though?

A game without leveling, sign me up.

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+10s are already the easiest way to get myth gear, and by far the easiest way to get a full set of myth gear.

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What people say they’d want and their actual behavior doesn’t always align.

“People” hate microtransactions, but that model still makes bank.

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Lies, myth trinkets in vault don’t exist :frowning:

Why not just pick a lower level in TWW that coincided with DFs S3?

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If you ask me, the way they’re lining this season up seems to be with the right idea. First 3 or so key levels are introductory, little going on other than dungeon mechs and a timer. Get up to the mid keys with the Xaffixes, and let the majority of gearing be done here. By the time you reach the end of the gearing bracket, then you get into score pushing, where you already have access to the best gear (don’t discredit the RNG of vault and how it can drastically screw players over with gear acquisition on its own), and can incrementally test yourself against the score focused (ie timer driven, sans Xaffixes) realm, where focus of play is the driving factor.

There’s an unhealthy fascination with locking the end game gear behind the most difficult content, when frankly at this point M+'s real end game is title chasing. Why not let everyone have a fair shot to earn the best gear at a reasonable difficulty level, then let them apply themselves to the hardest content afterwards?

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But that also removes gear as a factor in damage, so people will loose the scapegoat of gear in the question of “why did I fail this content?” and “why did this other guy do more damage?”.

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Because it felt bad to get less rewards for the same effort.

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Vaults given me several, but only 1 of them was actually good.

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