The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Wow, so if I have skyriding on and try to mount a non skyriding mount that does not have Skyriding , it will be grounded and not able to fly at all?

Is this correct?

Did you guys actually make it impossible and REMOVE the current ability to use a regular flying mount when needed and use a Skyriding mount when needed without a 5 second cast back and forth? That is INSANE if that is the case.


The way I understood that was in the context of the flight mode toggle. If you are in skyriding mode, then mounts that don’t support that are grounded. This was probably done to create consistent use of the toggle flight mode feature. Personally, I wouldn’t of minded if kept roughly 50% of the existing mounts as static mounts and we just summoned them like we do now to switch between the two modes. The 5 seconds to switch flight modes seems kind of a steep penalty, it should of been the same time it takes to summon a mount currently.


They know it’ll disincentivize switching at all, so more people will just stay in DR because the speed is more consistently useful.

I wanna buy out Blizzard and give DKs the proper build that they’ve deserved since Wrath, however never received. DK is still like flying an Apollo mission into space with evidential doom to fail.

I love how we’re getting Defile damage +200% but our other abilities are dumped by 15% making PVP way less fluid and more static now, especially in BGs. It’s a sad day. We should be gods, not wheelchair toys. At least add a few ticks to our death grip so lolranged classes can’t toy with us.

Blizz literally gave us a decent working build in DF S4, pvp was FINALLY tolerable, we weren’t getting destroyed by pleb subpar classes that actually needed nerfs. Now? I dunno. We’ll have to see.

p.s. you need to nerf Druid to hell. They’re still gonna be unkillable in pvp and stop letting monks fly around on the map. They’re not “good”, they’re only annoying.

I was so excited to see what changed for DH’s

3 lines across PVE and PVP…


I guess if it ain’t broke don’t fix it?

i have bad news for you when it comes to the hero talents…

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I haven’t been following those changes. Let’s hope I can still pump dmg in PVP.

right now the damage for aldrachi reaver is the one good thing, it’s the gameplay that needs serious dev attention. I will say fortunately for you the only 2 people i have seen defend it in any way were PvPers, so maybe for PvP it isn’t as horrible as PvE.

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(Darn I don’t have an emoji express my Xena Warrior Princess scream of excitement!)
:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:Insert Silly meme showing unhinge excitement here:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
AAAAAaaa I want to try out so many what to chose as my main!!!
:dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated::dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I mean the only way they could possibly make it better would be to rework it to something completely different. It’s not a matter of tweaking because at this point the main HS has become pretty irrelevant. You can Skyride/Flight path at a decent pace to the capital you’re on the same continent on and if you’re not, you use use the Dalaran HS, take the respective portals to the capitals portal rooms and just go from there.

It’s even more useless if you play a mage too because, well, you just use Teleport.

Ummm I think you forgot demon hunters blizzard. WTH. Already disappointing and didint even drop yet :joy:

What’s the point in having a PTR if you can’t get the patch up and running in a reasonable timeframe. Figure that process out during the PTR period. Appoint a small group of people to ensure minimal downtime.

-Laughs in “My warlock is dying for a speed boost”

Imagine being as old as blizzard. And you still can’t release content on time. Insane they are still horrible at things like this. Year after year. :woozy_face:

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You guys want some DoorDash/Pizza for the dev team tonight? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Let me know! I’ll hook ya up.

more like thursday at this rate lol

Literally what I was thinking… 20 years… 10 expacs and counting on it to happen in a timely fashion… NOPE. Goodbye Tuesday we hardly knew ye.

at this rate this is going to be false advertisement lol.

I dunno, you might be thankful for the lack of major changes. I main a DK. Well, Multiple DK’s but still. The number of changes done looks like I’m going to have to relearn the class all over again. Again. for like the 3rd time. I might still be salty about frost not being the tank spec…