The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Those notes seem to be out of date. Doesn’t include the recent additional changes for enhancement.

Edit: Now the patch is live and sure enough, those talents are still two points instead of one. Pretty bad.

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Need synonyms for Pathetic.
That word doesn’t seem to convey enough about the DH changes in this list.

Patch notes are misleading for Priests. There were no talent changes other than 3 nodes in the General Tree. Please correct that.

? it doesn’t say any other talent changes besides those and the spriest one

It falsely states "All talent trees have had many talents move locations or have had their pathing updated. " right on the top of the Priest notes.

How many things will they break?

You have all of these in the same patch notes:

  • Talents that increase melee range have been removed.


  • Cat Form now increases the range of auto-attacks and melee abilities by 3 yards. (not a talent)


  • Cat Form no longer increases the range of auto-attacks and melee abilities by 3 yards. (not a talent)

Am I to surmise that Cat Form for all druids BUT feral have additional 3 yards of melee range?


Taking Soul Flame away from Affliction again?

My warlock will be sad.

i don’t expect the servers to work tues, luckily i won’t be home lol

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Yes, that’s what I was pointing out as bad.

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Blizz can you please clarify this?

“Players who have reached level 70 and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline will be called to take their next steps into the story leading into The War Within with the first part of the “Visions of Azeroth” questline.”

I’ve done a bit of the DF questlines but not all of them, and which one would be the “final chapter”?

It would seem a bit over the top to have to have completed all 9 or 10 DF questlines just to do the pre-patch quests…

As excited as i am for this, easily one of the worst changes is the Human racial change making it pretty much pointless considering Skyriding exists and flight paths are getting a speed boost. Kinda regretting making my Mage human now and i’ll be damned if im gonna pay a penny because of a change literally no one asked for.

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They clarified it earlier, in another post.

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Thank you mate!

Didn’t realise the Harbinger Quest was a part of “DF”, I assumed it would be separate and a part of some kind of preamble to TWW.

why recent update on beta isn’t included in this note?

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Can anyone explain what a Meta quest is supposed to be?

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WOW, nice update :slightly_smiling_face:

Balance druid will be less fun to play when prepatch goes live.

You guys need to do some more class work before launch to like 3-4 classes imo

Class is suppose to be more fun when a expac comes out and somehow the rework makes it worse, even the hero talents wont fix it.

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I love how, arguably the most mobile class in the game (monk) is getting multiple mobility buffs while priests are still stuck with useless feathers. Why should only a couple classes be stuck with a less enjoyable experience because they have no movement? What would be the harm in getting rid of “wheelchair classes”?

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I agree it could be more useful. However, the change was made because the rep racial was wildly unfair to all the other classes.