The War Within is pretty boring

It’s super boring, yes.
But it’s better than DF.


Admittedly I never put any real effort into dailies/weeklies/whatnot. I always do the bare minimum. They’re all downright boring.

Once I got full Hero it was no different with TWW. Only reason it took me so long is because M+ is genuinely harder per tier this time around. I would’ve stopped in DF S1/2/3 weeks ago with part 4/8 Champion, part Hero 1/8 this time and still be farming Mythic grade gear.

I don’t mind the difficulty changes but I do mind all the time I feel like I’ve wasted pursuing ilvl alone. An M+ 4/5 with 580 ilvl is roughly as difficult as an M+ 9/10 with 615 ilvl. Why waste our time getting there?

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I mean…DF is like a bottom 3 expansion for everything but systems imo. It’s a top 5 for systems though. TWW is also nailing the systems but for narrative purposes “better than DF” is like telling someone they are better than vanilla ice cream.

I will say the zones are better in TWW. The story is equal or worse imo.


I cant do Theater anymore if I hear that drab voice again I will punt a gnome. Things in DF made it feel more fun. Again like Yes Chief and mining for fish meat, Bring the Heat at DK we always use to laugh and be like he said the thing go go, puking while waiting for time rift boss on a pillar, planting seeds in the dream, all allowed for some much needed random toys and social emotes. Sigh…I miss it but so glad I didnt skip a single day of DF


I’ve praised DF as my third favorite expac behind TBC/Wrath (I’m a classic Andy sue me) mostly because they overhauled the base gameplay systems to make them feel fun and like an MMORPG again.

TWW feels like we’re back to weekly chore lists. It’s not anywhere as bad as SL chores, but these open world events are just so unfun that once you max to 25 there’s next to zero reason to log in outside of raid night or to push rating in a borderline dead PvP game.


It’s definitely a whimper of a start to this massive saga they were hyping.


You’re paying for the same thing you’ve been paying for for the last 4 expansions. If that’s no longer good enough for your subscription, you know what to do


First step is to talk about what you don’t like about it on the forums. Glad we’re in lockstep here.


I’ll never understand why retail only players constantly try to push people away from the game. DoNt LiKe It UnSuB, ClAsSiC iS ThAt WaY.

Like brother these are people who want to see the game grow and do well.


I would think that a person who believes that quitting is the best option when you have any complaint about something would quit reading so much of GD while futilely trying to change it.


Idk, I like it. For some reason people always forget to mention hero talents as a big xpac feature. They’ve changed the way many classes play, and IMO mostly added fun. My rotations have never felt better to press, so I’m enjoying it.

I understand that it might feel like theres not a lot to do, but I think thats mostly because there’s no grinds. Seems like theres just as much content now as there was in previous xpacs, except you dont have to grind dailies or renown. A lot of what used to consume our time on wow was forced grinding which I’m glad to be rid of.


Hero talents are pretty great ngl. Def the best feature of TWW, delves are solid too.

It’s not all doom and gloom.
I do question why they would push open world content into instanced content with delves and awakening though.


iirc awakening was originally gonna be an infinitely scaling wave encounter kind of like Brawlers Guild, but they scrapped it and gave us the mindless 3 mins of 1 shotting adds thing that we have now.

But yeah they need to better incentivize world quests beyond an optional weekly. It’s kind of annoying that they design these massive, well built zones that we stop using after preseason. Meanwhile they cram us all into siren isle for weeks, which to be nice doesn’t have the same level of attention given to it.


I’m glad I’m not alone brothers and sisters of the forums! Perhaps though the new Visions reimagined thing or something else will end up being super good. Maybe Undermine will be superb and a good lead into exposing the Coreway into the center of the world, but alas it feels like things are ‘getting there.’

Keep in mind these are shorter expansions so after Undermine there’s maybe 1 more raid and that’s it and then straight into Midnight more than likely.

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This is just untrue?

Just quit bro :clown_face:

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contrary to popular opinion, I’m glad WoW is slowing down and getting more “boring”.

Back in BFA/SL/TBCC/WrathC, I was an avid farmer. Ran all raids and keys, maxed out vault every single week on all 4-6 toons. Raided on alts. Grinded out reps and collected pets/mounts for completionism…

I’ve stopped all of that.

In Classic, I only stick to my main. Just 1 main. Zero alts.
In Retail, I only play this Brewmaster 10/11’s keys and haven’t even gotten an AOTC this tier. Haven’t set foot into Normal/Heroic/Mythic and most of LFR. Did LFR Wing 1 on release 1 time.

I’ve had the mount quest from Stonevault in my bags since like 2nd month of TWW lol

I’m not saying it’s the right way to play or you should do the same, nah nah nah, I’m just sharing my recent development in perspective. Now I dedicate like 12 hours/week on WoW and this allows me to run my 8-10 keys/week and do my guild’s Firelands clear.

And that’s it! I’m still renown 10-14 for all factions lol.


Jesus doing Classic and Retail at the same time? Hey that’s nobody’s fault but your own though! At least you had a blast grinding your heart out if that’s what you loved.

Undermine looks awful to me honestly, nothing about it is interesting in any capacity.


I have grinded the absolute :poop: out of Shadowlands. I was only missing like a few mounts and a few sets. But all toons were in 20-24’s keys. It was mental.

And then TBCC came out. So I started playing TBCC as well and raiding there lol
Then Wrath came out, but I’ve skipped DF entirely.

So now I raid in Cata and keys on retail. And that’s it. One toon for each.


So would you instead call it “The Bore Within”?