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what’s your bnet little guy? i’ll send you a copy of the epic edition since your allowance wont cover it.

Smoother experience with less lag and less packed quest areas. That’s my reason and it’s practical.

It especially makes more sense when you see how fast everything dies at the moment.

That’s cool, I just personally don’t think $40 is worth 3 days of gameplay.

The expansion goodies were never interesting to me, I like stuff that’s generally hard to obtain.

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Server lag in the Ringing Deeps today. Much success.

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Fair enough.

Not everyone lives for endgame content. Blizzard finally recognizes that, hence the alt-friendly features and extensive solo features for this expansion.

I pay to play not pay to wait.

This crosses that line even if only by a toe.

Games and gamers first. Early access was a poor decision.
Edit, the reality is delayed access but hey :frowning: people get upset when you point that out.



I thought the launch hasn’t occurred yet :roll_eyes:

Oh, then can I have your stuff? Because this is NOT the first go-around.

I’d rather let it rot with the billions of other dead WoW accounts of everyone else that left/quit.


It’s cute that you think money is the reason people aren’t happy about the epic edition, but people like you can rarely grasp why people are ever irritated about any of the scummy stuff blizzard does.

That’s a lot of words to say you’re big sad :cry:

When I was deciding between which version early access wasn’t a concern for me. I don’t understand the outrage for 3 days of that. I actually work all day on Saturday and Sundays, so for me, it was the extras I was more interested in. The 3 days early access was more of a bonus to that, for me.

Happy user: I got WoW TWW!

Marsius: haha corporate puppet.

Another happy user: I got EA and a bunch of other goodies!

Marsius: haha corporate puppet.

And yet another happy user: TWW is great! I love the direction it’s going into!

Marsius: Classic is better.

Do you ever take a moment and step back, shut up for a few seconds, and realize that no matter what trash you say, happy users will continue being happy and you’ll be sitting in a degen pit, wriggling with rage?

I’m happy with this expansion too btw. Maybe it’s you who needs to free up space on the servers.

Gimme your best clown responce.

I never said that, my guy. Retail’s all I play in the WoW sphere.

There’s a reason why this stuff like Early Access is disliked.

They’re a corporation, not your friend.

They’re not my enemy, either. But you sure treat them like so.

I still bought TWW, in fact I’m playing it now lol.

Blizzard deserves any animosity towards it, as does any corporation.

Disney, Capcom, Nintendo, Chick-Fil-A, many corporations I consume products of but that doesn’t mean I still don’t dislike the company for one reason or another.

happy tww day

Conversely, That’s a pretty accurate amount of words to admit you’re big dumb.

Hollow words becomes a hollow wallet.