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Please put extra fries in my door dash order

Door Dash is trash, pity if you actually order from them.

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Making work too busy for you, little bro?

Fixed it for you.

As much as it sets a bad precedent for WoW… it does smooth the launch experience in terms of servers. It also lets the Early Access people run head long into ‘new’ bugs before the majority does since there are always new issues when going from Beta servers to Live servers.

Early Access is basically a moneymaking (and continued development) thing a lot of companies do now. We’ve got games that spent years in Early Access now before having an ‘official’ launch release like Fortnite and 7 Days to Die. Other games like Baldurs Gate and Hades/Hades 2 do the same thing even though its more a matter of months and you can see major development changes in the time.


Lol, I’ll be there playing TWW when it actually matters, don’t you worry.

Like for real wtf is even the i in there for…?


So then the complaining is pointless other than to dunk on others who use extra money to get their fun faster? Makes sense for a mature and civilized adult to do.

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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

There’s almost no point in playing this early unless you feel the need to give Blizzard an extra $40.

In 3 days, the rest of us normies will be up there, and even then, we’re gonna hit max and having nothing/little to do.

The real meat and potatoes is the seasonal content for M+ and PvP. And that’s not coming for 2ish weeks, to give us normal folk time.

If you wanna play early, that’s cool, but you’re ultimately not doing much other than hitting 80, which can be done in like an hour.

Folks will be twiddling their thumbs or going back to non-WoW games in no time, once they’ve finished what’s available.

Until the competitive stuff arrives.

That’s why I’m disinterested in getting it this early, would be bored after a day or two.

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This isn’t early access as has been defined in the gaming sphere. This is a premium access to a launched product. Everyone else gets delayed access.

Your company sucks.


What i find funny is if you bought epic edition some people say you did it for early access forget what extra was in the deal.

the expansion is locked behind a paywall. ea is locked behind a paywall behind the paywall.


Well, the forum blocked me from reporting you, so gonna ask nicely. Please stop trolling.

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should rename this post - "This one’s for you Everyone :rofl:

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Door Dash is for brokies.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


are you aware of the coming class action? (sarcasm)See the thread posted 30 minutes ago by a cheeky gnome rogue named everyone.

no, not me lmao his name is everyone, and this post is a subtle joke about a real post by someone who is mad, not me

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Have some self respect, my god. They’re a company, not your best friend.


Nice trolling Blizzard.

Now fix Comp Stomp for level 70 and anything else not TWW you broke for ‘early access’.


It stands for This Week in WoW here, not The War Within.

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It’s absolutely saddening to see.

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