The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Yea, I get that diplomacy was “unfair” at late game because everything is sorta rep based, but thats kinda the point. You choose a race that has the perks and bonuses that you want. That’s like taking away the Void Elf’s Preternatural Calm because its unfair to non void elf casters.


as long as they didnt just change their mind… i was so butthurt just now when i logged into prepatch

So where exactly is this button to switch flight types at?

The video I watched that explained it showed it in the center at the top of the mount list window, but there’s no button there on any of my characters.

Others have said it’s in the general tab of the spell book, which it’s not.

Others have said it was automatically on their action bars when they logged in… I have yet to see this happen.

Basically, on login since the patch, any character I use that has flying drops out of the sky if they were flying before the update. The only characters that gain the buff “Flight Style: Steady” only gain it after leveling up once and the only character that was different from that was a char that had Dragonriding prior to the update. To Reiterate: The button is nowhere to be found EVEN AFTER lvling up and having the buff applied allowing flight again. I’d post screen shots to prove this, but can’t do so.

Many many players are affected by this issue and many many more are calling them stupid because they aren’t affected by it for w/e reason. IT IS AN ISSUE, not a figment of our imagination.

Edit: Within the last couple days (probably that last update downtime) Characters now appear to login with Steady active. I haven’t had any toons fall out of the sky since then, but I haven’t exactly logged into all of them.

This morning, when I mount up I noticed a delay in which flight can keep me from immediately ascending after mounting for a brief moment. It appears to be due to Stealth. If I mount while Stealthed, the delay keeps me from flying briefly.
Edit: This has since been fixed.

The button for switching flight type is still missing for all my characters even the ones who have dragon riding.

edit: for future reference, the button does not show if you aren’t level 70.

Can you add a vendor price to artisan mettle?

I’m clearing out my inventories of dragonflight crap and I have 23k unused artisan mettle across my characters. I’d rather vendor it for pennies than have to destroy all of it.

Would be nice for all the dragonflight sparks and fragments and other random crafting objects that don’t already have a vendor price as well.

I found mine on my mounts window. only one of my characters ended up with a button on the tool bar.

“Arcane Missiles has been redesigned – Can now only be cast when you have Clearcasting.” … Dammit. That’s a basic arcane spell, and now we only have it when Clearcasting procs… wtf. You made that change a few expansions ago, and it was so unpopular/nonsensical that you changed it back to how it originally was. What’s the logic in switching it again?? Irritating… :angry:

On the video I watched, it showed the button on the mount window. Above the mount name, to the left of the yellow “Summon Random Favorite Mount” button and almost top-center of the window. It was labeled Skyriding to the left of the button.

Not there for any of my characters, but is this where you see it?
edit: required lvl 70 to see the button

I have seen a lot of people complain about this.

Hand on heart, the Arcane rework, just in my opinion is awesome. I feel as though it’s fun to play, satisfying to use arcane miss as a proc, with Arcane B as your missile finder.

I found it powerful during beta, as I understand, there is a bug at the moment that they are working on to fix dmg wise. Once that’s done I am sure you will find it powerful too.

I know some don’t like change, and change isnt always good. However, I have always hated mage to play, after playing it on beta, I am considering playing Arcane more, I find it awesome.

I hate the new log in. I used to be able to go to any of the reams and login if they had mail. Now I have to check every char to see which realm it is on because there is not a sublisting.( If I happen to log in i have to logout to check because you cannot actually do that for yourself in the game) I thought i eas at the top of the list the other day but i had accidentally scrolled down and I was no longer in a guild… but i was on a diff realm. I hate having to scroll down that darn list could at least show char name and REALM beside it… just go backto the old list I do not need the camping scene on log-in I hate camping and can smell BBQ/bonfire when I see it… ughhhh

Yeah the new warband view leaves much to be desired. I’m not a fan at all. I hope they fix it soon. I want to be able to see my characters better. I’d also like to be able to see some info about them in the view (gold/ilevel/guild/realm/etc/etc/etc)

Also, now that we have warbands would be good to be able to actually see my warband in game (and do some interaction) in my garrison or something

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